
What Is The Purpose Of Buddhism

For some, Buddhism is a religion linked to the teachings of the Buddha after his spiritual awakening. And, for others, Buddhism is a spirituality combined with several practices whose goal is to have a Zen mind.


The basic principles of Buddhism

Guatama Siddhartha is the reference in Buddhism. He is none other than the famous Buddha, the spiritual reference of the Buddhists after his Enlightenment. Become an awakened being, he taught the truths he discovered during his meditation under the bodhi, i.e. the pagoda of the fuigiers where he meditated. The number of practitioners and adepts has increased over the last decade. Buddhism is based on fundamental principles such as salvation, life, the law of change and reality.

Each of these principles has its own meaning, significance and purpose. However, a link is established between them and creates the universe of Buddhism. Consequently, the spread of this religion is not limited in time or space. What is the role of salvation, life, the law of change and reality in Buddhism?


The Role of Salvation in Buddhism

"Impermanence is the universal law. Work for your own salvation," were Buddha's last words. According to him, every human being must value salvation and must deploy his own means to achieve it. The Buddhist doctrine is complex, but it is easy to understand. Never forget that to understand it, it is imperative to focus on yourself before knowing others or what is happening around you.

This recognizes the importance of personal experience, which is essential for dealing with any situation and the reality of life. Indeed, every man must have within himself the goal of helping those around him because he himself suffers the consequences of his own actions. In Buddhism, monks serve as models and references for practitioners, but they do not serve as intermediaries between the practitioner and reality.


The Role of Life in Buddhism

According to Buddhism, life has no purpose or meaning if you do not know the truth and understand its principles. The three Buddhist precepts of wisdom, love and kindness help to understand the meaning of life and to overcome human inadequacy. On the one hand, wisdom, this precept aims to simplify life and is beneficial to man. On the other hand, we generally respect these precepts without knowing it.

On the other hand, each person serves as a point of reference for all and corresponds to a state of mind that enables him to develop virtuous and just conduct. Buddha said: "Accept what is, let go of what was and trust in what will be", this quote demonstrates and explains the role of wisdom in life. On the other hand, love and kindness are added; the three are interdependent and complementary.





The Role of the Law of Change in Buddhism

This law is considered fundamental for the existence of the human being. In fact, human life conforms to a life cycle that integrates the notions of beginning and end, and that unfolds as follows:

• Birth: which marks the beginning of the life cycle of man and every living being. It is the starting point of all relationships with others;
• Growth: it is the stage where man undergoes a physical, psychological and emotional development;
• Reproduction : it is the phase during which man proceeds and contributes to the perpetuation of the human being;
• Aging: this is the phase of decline of the human species, which is a sign of the end of the life cycle;
• Death: this last phase of the cycle also marks the end of man's existence. Everything stops at death, including activities, projects, etc., and everything ends at death.


The Role of Reality in Buddhism

In Buddhism, reality is detached from its abstract aspect to emphasize its concrete aspect. The latter is represented by the materialization of facts, from which Buddhist practices are all visible and palpable, i.e. materialized. In other words, the practices must be felt and manipulated by the hands. Reality is translated by :

- Shunyata, which means "empty or void" or "real or unreal";
- Dharmakaya, which conveys the message of "Lotus Drinking". It manifests itself in two modes of communication, on the one hand the concept and the abstract, and on the other hand the myth and the parabolic language ;
- Tathata, also called "age" means "reality as it is". This term refers to the true nature of the Dharma in its reality and dimension.

According to Buddhist doctrine, reality cannot be described. However, when Buddha became the Enlightened One, the purpose of life converges with Buddhism and Buddha's teachings.


The contributions of Buddhism to the lives of Buddhists

When you are a Buddhist, the main advantage is to cultivate your mind on a daily basis. Moreover, in a Tibetan context, the religion refers to adaptation, improvement and progression. The original name used to define it is "chö". Nirvana is the ultimate goal of Buddhism and to achieve it, several factors must be taken into account, such as the adoption of rules of virtuous conduct or the prevention of homicides.

Also, Buddhist practices protect us from misfortune, bad karma, suffering and free us from all negative emotions and thoughts. On this subject, the Tibetan sage Tsongkhapa said: "If you are subjective, prejudice condemns you to not perceive the real benefits". This means that it is imperative to face reality, whatever it may be. Liberation is the very foundation of this spirituality.

