
How to Choose Your Zafu

A zafu is a round cushion with gathered sides. The curved edges allow your legs to be raised so that your knees are lower than your hips...


Chinese Balls

Meditation balls, also called Chinese Balls, Baoding Balls, or Qi Gong Balls, are two small balls that can be held in one hand...


Why Do Yoga

Over 90% of people come to yoga for flexibility, stress reduction, health and fitness...


Third Eye

The areas of the human body that are connected to the third eye are the eyes, the sinuses, the base of the skull, the temples and of course the nervous system...


How to Wear Leggings

Leggings in the form of tight pants, a tighter version of the Capri that ends at mid-calf or near the ankle, first appeared in women's fashion in the 1960s...


Crown chakra : 7th chakra

There are 7 main chakras and the crown chakra is the 7th and last of the energy centers, but that does not make it the least important...


Jade Roll

The jade rolls are a great success. Based on the principles of lithotherapy and Chinese medicine, they offer many skin benefits...


How to use the jade roll

An essential beauty accessory in Asian countries for thousands of years, the jade scroll is making a name for itself in the West...


Om mani padme hum

Mantras are short phrases, usually in Sanskrit, which are used by Buddhists, especially in the Tibetan tradition of Mahayana, to focus the mind on spiritual meaning...



No one will say the opposite, trees are majestic woody plants. It is always pleasant to admire their splendor as well as to enjoy their freshness...


Throat chakra : 5th chakra

The throat chakra is the fifth of one of the seven main ones. In Sanskrit, it is called by Vishudda chakra which means purification, center of communication and creation...


How To Use An Acupressure Mat

Resulting from the traditional Chinese medicine, the acupressure mat is an essential well-being accessory. Also known as acupuncture mat, it is ideal to relieve many everyday ailments...


Use acupressure mat

Acupressure mats are made of cotton or similar materials, with plastic acupuncture points that stimulate specific areas of the body to relieve pain....


Solar Plexus Chakra

The solar plexus chakra is an energy point that may be at the origin of your stress problems....


Karmic relationship meaning

First of all, it is important to know that this notion can be applied to friendly as well as sentimental relationships. However, karmic relationships often tend to be related to love life....


Finger Yoga

According to Chinese medicine, many meridians start or end at the fingers. Thus, the different positions and gestures induced by the Mudras can generate various benefits...


All About Tantric Massage

The idea with Tantra is therefore to weave many practices, and other spiritual styles and teachings, in order to connect with others and the universe...


Use of Yoni Eggs

The Yoni egg is made of natural stone of different varieties. The stone is polished and the egg is inserted into the woman's vagina...


Statue Of Buddha

True legend, Buddha embodies wisdom. Revered throughout the world, he inspires people with his teachings and values...


All About Mindfulness Meditation

Mindfulness meditation is a type of meditation that allows you to become completely aware of the present moment and to focus your attention on the moment...


Salt Lamp

More and more people are using the salt lamp for its powers on the human body and the home environment...


Mandala Meaning

Mandala means circle or discoid object in Sanskrit. It is a very symbolic geometric design in Hindu and Buddhist cultures...


Reiki massage

What is Reiki and what are its benefits? A Japanese therapeutic alternative, Reiki is an unconventional healing method in the same form as Tai Chi...


What is Karma ?

It is time to unravel the mysteries of a word that a majority of people use, without mastering its real meaning...


Stones Against Depression

Through lithotherapy or healing with the powers of stones, it is possible to fight against depression. Indeed, the stones diffuse a powerful energy, capable of preserving the health capital of a human being...


Burning incense sticks

Regarded as the oldest perfume in the world, incense is released by its smell, but also by the myths surrounding its use...


What is Tai-Chi

An ancestral Chinese art, tai chi differs from other types of martial arts by its principles and practices. This kind of soft gymnastics calls upon meditation and movements...

