
Why start yoga

If you've never really practiced yoga in your life, if at all, here's an article that should give you a heads-up. Regular practice of yoga greatly improves mental, emotional and physical health. Not to mention the spiritual benefits.

Regular practice of Yoga results in a greater flow of Prana into your body, it creates more space and more physical and energetic strength. All systems of the body are then much better irrigated by this vital energy which can be largely trapped through the body depending on your negative emotions and poor lifestyle.

We have listed the reasons why you should start yoga :


1. You are agitated

You can't stand still and you're always "doing something", in short you can't hold still. Even in your moments of relaxation you can't do it, you always "need to do something". And when it's not physically, it's your mind running at full speed!

By practicing Yoga you will discover simple relaxation techniques to help you become aware of your stress, but above all to let go and become in tune with the "here and now".


2. You have trouble sleeping

It's time to sleep and yet your mind gets carried away with uncontrollable thoughts? You can't fall asleep or stay asleep because your mind is spinning balloons.

Conclusion you are chronically tired because you can't manage to do "your hours". And even when you finally manage to fall asleep, your sleep is not as restorative as it once was... Once again, Yoga can help you.


3. You have bad posture

Many of us have office jobs that require us to sit for hours and hours in front of a computer screen. It is therefore normal to have poor posture and back pain in various places. In fact, it is almost inevitable that you will have trouble maintaining your spine straight for 8 hours a day.

Yoga cultivates strength and flexibility, which allows for proper alignment. Yoga also helps with body awareness, so that you will be able to recognize when you are going to slouch again and correct the pull in the moment.


4. You can't make up your mind

Even for the smallest things, you are completely undecided. This annoys everyone around you, but it only makes you doubt your decision-making abilities even more. Yoga focuses on opening your mind to pure thoughts and clear intentions, so that your goals are not clouded by your imbalances and confusion. As a result, you will feel more in control and confident.


5. You can't control your emotions

You overreact to everything. Your responses are totally out of proportion to the situation and you find yourself screaming, crying and not being able to manage your emotions?

These responses are clearly the result of a lack of inner peace. Yoga can calm your nerves, release tension and connect you to the fundamental knowledge that nothing is permanent. And yet, that is the reality of things.




6. Your whole body is stiff

As soon as you get out of bed, nothing can shake the stiffness that envelops your body. Bending over, turning over quickly seems painful or at least it doesn't happen easily, the body is like in plaster.

The older we get, the more important it is to stay flexible. Yoga postures stretch your muscles and help you move with more flexibility, grace and agility. And frankly, it's really nice to regain some flexibility. You feel younger, more alert and more energetic.


7. You are easily distracted

Can't keep your attention on one thing? Completing tasks seems like an impossible task. A project at work? It takes three times longer than expected.

Yoga incorporates concentration techniques, from balancing on one leg to adapting breath to movement, which helps you learn to keep your mind focused and sharp.


8. Your breathing is irregular

Sometimes you realize that you don't breathe for a few moments, or you notice that your breathing is very shallow. Yoga helps you focus on your breathing, paying special attention to deep breaths.

Lungs are like balloons. The more you incorporate deep breathing, the more they will be able to expand to hold more air. More lung capacity equals deeper breaths, which makes the mind calmer.


9. You avoid social situations

Nowadays, feeling good about yourself is a feat. Indeed, in today's society, we constantly create images of "perfection" in order to appear "good" to others, and especially to appear what we are not.

But yoga is about letting go of your ego and feeling comfortable with who you are. And when you let go of your mind, the confidence that comes with it will encourage you to interact in a group and allow you to relax better in these situations (including attending a yoga class!).


10. You choose unhealthy coping mechanisms

When conditions are difficult, you turn to food and alcohol to mask your imbalances? Perhaps you drown your sorrows by eating unhealthy food or perhaps you overindulge a bit in drinks at aperitif time?

At times like these, ask yourself how these habits help your body in the long run. Also ask yourself if it simply helps you, because in the end it only helps you to forget "an unhealthy being" for a short time.

Yoga is a practice that views health and happiness as a lifelong journey - and what journey could be more important than that?!


11. You have difficulty communicating your emotions to others

As soon as someone tries to ask you questions or to better understand your problems, you close yourself off. Are you unwilling to open up and share your feelings for fear of being judged?

Yoga is about awareness and authenticity. It teaches you to go beyond your comfort zone to a place of peace and truth.

If you can identify with any of these signs, try not to look at it as a chore, an inconvenience or some kind of punishment. Being aware of what you need and taking the necessary steps to get there is the most important thing you can do for yourself!

Yoga is a total indulgence and leads you to perfect yourself from within.

