
The bodhi tree buddhism

The Bodhi tree, also known as the tree of enlightenment, is a tree where Siddhartha Gautama remained in meditation for 49 days.

Nowadays, this famous tree is known as the religious center by people who study botany, it belongs to the family of Moraceae, because it is a species of fig tree. Today, the tree, which is said to be the tree where Buddha meditated, is the Bodhgaya and is a direct descendant of this tree 2500 years ago.


The Bodhi tree as a symbol

The bodhi tree is known as the tree of life, where its roots are the origin of all actions, three of these roots are healthy and represent love, wisdom and love, the other three roots are unhealthy and represent illusion, hatred and greed.

The trunk of the Bodhi tree symbolizes the shape of things around us, sensations, perception, mental form and consciousness; these terms stimulate people's senses such as taste, sight, touch, smell, hearing, which are managed by the body and mind. For this reason, meditation must center the body and mind.

The branches of the leaves represent the results of all the actions that are done in life.

By seeing what they represent, you can get an idea of why things happen to the person, which is actually by the decisions they make that are the cause of the whole moment in a person's life.


As Buddhism is more a philosophy of life because they do not believe in the gods or creators of the universe, this does not affect any religion, it does not mean that there are no religions based on Buddhism. For this reason, the bodhi tree does not affect any religion is only an idea of life, especially since in regions based on Buddhism, the bodhi tree is something important to do some rite or worship specific to the religion.




History of the Bodhi Tree

It is said in Buddhism that Prince Siddhartha Gautama fasted for a long time, until he managed to eat the milk and honey that a young woman offered him. After his light meal, he sat under the Bodhi tree, where he remained for 49 days meditating.



Gautama Buddha

In itself, the real name of Gautama Buddha is Siddhartha Gautama, was a prince who belonged to the Sakyas clan, this prince was born in India between the years 563 and 483 BC. He got the name of Buddha because Siddhartha reached enlightenment by meditating for 49 days.

The story of Buddha Guatama

Guatama Buddha was the son of the king of Sakya, a kingdom in the southern Himalayas, the original name of this prince as already mentioned above, is Siddharta Gautama.

Siddhartha escaped from the palace where he lived to see how his father's subjects suffered from hunger, poverty and disease.

Seeing all this suffering, Siddhartha wanted to understand what Buddha meant under the life of the tree and what the suffering was due, so at the age of 29 he ran away from home to seek answers to their doubts.

But Gautama never had the answer to his doubts and suffered only from hunger with no result. Then she met a young woman who offered her milk and honey to regain her strength.

After eating, she sat under a fig tree where she meditated for several weeks and understood the meaning of life. After that, he taught her how to learn and shared his knowledge with her.

Importance of Buddha Guatama

Buddha Guatama is important because his teachings have lasted through time, not only because he is one of the people who have attained enlightenment, but because even today's sun preserves and practices their beliefs.

The stories and speeches of Buddha Guatama, which have become important documents for Buddhism, are still preserved.

Religious Enlightenment

Religious enlightenment is the moment when a person reaches the point of perfect wisdom, which does not mean that a person comes to know all the knowledge of the universe, but it is the moment when a person comes to understand all that exists around him, that he has the ability to understand himself as a person and is known as such, to the point where he really knows what he needs. Moreover, when a person really knows himself, he has the tools to get out of any emotional bad moment.




How to obtain enlightenment?

To attain enlightenment, one must always meditate, not give oneself fully to the problems of the day or think that the only important thing are the duties that must be done, one must take the time to be with oneself and attain one's own enlightenment.

The teaching that emerges: The teachings that are published are those that help to overcome pain and suffering and that reason the truths of Buddhism.

Truths that Buddhism creates: What Buddhism takes into account is that the person must know where so much suffering comes from and not think that it is normal in our lives.

Buddhism tells four very certain truths that people should take into account:

Life is suffering: life is suffering because one suffers many painful things throughout life, such as being born, not having what one wants so much, getting sick, not doing what one loves so much, dying, everything that is suffering, that's why life is called suffering.

Suffering is linked to human emotions: as it is painful not to have what we want so much or to lose what we love the most, we say that suffering and emotions are united.

We let pain dominate us: To avoid this, we must follow the path of enlightenment to overcome this stage of pain.

We must overcome the pain and learn from it: What we must do is understand why we suffer, think that knowledge leaves this stage, do the activities that help to overcome the pain and always meditate so as not to fall into the depths of emotions.

