
Benefits of Ashtanga Yoga

Looking for information about Ashtanga Yoga. In this article, I propose to answer all these questions about this style of yoga...


Vinyasa Yoga

Vinyasa is the most popular yoga in the West and one of the most practiced today...


Yoga outfit

Whether they are close to the body, brightly colored or white, for men or women, your yoga clothing should meet these three criteria...


Prenatal Yoga

Wondering if prenatal yoga is for you? Read this article to learn all about yoga for pregnant women...


Yoga exercises for beginners

Practiced in India for thousands of years, yoga has many virtues. This discipline improves breathing, flexibility, posture and balance...


Beginner yoga guide

Yoga has a meditative, physical and mental dimension that requires mental discipline, balance, flexibility and strength...


How to use yoga wheel

The yoga wheel is a narrow but wide cylinder made of plastic or wood. It can be used to deepen a stretch, to bring an imbalance or on the contrary, to provide extra support on difficult to access poses...


Yoga poses for back pain

The poses I have selected here will help you counteract this unfortunate tendency to slouch, while straightening your back and toning the muscles responsible for good posture and strengthening your sheathing...


Yoga pregnancy

Practicing yoga during your pregnancy is beneficial for your body which is constantly changing...


Morning yoga poses

Starting your day with a yoga session helps to awaken your mind and make your body more flexible...


Crow pose

The Crow posture (called Bakasana in Sanskrit) is an asana that mainly targets the abdominal strap, the arms as well as the upper back...


Chaturanga Dandasana

This yoga posture is designed to strengthen the arms, shoulders, abdomen and back muscles. It also strengthens and relaxes the wrists...


What is the best yoga mat

For many people, a yoga mat is a non-slip and padded surface that facilitates the practice of asanas in order to practice safely and comfortably...


Surya namaskar

The Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskara) is a classical yoga sequence that has been practiced every morning by millions of people in India for thousands of years...


Sarouel pants

The sarouel is more than ever fashionable AND comfortable, two reasons to try it if you are not convinced...


What does namaste mean in yoga

If you do yoga, you will almost certainly hear it at the end of each of your classes. Literally, the word can be translated as : the divine in me bows before the divine in you...



The Lotus position has the power to calm your nerves, awaken your energy and calm your mind. It is a cross-seated asana from meditative practices of ancient India...


Yoga and health

Right now, science is beginning to provide concrete clues as to how yoga works to improve health and cure certain ailments and diseases...



Doga is very fashionable in the U.S. and many poses have been adapted to suit the dog...


Chi nei tsang

The belly massage known as Chi Nei Tsang is an ancestral technique that originated in ancient Taoist China. It is considered a form of Qi Jong...


Buddha bowl recipes

Buddha bowl, sometimes called glory bowl or hippie bowl is a hearty and nutritious dish made from raw or cooked vegetables, all kinds of beans and healthy grains such as quinoa or brown rice...


Rolled oats benefits

Oats are often ignored in kitchens, wrongly so! Full of nutrients, it is also succulent when used properly...


Rhodiola stress

Rhodiola Rosea is an adaptogen, which means that it has the ability to increase the body's natural resistance to physical and emotional stress, fatigue, depression and disease...


Granola homemade

Frankly, do you know a better snack than granola? These little nuggets of sweet oatmeal with a delicious nutty taste are above all else...


Easy wok recipes

The woks'is fast, simple, deliciously efficient and offers almost infinite variations...

