
Chinese stress balls

The Chinese Anti Stress Balls, also called Qi Gong balls or Boading balls, are traditional Chinese objects that help, according to Chinese medicine, to relax and circulate energies in the body. Very widespread in China, Chinese balls have many beneficial properties for the body and mind. If you want to find a playful way to relax, read this article, as Qi gong balls may well help you.


The Chinese Stress Balls, what is it?

Chinese balls have been made for several centuries. Their use was widely spread in China during the Ming Dynasty, in power between 1368 and 1644. Since then, Chinese boules have been made in Baoding, a city in the Hebei province southwest of Beijing. Since they have been in existence, the manufacture of these stress balls has never declined. Even today, the Chinese still use these objects very widely and we can see young and old alike turning two, three or four Qi Gong balls in their palms.

There are Chinese balls in three different materials: wood, stone and metal. The best known are the Chinese metal balls. The spheres are made of silver-plated iron and are hollow. Inside, there are sound slats that trigger a very soft sound when used. On the outside, these balls are very often decorated and colored.

Chinese wooden balls are older and are not as common as other types of balls. This is because the wood is not heavy enough and the handling of the balls is not easy. Nevertheless, connoisseurs continue to use them and to master their art. Especially since wood is an important symbol of health for the Chinese.

Stone balls are solid spheres made of onyx, marble or jade. Silent, they are heavy and cold and thus allow to calm more effectively the fiery energies (yang). The handling of Chinese stone balls is made easier thanks to their smooth surface.

The balls are usually sold in pairs and presented in pretty little boxes. In general, these objects are considered very personal, so you should avoid lending them out.

Using Chinese balls is very simple: just take two balls in the palm of one hand and rotate them clockwise in the palm of your hand with your fingers. After a few minutes in one direction, rotate the balls in the other direction. Even if the use is not complicated in theory, the practice is not so simple. Indeed, you will quickly realize, when using your Chinese balls, that your hands do not have the agility necessary to make the balls rotate smoothly. Above all, your dexterity changes from one hand to another and from one direction to another. The purpose of these balls is, among other things, to improve the agility of your hands.

Handling the Chinese balls should be done in a calm environment in which you feel comfortable. Indeed, the use of these balls has anti-stress virtues, it is therefore essential to create this environment conducive to relaxation for the effects to be optimal. Before starting your session, make sure your hands are clean and that you are in a comfortable position and clothing. In addition, a preliminary meditation session as well as breathing exercises perfectly complement the handling of the Chinese stress balls.





How do Chinese Stress Balls affect our well-being?

Now that you know how to use your Chinese Balls, you're probably wondering what it's for, right? This is what we will see now.

If the Chinese balls are so successful in China and more and more in the West, it is because their action is beneficial both physically and mentally. Before seeing the real effects of Chinese boules on you, let's try to understand how the boules work for your well-being.

Traditional Chinese medicine calls "Qi" the energy of life that circulates inside our body. This energy passes through meridians and feeds all our organs. This is what, for the Chinese, allows us to be healthy. To prevent illness, it is therefore essential that the Qi can circulate freely and in the most fluid way in order to feed all our organs in a harmonious way. The hands (like the feet) are important points of energy circulation since they are a set of reflex points that correspond to our organs and bones. It is also in the palms of the hands that all the meridians of the body meet.

Thus, manipulating Chinese anti-stress balls allows us to stimulate the reflex points and meridians, thus improving the circulation of the Qi and, ultimately, taking care of our organs. By rotating the Chinese balls in your hands, you will feel heat and vibrations quite quickly. These effects have the result of promoting energy in the meridians and organs. We can talk about a reflexological or energetic massage since the balls press on key points of your body.




What are the effects of Chinese Balls?

By activating the circulation of energies, the Chinese balls will have many positive effects on your physical and mental.

First of all, the manipulation of the balls allows you to develop the muscles of your hand, flexibility and dexterity. You will be more skillful with your hands, have better coordination and you will see that it will be very useful in your daily activities. Moreover, if you have a manual job, having stress balls at your disposal is a very good solution to relieve your hands after your working day thanks to an active recovery. You relieve your muscles and train them to be more flexible. The practice relaxes the muscles and tendons, avoids numbness of the hand and prevents the risks of arthrosis or rheumatism.

Then, using Chinese balls allows you to improve your blood circulation. This will be beneficial to all your organs which will be supplied with blood in a more harmonious way. In addition, you will regulate your blood pressure and thus reduce muscular stress.

Finally, from a mental point of view, the Chinese balls will help you to reduce the stress due to your external environment. Indeed, the harmony of the physical body allows on the one hand to be more anchored and thus more attentive and more serene. By improving your physical condition thanks to the energetic massages, the Chinese balls indirectly play a favorable role on your emotional well-being. In a healthier body, energies circulate more easily and this also has an impact on your mind and emotions.

Moreover, if you choose metal Chinese balls, the sound they make will help you concentrate and relax. If you are a meditation practitioner, do not hesitate to do an active meditation using your metal Qi Gong balls. The sound will allow you to let go and improve your meditative state.



To conclude, Chinese Stress Balls are perfect to improve your physical and mental health in a simple way. For a holistic healing, use these balls regularly while adopting a healthy lifestyle.

We use our hands every day and, beyond the effects on the mind and emotions, it is important to take care of them, like the rest of our body.

Thanks to these Chinese balls, you have in your hands a simple and playful solution to improve the circulation of your energies and you will see that you will feel much better every day.

