
Infinity sign meaning

It is worn on the skin, like a tattoo, and on the body, like a jewel. We wear it in many artistic representations, we paint it, we display it, we print it. It is also used in mathematics. Infinity, this symbol that has no limits, is more than a simple graphic diagram. It is full of many meanings, as much on spirituality as on religion and beliefs. Explanations.


Definition and origin of the Infinite sign

The sign of infinity is a drawing represented by an elongated 8, slightly stretched on each side, resembling the shape of a snake. The symbol would come from the progressive deformation of the Greek letter Omega which is used to symbolize the endless end. Its geometrical appearance is reminiscent of a curve composed of a continuous line that intersects in the middle.

Etymologically, the word Infinite comes from the Latin word "Infinitus" which means "without limits". That is to say immortal, something that is made to last a lifetime, something that has begun and cannot end.

The symbol of infinity is better known as a mathematical symbol. It was originally used for the first time in 1655 by the mathematician John Wallis in his book Mathematics of Conic Sections. At that time it seemed that the mathematician had found it in Ancient Rome. John Wallis used this symbol to express a large number 1000. On the other hand, it is only around 1713 that the mathematical symbol was made public thanks to the mathematician Jacques Bernoulli. He is the best known author of Bernoulli's famous Lemniscate. Etymologically, the lemniscate means "ribbon".

Other origins have attributed to this symbol of eight inverted, a mystical dimension, revealing beliefs or spiritual meanings. Some researchers have assigned this symbol to the Indian civilization. The reversed 8 would be stemming from the Vishnu deity. This God had as a pet, a snake named Ananta which rolled up on itself recalling the symbol of Lemniscate. In each culture and each civilization, the 8 lying down of the infinite has a completely different dimension than mathematics.





The sign of infinity in many civilizations

According to many earlier civilizations, the sign of infinity would have already existed for several thousand years. It was already present in the great civilizations of Mesopotamia, among the Greeks, Hindus and many others. The number 8 was symbolic in many cultures and religions, since it is considered a sacred number. Moreover, it is present everywhere.

In the Indian civilization

In India for example, the infinite sign refers to the god Shiva who had 8 arms. It also refers to the 8 rules of conduct and the 8 vows pronounced by Buddhist monks.

In Chinese civilization

The infinity symbol represents the 8 petals of Lotus. This flower is considered sacred in China. But it also represents the 8 paths of the Tao or the 8 pillars of Ming-Tang. These are events and characters that have marked the history of China.

In the Jewish religion

For Kabbalists, this sign represents the eight gates of the Temple of Jerusalem. The eighth gate could be opened only by the messiah.

In the Islamic religion

In Islam, we also speak of eight gates that open onto a paradise.

In the Christian religion

In the Christian religion, one evokes the 8 angels carrying the celestial throne. The sign of infinity is also associated with the 8 categories of happiness. But this number is also associated with the resurrected Christ. It then represents a symbol of completeness, rebirth and resurrection.

In the African civilization

In Africa, the number 8 is a symbol of creation and creativity.

In ancient Egypt

In Ancient Egypt, the number 8 was the number of the cosmic order. It balances the four cardinal points and the four directions.

In New Age philosophy

In New Age philosophy, infinity represents the sacred union between the physical and the spiritual. It evokes all that is related to spirituality as well as to the balance of body and mind.



The "8", a symbolic number

The eight is not only represented in the infinity symbol. It is a sacred number that is considered by different religions on the planet. But the number 8 is also symbolic in many areas.

• The great philosopher Pythagoras considered the number 8 as the symbol of harmony.
• The number 8 lying down represents the structure of the DNA molecule that is present in the heart of our cells. This symbol represents two intertwined helixes.
• In the Egyptians and Arabs, the number 8 is the number of duplication devoted to the sun. This explains why the solar disc is decorated with an eight-armed cross. Pharaohs would have had this symbol on their crowns.
• The number 8 is also the key to Hermes. He even had the symbol of infinity engraved on his belongings.
• The 8 is also present in the macrocosm of space and in the microcosm of our body.


The meaning of the sign of infinity

Because of its many origins, the sign of infinity can have several meanings according to beliefs and religions, but also in the field of spirituality.

Symbol of time

The sign of infinity is associated with the sign of time. In the analysis of its form, the sign of infinity is like an upside down hourglass. When the sign is placed vertically, the hourglass becomes an instrument for measuring time. When the hourglass is stretched out, time freezes. Infinity symbolizes an eternal time, endless, but that only men have given a measure.

Symbol of balance

The sign of infinity is also associated with the balance of the universe. It thus represents the sun and the moon, on each side. It also represents dawn and dusk, life and death, ying and yang.

Symbol of eternity

The sign of infinity in the measure of time can also be associated with eternity. The serpent of the Indian God Vishnu was, moreover, eternal. The symbol expressed above all universal knowledge.

Infinite Sign: Symbol of Eternal Love

The sign of infinity is also a symbol of eternal and unconditional love. Beyond physical love, two beings are also united in spiritual, unbreakable and infinite love.

Symbol of femininity

The infinity sign has recently been used to symbolize women's power and the fight against violence and harassment against women.


The philosophical meaning of the number 8

In philosophical terms, the number 8 is associated with any form of evolution of spirituality. The central point of the infinite symbol is seen as a portal between the physical world and the spiritual world. It thus allows the dynamic and perfect balance of body and mind.

The use of the infinity symbol in daily life can then interpret the acceptance of what we cannot understand as human beings. The symbol of infinity can also be used, as Pythagoras says, to harmonize the energies of places or people.


The energies carried by the infinity symbol

The symbol of infinity and the number 8 contain energies that have positive effects on the life of the human being. In the world of spirituality, the symbol of infinity brings many vibrations which, according to the spiritual foundations, create and preserve life.

The vibration of infinity thus brings abundance in all facets of life. The eight learns how to reconnect with true human nature, values and the different commitments of life.

Here is what the sign of the infinite can also bring to men, in a more spiritual dimension. Indeed, the symbol can bring energies that improve daily life:

• It allows to change the negative thinking patterns that make doubt and fear a part of everyday life.
• It helps to find the strength and courage to better face life's trials and challenges.
• It allows you to get out of your comfort zone to try new experiences, new ways of living or new behaviours.
• It helps to better manage external events, which are not easy to master.
• It allows you to learn how to manage emotions, to accept them, to express them without hurting or harming the emotions of others.
• It helps to get closer to the true nature of man.
• It allows to manage the waves of life, to surf to succeed in getting out of the great tide of life.
• It also allows to have the balance and the strength to adjust to the different facets of life.
• It intervenes in the creation of abundance, to create life according to the powerful potential of infinity.
• It allows us to live in freedom, in accordance with our emotions, to assert ourselves more or to evolve well in our relationships.
• It allows us to accept the dark sides of life, without falling into disarray.
• It makes it possible to make emerge
• It allows us to let this infinite energy flow through our lives, to surprise us...
• It also allows us to make an inner revolution, to make our dreams come true, to embark on our true path.
• Above all, it helps us to become ourselves.

The energy of the infinity symbol is a true weapon for inner development. In terms of spirituality, the sign of the infinite allows us to reach our inner power and make full use of it to develop ourselves, to reach the greatest wisdom and knowledge of life.




The powers of the infinity symbol on daily life

Beyond a simple diagram in Mathematics, many people use the symbol of infinity in many areas of life. If the sign of infinity is worn daily in many forms, it is because it possesses certain powers and provides energies. Here are the main powers of the infinity symbol.

The cure of diseases

Infinity promotes healing. It has healing powers that can relieve various illnesses. Headaches, heart disease, stress and depression are quickly healed by the symbol of infinity.

Passing the exams

The infinite symbol could help you get a better grade. If you haven't revised enough or when you are doubtful, you can always count on the positive vibrations brought by this symbol to succeed.


In some beliefs, infinity can also promote love. The symbol would be able to help you restore and maintain a loving relationship, as harmonious as possible. The sign of infinity also signifies eternal love, true love that goes beyond mere physical attraction. It is unconditional and above all timeless love.


The infinity symbol can also be useful to relieve you of your doubts. If you are of a stressed nature, the infinity can relax you and get rid of all your worries.


Representations of the infinite sign

The infinite sign exists in everyday life in many forms. The best known are the jewels and tattoos that are worn on the body to benefit from its energy and power.

The jewels

Jewelry with the infinity symbol is very fashionable at the moment. They can be worn by both men and women. If you decide to wear a jewel with this symbol, it is because you aspire to the different energies and powers brought by this symbol.

A ring with the infinity symbol for example means eternal love. It allows you to show your deepest feelings.

A necklace with the infinity symbol can mean that you share your love, but it can also be the symbol of a heart already taken. It also allows you to remember someone you care about and keep close to your heart.

A bracelet with the sign of infinity can mean that you are connected to a person. It can display a personal story such as a victory, a success or an ordeal that you have remembered.

There may also be other types of jewelry with the infinity symbol, for example, a brooch, earrings. Various accessories can also be imagined, such as a belt, eyeglass frames and many others.

The tattoos of the infinite sign

Like jewelry, "infinite" tattoos are also very trendy. One can associate the tattoo as a sign of a couple to indicate that the lives of both partners are now intertwined. It therefore symbolizes eternal love.

As the symbol of Ying and Yang, it is also possible to tattoo a part on one of the two lovers and another part on the other. This means complementarity, alliance. On the other hand, for singles, an infinite tattoo can mark strength, youth.

In another context, the infinite tattoo refers to the stages of life: youth, adult and old age or to time: past, present, future.


Beyond a simple symbol in mathematics, the infinite sign is the symbol of an eternal love, an endless story or a long and successful life. Wearing it, in tattoo or in jewelry, can only bring luck. So are you ready to adopt the sign of infinity forever?

