
Spiritual awakening

Have consciousness and spiritual awakening become a form of fashion? More and more people find themselves following spirituality as an advanced form of self-actualization.

Without further ado, we will get started because this subject is as exciting as it is revealing!


What is spiritual awakening?

In truth, there are no simple answers because it means different things to different people.

Some people believe that spiritual awareness is closer to nature. Others believe that it is a profound inner change in their thoughts and way of being. Others believe it is a better understanding of life. Spiritual awareness means that people begin to think of themselves less as individuals, but more as part of a larger system. They recognize that all things come from the same source and share a connection. Spiritual awareness can also be described as an increase in consciousness.

You need to examine your own thoughts, feelings, and experiences for a true understanding of spiritual awareness. But thinking in this way, does it mean that some spiritual consciousness would be asleep?

Well, you should know that consciousness is always awake, but the level may be different for different people. It is important that people seek to connect the conscious to the subconscious and to increase their spiritual consciousness.

On the other hand, some belief systems say that a person rarely reaches full consciousness, but that he or she becomes conscious by taking small steps on the path to full consciousness. Levels of awareness can vary depending on where a person is on the path to consciousness.





How to awaken one's spiritual awareness?

Spiritual awakening is a prerequisite that a person must faithfully fulfill. This includes the regular study of religious or spiritual scriptures and the implementation of these principles. The application of these principles in life is more important because without it no spiritual awakening will occur.

Spiritual awakening is a process that takes time and that is why many aspirants abandon it. To achieve this, the aspirant must follow spiritual principles scrupulously. One must strive to continue to grow spiritually even if one has achieved spiritual enlightenment. Below are some of the skills that must be developed in the process of spiritual awakening:


The regular practice of meditation connects us to the super-conscious realm that communicates its divine attributes to us. Regular meditation and prayer are powerful methods for achieving spiritual evolution.

Learning to give to receive

It is a universal law in the field of spirituality, what we give to others will come back to us. For example, if we give love to others, we will also receive it. If we give happiness to others, we will receive it too. So let's give more of what we lack in order to receive more of it. Giving and receiving connects our selves with others' selves, which means that we connect to the divine realm.



Not being in judgment to free your mind

Before beginning this point, I strongly advise you to read the "Four Toltec Agreements". Indeed this book is fundamental in the learning of spiritual awakening.

We are often in the process of judging people, events or situations as a result of our past experiences and conditioning. Because of these comparisons, there is much internal dialogue in our minds, which is expressed in opinions and perspectives.

This causes a lot of stress and unhappiness in us when our judgments do not match our criteria. If we intentionally stop making judgments, we may reduce the internal dialogue in our minds.

And, therefore, we can create an inner silence by not judging, which in turn will reduce our stress. When we develop inner silence, we communicate with cosmic silence to draw divine qualities from the super-conscious realm.

The Art of Silence

The daily observation of silence over a period of time will give us the mental strength to reduce the number of thoughts produced by the mind. The more we speak, the more thoughts we create in our dialogues. If we talk less, we will create less inner dialogue, which translates into dialogue with others.

When there is less inner dialogue, there is more inner silence, which is a prerequisite for communication with the cosmic silence of super-consciousness. In order to attain the divine qualities, one must be in communion with the super-consciousness, which will strengthen one's consciousness.

At the beginning, short periods of silence can be observed, which can be increased according to the progress made. When one becomes skilled enough to observe such periods of silence, one can have much longer periods, for hours and days.


Is there a limit to spiritual awakening?

Spiritual awakening occurs when a person undergoes a dynamic change in consciousness in which they no longer identify with the body. The person still identifies with the soul even though he or she performs all functions and activities with the body. Such a person always has the attitude of a detached observer. Nothing can touch the individual emotionally, because such a person has emotions of love, empathy and compassion for all.

The person always maintains balance and is content with any situation, always keeping in mind that everything that happens in life is his wish and is beneficial to him. The process of spiritual growth is endless and continues even after the realization of spiritual awakening. Spiritual awareness is a gradual process. There is much to learn about oneself and the world. The process cannot be rushed or forced, so great patience is required.

Furthermore, it is beneficial to seek awareness and enlightenment, but not at the expense and neglect of other activities. Make sure you lead a full life and be patient. Take steps to prepare yourself to receive knowledge and wisdom. Sometimes, the more aggressive the awareness, the more difficult it becomes to achieve spiritual enlightenment.

Live the life you want to live. Live it for others, but not for others. Stop worrying about what society expects of you. Don't bend to society's demands if they are not true to your convictions.

This is how we grow and strengthen our spirituality!


Recognizing our spiritual awakening

Now a question may remain unanswered, can we recognize a spiritually awakened person? Once this process has begun, can we notice any changes?

It is still different for each individual. Those who are more aware have a greater understanding, compassion and respect for the world and everything in it. They are able to overcome feelings of greed, hatred, jealousy, resentment and despair. They are calmer, more at peace and understand the purpose of their lives. As a result, spiritual awareness can have a positive impact on health by reducing the risk of suffering from stress and depression.

But I am going to list a few signs so that you can also observe them in your own home and see the change taking place:

Vividness, harmony and connectivity

One of the signs of spiritual awakening is a sense of vitality. For the awakened person, there are no inanimate objects. Even natural phenomena that are not biologically alive and synthetic objects shine with this radiant energy.

The Encounter of a New Self

When we experience spiritual awakenings, a common sign is that our inner life changes. There is a change in the way we feel inside, in our psychological experience. This change changes us so profoundly that, in a general sense. We feel as if we have a new identity.

We adopt a new identity as the waking autonomic system takes shape and replaces the old sleep system. In cases of progressive spiritual awakening, this change of identity occurs very slowly, as the old self-system is reconstituted in a different form.

Inner Silence

Spiritual awakening leads to a dramatic reduction in the inner noise of our conversations. This chatter of thoughts is so much a part of our experience that many of us take it for granted. It disturbs our inner world, causing negative thoughts and emotions. It disconnects us from the essence of our being, constantly reinforces our ego identity and strengthens our sense of separation.

Empathy and compassion

This sense of connection is closely related to the high levels of empathy and compassion associated with spiritual awakening. When we are connected to other beings - animals and the natural world as well as human beings - we can feel what they feel, feel what they feel. If they are suffering, we feel it and feel the impulse to comfort them or try to ease their pain. We are touched by the pain of others because there is no separation between our being and theirs.

Empathy, in its deepest sense, is the ability to feel with others by experiencing a shared sense of being with them. This ability to feel with other beings generates compassion and love.




Well-being is perhaps the most obvious symptom of the spiritual awakening generated by vigilance. Awakened individuals may not live in a state of complete uninterrupted bliss, but they are generally much more satisfied than others.

One of the major sources of this well-being is the release of the psychological discord that afflicts human beings in our sleeping state: the usual anxiety about the future, feelings of negativity about the past, and a general feeling of unease. People who are spiritually awake are much less prone to negative states such as boredom, loneliness and dissatisfaction.

Authentic relationships

In some cases, friends and relatives feel the new authentic lifestyle of spiritually awakened people and interpret it as selfishness.

This contributes to relationship problems that may arise after spiritual awakening. In general, awakened individuals feel that their relationships deepen and become more fulfilling. The authenticity of their lifestyle is also expressed in more authentic relationships. Relationships deepen for awakened individuals in part because of their increased empathy and compassions. This means that they become more tolerant, more understanding and less critical.

Because of a certain degree of spiritual enlightenment, awakened individuals are less likely to react with hostility and animosity and less prone to conflict.

An intensified perception

In the waking state, the perception is vivid and direct. Spiritually awakened people see the world in a very childlike way. They are struck by the wonders, beauty and complexity of phenomena that others take for granted and do not pay much attention to. One of the signs of spiritual awakening is that the world is a more fascinating and beautiful place for them.

This intensity of perception is sometimes felt as an openness to experience or, in slightly different terms, an increased sensitivity. It is as if the filters have been removed, which has the effect of creating more impressions and affecting us more powerfully.

Importance of the present moment

Another symptom of spiritual awakening is that it also brings a different perception of time or, one could say, a change in the orientation of time.

The past and the future become much less important, and the present becomes all the more important. Awakened individuals spend much less time remembering past experiences or recounting past events. They spend less time looking into the future, dreaming about future events. Instead, they focus on their current experience, the environment they are in, the people they are with, and the feelings and impressions they experience.

For some people, this increased presence leads to a sense of time expansion. Time seems to open up, slow down, or even disappear. This sign of spiritual awakening is the sense of the eternal now sometimes described by mystics, when past, future and present merge.


How to dissociate reality from illusion?

From the point of view of the mind, a spiritual awakening offers you a clearer understanding of what is real versus what is illusion. You perceive many things that are invented, and when you do, almost everything in society is invented.

The initial awakening may not be overwhelming for everyone. It may be more gradual as the individual begins to see how he or she has adopted a certain lifestyle, has decided that some things are important and some things are not, and so on. But waking up means giving up false beliefs about what you thought life was all about.

This is how the mind often perceives a spiritual awakening. Remember that awakening will affect everything: your heart, your body, and your energy.


Testimonies of spiritual awakenings

To end this article, I will share with you some special cases. Although these people are different, you will see how personal development can change a person.

Spiritual Awakening 1
" A 22-year-old woman, about to graduate, seized the opportunity to work abroad following an internship as part of her studies. Although she liked the job she was doing, she had developed a burn-out that she had never suspected. It was after 2 years that the burn-out appeared, a real blow for a very hard-working person.
She then came across a professional opportunity advising the practice of personal development, and very soon she turned to spirituality. With time, she felt much more attuned to her inner self, stronger and able to take up any challenge. But that's not all, her spiritual awakening allowed her to improve her relationships, to determine what were the toxic energies preventing her from moving to the next level, not to mention the new encounters she made along the way.
Thus, she became aware that her body was only magnetism, and that it could also become a magnet of attraction as well as repulsion
. "

Spiritual Awakening 2
" This sharing will concern the sentimental domain. A man in his thirties, married for more than 10 years and with children had everything for him: an excellent financial situation, beautiful trips and a circle of trusted friends. However, all this was only a golden prison since he hid within him a deep-seated uneasiness whose wounds existed at the dawn of his majority.
Throughout his life, he never sought to heal this wound. On the contrary, he decided to hide them in the hope of forgetting them and drowning them in a living environment as soft as cotton. With time he realized the extent of the damage caused by such a wound and realized that he was not happy. Although it took him some time to realize this, he discovered spirituality through a friend.
Over time, he realized that his expectations as an individual were not the same as they were 10 years ago, and that he was struggling to live a life that no longer suited him. As he opened his eyes, it became clear to him that his marriage was coming to an abrupt end, and that maintaining this toxic environment would only leave his children with a legacy of injury. So he made the decision to divorce, amicably and respectfully. His wife shared and accepted the separation, and both lived happy lives, but in different directions with new opportunities.
If an emotional wound is left untreated, it will follow you throughout your life and feed off your energy. Become aware of your inner self and allow time to listen to it, the key is always there where you don't expect it
. "


Conclusion on spiritual awakening

This article is coming to an end, hoping that it may accompany you in your quest for inner peace. Spiritual awakening and self-awareness is a much deeper process than it seems: It will require a great deal of strength, but also courage, before you reach a threshold of complete serenity.

However, as soon as you decide to take the plunge, you will be able to see some results that will bring you personal satisfaction. Adopting a healthy lifestyle, watching your diet and going to the gym every day will only soften what you see in the first place. So keep your life simple. However, keep in mind that a wounded soul and spirit will always make a person internally unhealthy.

In conclusion, the awakening of one's own consciousness is a wonderful thing that everyone should experience. Beyond the spiritual dimension, it allows man a natural elevation nourished by his own psychic force. Thus, the human being is a formidable species with multiple capacities when he knows how to become aware of it.

