
Beginning guided meditation

With the daily stress of our lives, caused by many different factors, meditation has become a solution to escape this negative feeling. Indeed, this practice stemming from the Buddhist philosophy of life no longer needs to demonstrate its many benefits. But if you start meditation, perhaps you need some advice!


Tips to get started in meditation

You have chosen to start practicing Buddhist meditation, but don't know where to start, or how to meditate properly? Don't panic, there are various little tips to prepare you for this first meditation session.


Buy and read a book or meditation guide

Reading a book or a guide about meditation can be more than beneficial in helping you understand the fundamental principles of meditation. Some of them are very well done and documented, to help you understand meditation from A to Z.

Others are more focused on presenting various exercises and tips to prepare for the session. There are even some that offer guided meditation CDs. It's up to you, but it can be a great way to begin Buddhist meditation.


Choosing the right location

Of course, it is also important to make sure that you find the best possible place to meditate. Take a place where you will be sure not to be disturbed, and that you can arrange according to your mood and desires.

Also, it is more than advisable to always keep the same place to meditate. In addition, this will allow you to create your own meditation corner, with cushions, incense, a carpet, etc.


Creating a pleasant atmosphere

Generally, meditation is done in complete calm. Nevertheless, you can set a calm and natural musical background, such as so-called Zen music or various background sounds, such as birdsong or the sound of flowing water, for example.

Also, you can provide yourself with incense sticks, steam of essential oils and a wide-flame candle to increase your comfort and concentration.




A Buddhist bracelet and a comfortable outfit

To meditate, the best thing to do is to choose comfortable and ample clothing, so that you don't feel as if you are locked in your clothes.

As for the Buddhist bracelet or the Mâlâ, used correctly according to the Buddhist tradition, can greatly help you to concentrate and can even serve as an anchor. It is therefore widely recommended for a successful meditation session.


No distractions

Of course, for a successful meditation session, there should be no distractions. So turn off your cell phone or anything else that might disturb you during the session. Also, if you live with other people, warn them not to disturb you while you meditate.


Small tips during your meditation session

To get started, sit down comfortably. Although the "Lotus" suit position is the most appropriate, other positions may work well. Start by clearing your head and get rid of any negative thoughts. Find a point on which you will support your concentration during the whole session, it can be an object, like the Buddhist bracelet, a thought or an imaginary fact.

Initially, it is important to do daily sessions, even if they are short. Because you may not feel much during your first meditations, you must therefore learn how to deal with them. But very quickly you will notice significant changes. So you need to be patient and show some willpower.

Also, your breathing is important, it is even the basis of the practice. Inhale and exhale slowly, concentrating your mind on it. This will help you drive negative or frustrating thoughts away from you throughout the session.

Now try to visualize each part of your body one after the other, as if you were touching yourself from head to toe, but spiritually. After a few sessions, and when you are no longer a beginner, you may feel that there is something wrong with your body, or that a Chakra seems stuck, so you will try to draw the imaginary white light onto it, and let it radiate its warmth. This will be one of the first signs of well-being that you will finally be able to feel, with a deeper mental calm every day.

Finally, after many sessions, the benefits will be felt at any time of the day.





Meditation for a positive life

True remedy against very current ills that we have created with our societies, meditation is today acclaimed as one of the few to be free and accessible to anyone who wants to practice.

Often associated with the Buddhist religion and philosophy of life, meditation is the power of concentration that we all possess deep within us, and which allows us, by focusing our mind on a thought or an object, to deepen our senses.

This spiritual approach calls upon our internal chakras and is felt at the level of the Self and awakening.


What concretely is meditation?

Meditation is first and foremost a mental or spiritual practice that consists of focusing attention on a very specific point, previously chosen as such.

Throughout a meditation, concentration is at its peak, and the mind, even if it has a tendency to drift towards other thoughts, remains focused until it penetrates the interior of the Self to find the peace so desired.

With increasing success, the practice of meditation has almost become a very fashionable trend in the West.

Indeed, we have noticed for the last twenty years or so that many tourists who have come to visit India or Southeast Asia return enchanted and inspired by the beneficial values of Buddhism and therefore of meditation.

Moreover, it is not rare to see them wearing a meditation bracelet called Mâlâ around their wrist.





The origins of meditation

To find the first traces of a practice of meditation, we must go back to the origins of Buddhism, and therefore of Buddha himself. The history wants that all starts in the 5th century before J.C. when was born in Lumbinî in Nepal, Siddhârta Gautama.

From a happy childhood with his family to a luxurious and decadent young man's life, he discovers with amazement at the age of 29 that his life as an aristocrat is only a decoy, and that at the gates of his palace, the people are in extreme suffering due to famine and poverty.

Shocked and as if awakened from a long nightmare, he abandons all his relatives and possessions and leaves to live the life of a wandering monk, where, through his encounters, he will be "awakened" and thus become Buddha.

From there, his life will be made only of meditations and wisdom teachings to the many disciples who follow him along his path. Buddhism was born...


How is meditation practiced?

Meditation does not require any particular place to be practiced. You just need to find a space where you will be comfortable and above all serene.

Even if some people manage to practice meditation on the bus or in the queue at the supermarket, it is recommended, especially at the beginning, to be in a place where you will feel completely confident.

Afterwards, it is certain that a good meditation will be done silently, and that too much external noise can impair your concentration. A little background music can sometimes help to create an atmosphere, but we agree that it will be difficult to meditate on Metallica for example.

Other tricks can be used to set the necessary atmosphere for a meditation.

Thus, candles and scented incense can be lit. The ringing of bells is also recommended, as well as the sound of running water, because both have a special appeal that suits concentration during your meditation.

To be in total harmony with your body, it is advisable to lie down, or sit in a suit, like the Indians, with both hands on your knees.

Closed eyes are recommended to better face yourself, and regular breathing will be necessary for any concentration. Here you are, let your thoughts drift on your breathing, and let yourself go, your meditation can begin.




The benefits of meditation

It has been proven for many years that meditation has beneficial effects on our health.

Even though we are all different, and we all react differently to treatments and remedies, it is guaranteed that each of us will experience positive effects after only a few sessions of meditation.

Although spiritual, and therefore not conventioned by so-called traditional medicine, many doctors nowadays recommend meditation sessions to their patients as a complement to medical treatment.

For meditation, beyond playing an essential role against stress, improves the quality of life of those who practice it. By restoring confidence in one's ego, and thus by reaffirming oneself to others, by evacuating anxiety and insomnia, or by encouraging communication, the practice of meditation is essential for those who wish to live serenely, in harmony and harmony with themselves.

But meditation also favors many more conventional ailments, by strengthening your immune system and actively participating in your self-healing. By also resourcing all your internal chakras which are also directly linked to your mind.



As we have just seen, meditation is therefore essential to better face the daily hazards of a life that is not always so simple.

By giving yourself a small 15-minute break every day, you can let yourself go for a deep reflection that will have a radical positive impact on your behavior in the face of the hard knocks we all have to face.

Suddenly, you will feel much more spiritually "awake" and have a new appetite for life. In peace and serenity.

