
Use crystals

Crystals are true healing stones. Who has never felt a strange sensation when touching a crystal, whether it is a heat wave going through your body or a tingling sensation in your hands or arms?

All the beauty and power of the Earth is revealed to us through these crystals.

The use of crystals for their energetic properties is a very ancient practice. Each stone, each crystal has a unique vibrating signature, an energy that is unique to it and that resonates with your own energy. When this energy comes into contact with the body or is close to the body, it stimulates the feeling of calm and well-being.

A single stone can help us feel connected to the secrets of the earth we live on and the dimensions of the cosmos around us. This sense of belonging and networking is in itself a benefactor.

This is where the true power of the healing stones lies. They reconnect us to our true nature, magically connecting us to the big picture. Let's take stock!



Lithotherapy is a natural method of care using minerals. This ancestral technique is used to promote general well-being, relieve pain, calm stress, balance and harmonize the mental, emotional and physical planes, etc.

The stones and crystals act on us through their energetic radiation, i.e. the omnipresent vibrations that emanate from them. This energy, linked to matter, comes from the formation of the stone and is defined by three factors: color, crystal geometry and chemical composition. Each stone thus has its own characteristics.

Very useful for physical, mental and psychological ailments, stones also offer a wide range of possibilities in the spiritual realm.





If you have felt this strange call from the mineral kingdom, you certainly want to know more about your stones and how you can use them in your daily life.

Indeed, these small stones that our Mother Earth offers us can help us to balance our energies, clarify our thoughts and feelings, develop our abilities and encourage us to live our lives to the fullest.



One of the easiest ways to connect with crystals is through meditation. Start by holding your crystal in one or two hands while you close your eyes and focus on your breathing. You can feel your body sink deeper into the ground, creating an anchoring effect. You can feel a lightness surrounding you. Or you may not feel anything right away.

Keeping crystals on your yoga mat helps create a quiet space for you to practice. You can even place crystals on your body during savasana to encourage a deeper state of healing meditation.



Lithotherapy is an alternative medicine based on stones and minerals with vibrations and qualities that aim to relieve physical and psychic tensions.

Very powerful, some crystals are supposed to seek vital energy in the lower part of the body, and offer courage and dynamism. Or wear them as a bracelet or in your pocket, as a week-long treatment.



When sleep becomes difficult, crystals can help you. If the energy in your home is bad, it will affect the way you interact with your space and your sleep. To find or regain better quality sleep, there are several crystals used in lithotherapy. Their effectiveness depends essentially on a good use and also on a healthy lifestyle.

Placing crystals in your room will change the atmosphere of your space to make it more peaceful and calm to ensure a restful night's sleep. You can also place your crystal near your bed or slide it squarely under your pillow for a better, more restful sleep.



Known to soften electromagnetic waves, black tourmaline also allows to absorb "the overflow of polluted energies" and thus to soothe. It drains the stagnant energies that we accumulate, such as tension after an argument, by evacuating them from below. The energetic bodies are thus cleansed.

To evacuate the tensions, one can hold the stone in his hand or put it on a part of his body, to be done in a moment of calm and serenity. It also makes it possible to connect deeply with our roots to the earth to be well present.





Our daily life is full of changes, upheavals and daily misadventures... So many small disasters that can accumulate tension, stress, anger or fatigue in our bodies. And between body and mind, as we know, there is only one step. Our energy is far from being inexhaustible, so it is necessary to find a way to recharge it. This is where the chakras come into play.

If we feel that one of our chakras is in a bad position. It is always possible to put it back on its feet. And on the contrary, this imbalance will be an opportunity to take a moment for oneself and relax. In the same way that the chakras emphasize an energetic imbalance, the stones allow us to identify our blockages and to free ourselves from them.



With the evolution of new technologies, electromagnetic waves are present just about everywhere. If the technological interest increases with each passing day, unfortunately the waves produced by our computers, telephones or televisions are harmful to our health.

In addition to being very effective in blocking electromagnetic waves, crystals and precious stones can relieve the pain and discomfort associated with overexposure to the waves. These include: fluorite. This crystal is very powerful, but unfortunately it is often overlooked for its anti-wave properties. In addition, this crystal should be placed between your body and your cell phone or computer to eliminate harmful radiation.



Fear of public speaking is one of the most common phobias. By connecting to your heart, throat and solar plexus chakras, Amazonite ensures that you don't lose your cool. Amazonite is both a crystal of confidence and a crystal of intellectual intuition. It will guide you when you need to improvise and make decisions in the field about how to make conversation. Place in areas of your home or office where you want to encourage communication.



Have you decided to return to good habits? A healthy diet? More exercise? Quit smoking? No matter what your goal is, it won't be easy to break away from these old habits. You'll need to stay motivated! That's where the crystals come in.

When you give yourself goals, it can happen that you lose motivation and become negative about yourself. For example, if you tend to be hard on yourself, labradorite, with its anti-negative properties, will be a great help to emanate more softness towards yourself. Define a specific and precise intention on your crystal and use the crystal to remind you of your wish.


Using crystals is a practice of Mindfulness, as they promote a positive emotional state and improve the feeling of well-being. For example, as you reach into your pocket to pick up your Rose Quartz, you are reminded that your heart is on the path to emotional healing.

Don't deprive yourself of the energy of the stones and their fabulous ability to enchant everyday life!

