
How to choose a meditation cushion

How to choose your meditation cushion? - Are you a lover of meditation and yoga and looking for more comfort during your sessions? We will help you choose the best meditation cushion for you.

Meditation can be practiced in many ways and everywhere, but you usually do it sitting on a yoga cushion.


What should you pay attention to when choosing a meditation cushion?

When you buy a meditation cushion or zafu, there are 5 things you need to pay attention to. Choose a meditation or yoga cushion:

• Offers firm support and fits your size.
• Which is ideal for your sitting position.
• Which is compatible with your flexibility.
• Which has a design that suits your intention and your meditation space.
• It is durable and has a washable cover. This way, you will enjoy your pillow for as long as possible.




Why is a meditation cushion necessary?

Is it necessary to buy a cushion for your meditation exercises? In our experience, it helps yoga and meditation practitioners immensely.

Very useful for beginners in yoga or meditation, as well as if you sit down regularly. It is easier to sit on a meditation cushion than to stand for a long time. It helps you to keep your mind clear and alert. In addition, you make good contact with your own base and with the ground on a cushion.

Of course, you can meditate anywhere. You can meditate on foot, lying down, sitting on a chair, but the most common way to practice meditation is always sitting on a meditation cushion.

The advantage of buying your own meditation pillow is that it supports not only your meditation physically but also mentally: if you sit on the same pillow every day, you condition your body and mind, so to speak.

Silence, concentration and depth of meditation then come faster than if you practiced every day on a different cushion, or on a chair, then on your bed, etc.


What is the correct seating height for a meditation cushion?

The purpose of the cushion is to help you sit firmly and comfortably during your meditation. In this way, it is also less painful, so you can better continue meditation.

You should therefore choose a sitting height that suits you. The height that is right for you depends on your height and flexibility. The standard height of a pillow is 15 cm.

If you meditate for a long time or if you practice yoga regularly, the pillow will deteriorate more quickly. That is why it is best to choose a meditation cushion where you can take and take out the filling yourself.

Are you sitting very comfortably in the lotus or suit position? Then remove a little more of the cushion filling, otherwise just leave a little more filling for a slightly higher sitting surface. By experimenting, you'll quickly discover which height suits you best.




What form of meditation cushion suits me best?

Now you may want to know which meditation cushion shape best suits your best posture. Choose the category below that best suits your meditation practice:

Buy a cushion for the Lotus position

Are you comfortable in the Lotus position? Then you are probably very flexible in your hips and knees. In that case, all you need is a low pillow, just to tilt your pelvis forward a little.

A flatter pillow, such as a meditation crescent, is often the most recommended. But you can also fill yourself (a lot) with a round meditation pillow, making it low enough for you.

Choosing a pillow to practice cross-leggedness

Are you unable to do the Lotus position but prefer to sit in a suit? Then a slightly higher round meditation cushion is preferable. Try to remove some of the padding to find the ideal height for you.

The tilt of your pelvis will also become a little easier if your pillow is not 100% full.

Buy a meditation bench for the Japanese sitting position

You don't like sitting cross-legged in a suit at all? Then the Japanese Seiza posture on a meditation bench is probably the best for you.

On a bench, you sit with your knees forward and your feet backward. The height leaves a little space so that your legs don't pinch and you don't fall asleep. The surface of the meditation seat supports a slight tilt of your pelvis, allowing you to sit with your back straight for a longer period of time. A meditation bench therefore provides excellent support.

Note: Meditation benches are standard sizes and designed for people between 1.60 and 1.75 meters tall. If you are too small or too tall try a round, flat or half moon meditation cushion.

A round or crescent cushion?

Half moon cushions are usually slightly lower than round meditation cushions.

Again, if cross-leggedness is comfortable for you, you can opt for this lower pillow, but if not, a slightly higher (round) pillow is probably better.

The advantage of a half-moon pillow is that it gives more support to the thighs and offers a little more pelvic tilt.




Choosing the right material

Buckwheat has a hard, dark brown skin around the seeds which are slightly convex. These buckwheat hulls are very robust, hard and have a semi-convex shape.

This makes it the ideal stuffing for meditation cushions. The pillow's support is light and retains just the right amount of resilience.

On the other hand, the cushions interlock in such a way that they offer optimal firmness to support your meditation. The pillow cannot therefore sag or become flat.


Choose a house in indestructible canvas

If you wish to buy a meditation cushion, it is preferable to choose a model with a solid and resistant cover.

Indeed it is easier to sit on a rougher surface without damaging the pillow. Cotton canvas is very suitable for this purpose. It is anyway more pleasant to choose natural fabrics, also for the inner cover.

In addition, it is a good idea to check whether you can remove the fabric completely. You will probably want to wash the blanket from time to time.

A good zipper makes it much easier to remove and especially to put the cover back on. It is therefore handy to pay attention to this when buying.


Treat yourself to your meditation cushion too

In addition to the shape of the meditation cushion, it is also important to choose a cushion that you really like, and that is suitable for the meditation and yoga room where you wish to use it.

Check what colors are available and whether you want a nice print on it.

Our experience is that when you make your meditation area as beautiful and pleasant as possible, it has a positive effect on your motivation to practice regularly.

In addition, a harmonious meditation area naturally helps you to relax more quickly. It also supports you energetically as in Feng Shui.



Do I also need a meditation mat?

Is it useful to buy a meditation mat in addition to a yoga cushion? We receive this question very often. In fact they are complementary.

The big advantage of a yoga mat is that it provides a soft but at the same time strong underlay for your knees and ankles.

In addition, it also provides insulation, so that the cold from the floor never penetrates. You can use the mat separately or with a cushion or meditation bench.

If you want to create a beautiful meditation room, I highly recommend you to take a look at our meditation mats. For a more soothing atmosphere you can also accompany your sessions with incense, candles and a Tibetan mala.


Do you have a place or room to do your meditation?

Meditation is simple, but not easy. You can choose to take a classroom course, but you can also (if you wish) work at home with books and meditations recorded on CD or even with Youtube.

There are different styles of meditation, and there are different ways to organize your practice so that you stay motivated and take the time every day to turn your attention inward.



As you will have understood, the choice of the meditation cushion or yoga cushion really depends on your practice. According to the postures that are practiced, it is therefore important to refer to our article to choose a meditation cushion.

