
What is Spiritualism?

This term often provokes a multitude of reactions, the majority of which are fear-induced. Whether through urban legends or the cinema, spiritualism is in most cases associated with supernatural practices orchestrated during gatherings of friends on Halloween nights.

In this new article I will talk about spiritualism with the objective of enlightening you on this little-known practice which is far from the stereotypes we know. Furthermore, and I will make it clear, the purpose of this article is not to establish an action plan for you to carry out a session in the minute you finish reading.

It is written is informative, in order to know the ins and outs of this practice. No protocol will be shared, so I advise you to physically go to an expert.


What is spiritualism?

Spiritism is the idea that a person has the ability to communicate with higher forces and connect with the world called the afterlife.

This is explained in a very simplistic way but to give you more details, to be able to communicate with the beyond requires a very great psychic force from our spirit so that it can take over matter, that is to say our body envelope. Thus, in this practice, the subject succeeds in crossing borders surpassing the human vision in order to obtain information that an ordinary individual would be unable to possess.

Everyone is able to practice spiritualism and communicate with the spirit world since we were all created in the same way, the body is a stream of constant energies. However, it is not without knowing that some people will find it easier to communicate with spirits because it depends on several factors: energy consciousness, emotional state, opening of the chakras, or open-mindedness.

Also, there is no single method since each person can practice Spiritualism with a tool that will be specific to him or her. It can be a pendulum, a


What are the dangers of spiritism?

There are many reasons for a person to communicate with a spirit. Sometimes, some people suffer so much emotionally following a death, for example, that a seance becomes a last resort.

First, if you wish to practice a seance, do it accompanied by a person who is an expert in the field, such as a medium for example, whose experience is solid enough to intervene in an emergency. All mediums do not have the same level, so make sure you contact a person whose energies would be able to repel a malevolent spirit.

Next, it is important to know the ins and outs of the afterlife. The afterlife is inhabited by all kinds of spirits, whether they are good or bad, you could come across anyone. So stay focused on what you are doing with specific intentions: do not open a seance to entertain the gallery, this is a serious practice that you may regret if it is taken lightly.

Moreover, even if the spirits remain extinct humans, showing respect is essential. An entity will have power and strength greater than you, it is not at your disposal and a lack of recognition could annoy them. If a spirit is willing to make contact with you, that's fine. If not, respect their decision, thank them and say goodbye.

Going through these few rules will save you some trouble. It is never good to alienate an entity and especially to get rid of it when it decides to stay with you. Spirits feed mainly on our energies and have the power to accentuate our negative emotions to the point of exhaustion, or even possession so that they can dispose of your body.


What entities could I meet during a seance?

During a seance, you are likely to meet one or more entities wishing to communicate with you. It remains essential to sharpen its knowledge on this subject in order to be conscious that the beyond can reserve you as well as good surprises, as well as bad surprises?

The so-called "good" spirits
Let's start with the simplest, when you are confronted with a good spirit the atmosphere is much lighter and you feel it immediately. Often the emotions are inexplicable because it transports you into a feeling of harmony, happiness, peace, abundance and a lot of love. Then, you do not feel any stress, but intense fullness... It can happen that the most sensitive ones start to shed tears of joy as a sign of letting go.
Also, you will be able to detect a good spirit in the way it communicates with you. Often, the words will be fluid, soft and very appropriate. We could compare this to poetry with great benevolence.

The so-called "evil spirits".
I will quickly come back to the fact that during a seance, being accompanied is mandatory. Among the evil spirits, some are very sneaky and clever since they can pretend to be good entities and play you. If you are a beginner or even an intermediate, it will be difficult to dissociate the real identity of the spirit with which you are communicating.
If you manage to identify a bad spirit, the feeling is quite different from what we have seen previously. Unlike good spirits, a deep state of uneasiness will be felt, with the feeling that you don't belong if you are at home. You may feel a form of cold sweat running down your back, suffocation, sweating as if you were locked in a room and lacked oxygen.
In addition, during my research, I have observed many times that the practice of spiritualism was very widespread in Brazil. This made me want to dig a little deeper and then it became a philosophy that was very much rooted in the customs.




Spiritualism in Brazil

Brazil is currently the country with the largest number of practitioners in the world, there are 4 million followers. Although it appeared in our country, France, there are few practitioners.

History of spiritualism in Brazil

In the 19th century, Brazil was an empire that sought to adopt a way of life inspired by European standards. There was a strong French intellectual influence and direct contact with the scientific and cultural innovations that occurred in Western Europe. Therefore, when the turntable phenomenon emerged, Brazilians also promoted similar events in order to know and test them.

The emergence of spiritualism has excited many intellectuals and Brazilians who have studied or traveled throughout Europe to learn more! However, the first groups of Brazilian spiritualists were confronted with the same problem in France; one group argued that spiritualism was essentially a science, while another group emphasized its philosophical and religious aspects. The religious option led spiritism to a direct confrontation with Brazil's traditional religious structures. Subsequently, the Catholic Church, the majority in the country, directly opposed the Spiritism doctrine, considering it a dangerous form of heresy. Some thinkers, linked to the world of science, also criticized this new doctrine.

Thus, a large part of the population began to confuse Kardec's doctrine with traditional esoteric practices, such as clairvoyance, magicians and soothsayers. Religions of indigenous and African origin, which also proposed contact with the dead, were associated with spiritualists.

Finally, the shamanistic practices already existing in Brazil allowed spiritism to bring, in a way, a "rational explanation" to these beliefs, thus promoting their acceptance. On the other hand, belief in mediumistic phenomena, although relatively widespread, was widely feared. Spiritism gradually dispelled these fears, creating a more open vision of the subject.


Conclusion on spiritualism

This article is coming to an end, hoping to have enlightened you on this practice, the details of which are often misunderstood. I will have the opportunity to deepen this subject through other writings in order to bring you further teachings on for example: The different types of spirits you may encounter, their characteristics and how to recognize them. And have you already experienced spiritualism?

