
Yoni egg meaning

Originating from the Chinese tradition of thousands of years, the yoni egg is now popular in the West. It must be said that its virtues are not to be neglected. Indeed, it promises to the women a greater tonicity of the perineum. It also allows to dissipate the pains of menstruation. Finally, it contributes to attenuate the urinary leaks and the symptoms of the menopause.

Moreover, and it is there an important point, the egg of yoni contributes to the blooming of sexuality. Indeed, at any age, the female intimate pleasure will be increased as well as a vital energy.

But beyond that, the yoni egg will contribute to a release of confidence, energy and alleviate certain traumas. We make the point on what it is necessary to know on the egg of yoni!



The yoni egg is an ovoid object made of precious or semi-precious stones that is placed inside the vagina.

The word "yoni" comes from Sanskrit, an ancient Indo-European language, and means sacred space, namely the entire female genitalia. The yoni is the counterpart of the linguam, the phallic symbol of the male.

According to traditional Chinese medicine, the yoni is the seat of the creative force, of the feminine energy. But more generally it is the temple of an inner knowledge with its memories, traumas and energies.

Also, in this Chinese tradition, the yoni egg allows the liberation of inner energies and access to a blossoming. It is important to remember that this liberation is not external but within us.





The yoni egg is also called "energetic egg" in reference to the effects of stones on the body in a lithotherapy vision.

As you know, lithotherapy is based on the fact that stones also bring benefits thanks to the energies they release. They thus make it possible to dissolve the blockings in the body.

Thus, the pink quartz egg brings softness, spiritual love, as well as the healing of emotional and sexual blockages. The practice of the Yoni egg comes from the Chinese taoist tradition.

It is known that this practice was initially reserved for the wife of the Emperor of China and her concubines. This, in order to keep an excellent health and a control of their genitals.

The main goal was to satisfy the emperor's greatest pleasure.

Moreover, the Yoni egg was also a way for women to assert their femininity, their Yin polarity in relation to the Yan (male principle) of the emperor during their sexual relations.

Moreover, Taoist monks constantly sought the optimal uses of energy (Chi), the balancing of Yin and Yang polarities and the best ways to stimulate them.

These Taoist teachings have been imported to the West through the practices of Tai-chi and Chi-Kong.





In order to understand what the yoni egg can bring in terms of energy, we need to go back for a moment to the physiology of the perineum. The latter is the set of muscles of the pelvic floor. Its role is to support the organs of the pelvis. One of its main functions is to ensure urinary and anal continence. The perineum also has a role in the notion of sexual pleasure.

In addition, the perineum is often put to the test during a woman's life. Pregnancy, childbirth, bad posture and the practice of certain sports are all examples.

If this muscle weakens, the consequences are incontinence, vaginal dryness, decreased libido and pelvic pain. In the most serious cases, this weakness can lead to organ descent.

But fortunately, the perineum can be re-toned very quickly if it is worked on. Thus, we see the usefulness of the yoni egg in this work.



We remind it, the first use of the egg is to mitigate a loss of vaginal tonicity. But building up the muscles of the perineum also helps to promote sexual pleasure. Indeed, a toned perineum allows both partners to experience more pleasure during intercourse.

Finally, the yoni egg can help after childbirth. Indeed, three months after a childbirth, the egg can also come in support during the rehabilitation of the perineum with medical interveners.

Indeed, the egg is an additional help and is not there to replace a medical perineal rehabilitation.



The yoni egg should not be confused with geisha balls. First, these two objects are not made of the same materials. Geisha balls are most often made of plastic or silicone. Second, geisha balls are spherical in shape and contain a ball that moves with the body's movements, creating vibrations.

In both cases, it is possible to add small weights, but this is not a practice that is recommended.

Whether it is for yoni eggs or geisha balls, it is important to know the difference and the functions of these objects. If necessary, you should consult a specialist or a midwife.






In concrete terms, you must first choose the size of the egg. The egg exists in three sizes (small, medium and large) and measures 4 to 5 cm high and 2.5 to 3.5 cm wide.

The size of the egg should be chosen according to the tone of the perineum. However, it is recommended to start with the medium size.

As a general rule, a small egg is suitable for women who are very athletic, teenagers and women with a hypertonic perineum.

On the other hand, a larger egg will be well suited to women suffering from incontinence. Or to those who have had several vaginal deliveries.

Then, certain precautions are to be taken before launching out in the practice of the egg of yoni. It is not recommended to use it after a childbirth, during menstruation or if you feel pain during the insertion.

First of all, you have to take time with your egg before deciding to insert it. Then, assume a squatting or lying position to use the egg.

It is important that you are relaxed in your vagina so that the egg can enter easily. Let it in slowly, and try to suck it in gently with your perineal muscles. When the yoni egg is inside, move it with your internal muscles, up towards the uterus and then down.

At the same time, match your breathing to this inner movement. To remove it, kneel down with your chest straight or slightly forward, and with the breath push it down.

We remind you that in this practice, the greatest hygiene is essential.

The egg must be well cleaned with soap and dried with a clean towel. The eggs being polished, they are not very sensitive to the various bacteria.

On the other hand, it is not recommended to wear it all day or all night.





These virtues are physical, sexual and psychic. Indeed, commonly used, the yoni egg has many benefits.

These benefits are physical. The exercises allow to tone up the perineum, to avoid organ descent, to regulate menstrual cycles and to relieve painful periods.

The practice is also effective for the preparation to the childbirth or the rehabilitation, post-partum. Moreover, it would help to detect the presence of a fibroid.

Its benefits are also felt at the sexual level. Indeed, the toning induced by the yoni egg allows to intensify the orgasms, to make them more voluptuous for the man and for the woman.

The practice also allows, according to the numerous testimonies collected by Lilou Macé in her book "The Yoni Egg, the feminine revealed and liberated", to develop self-confidence, to bring softness and benevolence, to release creative energies and memories of the past.

Moreover, the action of the yoni egg also allows a good circulation of this vital energy in the body. It regulates hormones, activates nerves and blood flow and stimulates the immune system.

In short, the yoni egg has multiple benefits for health and physical, sexual and mental development.

Thus, practiced by women for thousands of years in Asia, the yoni egg is beginning to conquer the practices in the West. In view of its multiple benefits, the yoni egg should seduce more and more women.



If the use of the yoni egg does not pose any problems for the vast majority of women, it is important to point out some contraindications.

Do not practice the yoni egg if you are pregnant! After giving birth, you should consult your midwife or doctor to get their advice on this use.

Remove the egg immediately if you feel any discomfort.

Do not use the egg if you have a vaginal or bladder infection or if you are menstruating.

