
Root chakra

The chakras allow us to distribute the energies coming from the universe in our body. The root chakra is a major chakra which is part of the 7, it is the first of the 7 chakras, and one of the 3 most important.

It is important to know that the chakras function according to cycles. Thus, the first one has a cycle of 7 years. It starts at birth and is fully active at the age of 7. Then, the second chakra starts to function, etc. These first 3 chakras will thus start to rotate one after the other until the age of 21, conditioned by the family environment or other and which will determine your adult life. This is why it is important to have a good understanding of your childhood and to be attentive to your children's environment.


Meaning of the first chakra, the root chakra

The Sanskrit term for the root chakra is Muladhara, which means the foundation or support of the foundation. It is the first chakra, it is located at the level of the coccyx, in the lower back, seat of the Kundalini. Its functioning is closely related to the sacred chakra. These chakras are very important and have an influence on all the others . The sense associated with the root chakra is the sense of smell and its mantra is the soul. Linked to rooting, it allows you to connect to mother earth. The organs and muscles connected to it go from the feet to the pelvis.

This chakra controls all feelings related to fear and trust. It is the link between mind and matter. Its symbol is the 4-petalled lotus and the metal that represents it is iron. The symbolic animal of this chakra is the elephant with seven trunks.





How does the first chakra work?

A root chakra that is well harmonized brings self-confidence, a sense of security, which comes back to the roots. You have the impression that nothing can reach you. By channelling the earthly energy that is absorbed by the feet and legs, it helps to stabilize you.

The first chakra is very much related to Karma - the sum of all previous experiences. Seat of survival expressing basic needs, it is the main root of the tree of life. It is said to be the zone of transmission of the vital instinct, so it provides you with the vital energy necessary to live. That is why fears related to lack are directly related to it and to a bad circulation of energies on this point of balance.

This is why the first chakra plays a very important role in the balance of your life. It also rationalizes because it reminds you of the material reality which obviously coincides with the concept of "here and now". It is necessary to give you the feeling of the right to exist, and the feeling of belonging to a group.

Thus, it is indeed your experience during your childhood that will condition your professional and personal orientations. With a well anchored root chakra, you will feel legitimacy in your life and above all, you will not be worried about lack, whether material or emotional. By being reassured you gain confidence and thus, you progress in your life path.


Blocked root chakra

Very often, the root chakra that does not work well is due to an excess of mind that hinders proper rooting. You worry all the time about everything, about the future or you dwell on the past.

The physical symptoms that may occur then are mainly on the lower body (from the feet to the pelvis), they are related to the first chakra. Knee pain, foot pain, kidney pain or sciatica are related to a root chakra that is not functioning properly.

You can also observe psychic manifestations such as unfounded fears, lack of confidence, in oneself or in general, insecurity, fear of lack of money, love or friends. These are signs that should make you think of a blocked root chakra. You feel like you are losing your footing, or perhaps you hear remarks from those around you saying "come back down to earth", "your head is up in the air", these are words that show that you are not rooted. You are not capturing well the energies that keep your feet on the ground.




Reasons for a blocked first chakra

The causes of the blockage can be diverse and often go back to your childhood, to what you experienced. It is not necessarily a lack of love, but perhaps the opposite of an excess.

Indeed, if you were very protected during your early childhood, it may have created anxieties in you or developed a fear of the unknown. You have not been able to experience things on your own and then everything that is foreign frightens you.

If you have always been told to be careful you can hurt yourself, don't go too far, etc., unconsciously you have encouraged fears that are unfounded and relatively abstract. This is why you have to be very careful in your interactions with your young child. Thus, leaving a baby crying alone without intervening, for example, risks leaving him/her with a deep sense of insecurity that can lead to anxiety in adulthood.

On the other hand, if you are constantly preoccupied with satisfying basic needs, you may become exhausted, which is why it is important to reactivate the circulation of energies on this point.


How to unblock the root chakra?

To live without fear, to have confidence, to have your feet on the ground, you need to work on unblocking the root chakra. It is directly linked to the earth which is its element and from which it draws its energy. It is turned downwards, it is a vertical chakra, so it brings you back to material reality.

Then, by unblocking your root chakra, you will act on your living conditions, material and on your health. Moreover, if this point of energy is not well harmonized, it is the whole of the chakras which will be upset and which will lack stability. You will not be able to heal and balance your other chakras if your root chakra is not adjusted, it must be firm and solid.

To help heal your blocked chakra, there are several techniques that you can apply very easily.



To act on this chakra and unblock it, you can practice meditation. The important thing is to visualize the color red. As with any meditation exercise, what is important is to be in full consciousness, to stay connected to what you are doing. You have to be able to chase away the parasitic ideas that come to you in a crazy way. To do this, concentrate on your breathing, go through every part of your body, from the toes to the top of your head, the idea being to anchor yourself in the present moment.





In order to allow the absorption of the bad energies that negatively affect this first chakra and that will help it to circulate correctly, you will have to use stones whose color ranges from black to red. These stones will allow to purge the aura as well as the bad energies. You can either put these stones on your body, wear them as jewelry or in your pocket. Their contact allows you to get rid of the bad energies at your root chakra. Thus, the stones that can help you to harmonize your root chakra are the following:

• Ruby;
• Garnet;
• Red jasper;
• Agate.

Generally speaking you will choose stones with a dominant red, the color related to the first chakra, but also those that go from brown to black.


The power of essential oils

Essential oils have virtues that act on a good circulation of energies. Very often soothing, they each have their own property. It is however advisable to use them well and not to exceed a certain concentration.

The ideal is not to apply them directly to the skin but rather to dilute them in a neutral oil or your usual massage cream. Thus, the power of essential oils to heal blocked chakras is also interesting. To do this, you can massage or take baths with a few drops of essential oils of cedar, patchouli and nard. These scents promote rooting.




Activities to encourage rooting

To unblock your first chakra, that of the earth, the ideal is to practice activities that will allow you to get closer to the earth - literally - such as dancing, gardening, or martial arts. Walking barefoot outside is an excellent way to reconnect directly to the earth element, especially if your chakra is very weak.


Practicing Yoga

The practice of yoga is a real blessing to reconnect and harmonize the chakras. In addition, there are postures that are particularly dedicated to opening the chakras individually.

For example, the mountain posture is one of those that will help rebalance the root chakra. This posture is interesting because it allows you to put down roots by putting you in a kind of "pause". Indeed, the daily life incites you to be perpetually in the movement, to go "forward". This yoga posture tilts your body on your heels, slightly backwards. Thus, you are obliged to observe your position backwards to maintain balance on the heels and anchor yourself in the ground. Then, the feet will be placed in full awareness of each of the support points. The idea is to visualize roots coming out of your feet and entering the ground as deeply as possible. The sensation of legs that become very hard and tingling indicates that the exchange of energy between you and the earth is going well.

Your body is, at that moment, in hyper receptivity. The goal is for you to be less in your thoughts and more present in this moment, with clear ideas.


Reaching mindfulness

When you reach full consciousness, you are truly in the present moment. It is about being here and now. To achieve this, it is necessary to use your 5 senses. Every task you do every day, your work, your household chores must be done with attention. You must avoid letting thoughts invade your mind through the future or the past, but stay as much as possible in the present moment. Being able to mobilize your senses will allow you to be hyper receptive, and above all help you to reconnect to the earth and give you a sense of security. You will thus have the feeling of having your feet on the ground, of being "well in your sneakers".



Conclusion on the harmonization of the root chakra

The need to balance your root chakra is directly related to the importance of getting the perfect balance between all your energy points. There is no doubt that a good circulation of fluids between all your chakras will lead to an excellent overall balance. The first chakra is in direct connection with the sacred chakra, the heart chakra that directs your relationships with others. It draws its strength from within and if the second chakra is not balanced, it will not be able to function properly. If you can work on each chakra individually, it is recommended that you look at all 7 major chakras as they are all intimately linked. When all of your chakras are well aligned, you are a stronger person and well grounded in life. You are ready to give to others and welcome the things in life with a lot of confidence.

Have you noticed that you often have your head in the clouds or that you are afraid for no apparent reason? Perhaps you regularly suffer from back problems or knee pain? Have you ever linked this to a problem of self-confidence?

