
Stones for sleep

Are you looking for sleep stones? Fatigue, insomnia, nightmares, difficulty falling asleep or sleeping too lightly are among the daily ailments experienced by millions of people when it's time to sleep. Lack of sleep over the long term can be dangerous for your health, so it is necessary to deal with the problem effectively. Lithotherapy offers gentle solutions to improve the quality of your sleep. Discover, in this article, the 3 best stones for sleep.


Sleep is good for your health!

According to some studies, we spend almost a quarter of our lives sleeping. Sleep is essential to our lives, since it is during this time of physical inactivity that our body recovers from the events of the day and our brain integrates all the teachings we may have received. Sleeping well is good for our health: it strengthens our immune system, we feel less depressed and have more motivation to do what we need to do every day. However, experts have recently shown that the French sleep less and less. The fault lies with the screens, work, mental workload and existential anxieties... we sleep less, less well, and this is not without consequences for our mental and physical health.

Sleep disorders are numerous. Between people who manage to sleep, but who wake up just as tired because their body has not rested, those who have nightmares and those who are prone to insomnia: it is time to find a solution. There is no secret, a large part of sleep disorders comes from emotional discomfort. Difficulties in your personal or professional life, a strong tendency to stress and anxiety are factors that affect the quality of your sleep.

To try to sleep well, we advise you to use natural methods. Of course, if the problem is serious, have a health care professional follow you and refer you for further examination. However, natural methods such as herbal teas, meditation or the use of sleep stones are an accompaniment that should not be neglected. As we are fervent followers of natural methods and especially lithotherapy to prevent and soothe our daily ailments, we have concocted a top 3 of the best sleep stones for you.



Amethyst is a stone very famous in lithotherapy for its soothing action. Its various qualities in connection with the Coronal Chakra and the Chakra of the 3rd Eye make it a stone of choice to spend sweet nights.

The modern life we lead is stressful. The high energetic vibration of Amethyst plays a beneficial role on this stress. Your mind and your energies are relieved to give way to a great clarity of mind, thanks to the action of the amethyst on the 3rd Eye.

Moreover, this hot stone supports the passages between the conscious and the unconscious, allowing you to fall easily in a deep sleep, devoid of stress and anguishes. The mind is soothed, your self-awareness is increased and this almost meditative state promotes falling asleep. In this deep sleep, it is also not uncommon to have more dreams. Amethyst also combats nightmares (often symptomatic of deep anxieties) and promotes dreams.

If you wish to use amethyst as a sleeping stone, we advise you to use an amethyst pyramid, placed on your bedside table. The large druses or spheres, whose action is likely to be disproportionate, are to be avoided.





Blue Calcite

If you suffer from insomnia, blue calcite can also be an option to get back to sleep. Although less effective than amethyst, this soft and soothing stone is best known for its anti-stress action. As we have already said, stress is the main cause of sleep disorders and especially insomnia. When you fall asleep, your brain goes into a tumult of existential questions and, prey to stress, you enter a vicious circle that prevents you from finding sleep.

Calcite blue is the ideal solution for this kind of problem. Indeed, the stone favors the return to oneself, to introspection, while calming negative thoughts and tensions. Thus, the glance which you carry on yourself and your actions is clearer, more benevolent. You put your guilty mind on pause in order to be able to find sleep.

For optimal use, do a meditation with blue calcite before going to sleep. The cumulative action of meditation and the stone will relieve your tensions of the day. During the day, calcite favours communication and gently loosens tongues. This action is also beneficial for the quality of your night because by communicating better with your interlocutors, you free yourself from the weight of the unsaid, misunderstandings and doubts that can mark your day.



To finish this top 3 sleeping stones, we would like to draw your attention to the devices we use every day. Our telephones, computers, televisions, internet boxes and other household appliances are so much a part of our daily life that we forget that they all emit waves. These electromagnetic waves have a direct influence on our body. Indeed, the waves create tension in our muscles and can also short-circuit our energies. When it's time to sleep, we become very receptive to these waves that accumulate and this can disturb our sleep.

Fluorine is an important stone to have at home because it has the capacity to absorb these electromagnetic waves, in addition to negative energies. In other words, it is a protective stone that promotes sleep. If you have electronic devices in your room (TV, computer, internet...), place a fluorite pyramid right next to it. This will improve your sleep.



To conclude, amethyst, blue calcite and black fluorite are three stones good for sleep. If you suffer from sleep disorders, if you have difficulty falling asleep or if you have nightmares, use these stones to heal these ailments and fall into the arms of Morpheus more easily.

