
Sacred Chakra

We know more and more about the importance of having well-balanced chakras. Essential to live in harmony, each one has its own importance and it is necessary to identify the function of all of them. The second chakra, called the sacred chakra, is important in one's relationship with others. To know it well, we explain its definition, its functions and why it is essential to unblock this sacred chakra but also to harmonize it.


What is the second chakra?

Its Sanskrit name is Svadhisthana which can be interpreted as "place of sweetness". It is located between the pubis and the navel, we often speak of the chakra of the abdomen or the pubis. In men it is normally found at the level of the testicles while in women it is located at the level of the ovaries or uterus. Its location makes it possible to understand on which emotions and interactions this energy point influences. Indeed, your relationship to others is essentially conditioned by this chakra.


All about the sacred chakra

The root chakra is the first of the seven chakras, the sacred chakra the second. However, the kundalini, a powerful spiritual energy located at the bottom of the spine, finds its source in the second chakra. The two chakras, the first and the second, are therefore very connected and depend on each other.

Representation and color of the second chakra

Svadhisthana is represented by a lotus with 6 petals of orange color or by a wheel with 6 spokes. The color of this chakra is therefore orange. One notices besides that the orange color is a mixture of red (root chakra) and yellow (solar chakra). However, when it is connected to its element, water, the sacred chakra can be blue or white. To chase away a bad mood or to activate its sacred chakra, wearing orange is a blessing. Water, the element of this chakra, perfectly defines this point by the flow and flexibility that characterizes it.

A chakra associated with the emotional body

The 2nd chakra acts on personal development, it directs your emotional but also carnal and personal behavior. Thus, it allows the expression of your desires, and frees creativity. When it is well balanced, you have the fighting spirit within you, you are ready to take up the challenges that arise on your life's path. The relationship with the emotional body (second of the 7 subtle bodies) gives you the vitality essential to your fulfillment.

Fundamental energies: confidence and motivation

The energy passes from one chakra to the other, circulating non-stop. A good speed of energies corresponds to harmonized and well-aligned chakras. Each chakra acts on one of the fundamental energies that you need to be in good shape. This second chakra will directly act on your confidence and motivation. This energy point is also called "the place of the self". Indeed, knowing yourself better allows you to be open-minded, open to others and gives you the confidence you need to do so. Motivation refers to what you need to undertake to create and to blossom.



The sacred chakra is the chakra of childhood.

The emotions guided by this point are directly related to your childhood, to what you experienced as interactions, especially with your parents. It is also called the innocence chakra. Thus, if you were raised in a rigid environment where feelings were not expressed much, it is likely that you are a person who is uncomfortable with emotions and signs of affection. Perhaps you were once told that you were a cold or distant person? The lack of contact and caresses from your parents may also be reasons why your feelings remain buried.

Pleasure Chakra

Because of its location on the body, it is linked to the principle of pleasure, which is its main characteristic. The term pleasure is related to the pleasure of living, to aspire to well-being, to the ability to take pleasure through creation or artistic practice. We often reduce this chakra to pleasure through sexuality, whereas we should rather speak of sensuality. It is less in a desire for raw sexuality than in a search for emotions linked to pleasure. Of course, it acts on the sexual organs, so it has a balancing role in sexuality and desire.

Second chakra regulating sexuality

By its action on the sexual organs, the second chakra regulates the sexual appetite and libido. But this role is to be understood with the aim of reproduction because, guided by the moon, it is related to maternity. Thus, it allows the self-esteem, necessary in a loving relationship with the other in a harmonious way.





How to recognize a blocked sacred chakra?

The chakras must be balanced. In order to be perfectly well in your body, the cosmic energy must circulate in a fluid way, from one point to the other, without interruption. The chakras interact with each other. Some chakras work in pairs, such as the Sacred Chakra and the Root Chakra. The sacred chakra is said to be the fundamental chakra of the inner self. It allows you to find the resource within you, to diffuse the reassuring warmth that allows you to blossom.

If this chakra is blocked, certain manifestations can alert you:

• Emotions that scare you ;
• You're constantly in control;
• You're afraid of pleasure:
• Sexual abstinence, lack of desire.

You find that these blockages are located on the emotional body, on the fear of losing control because of your feelings, and on your self-confidence. As we have seen before, the origins of this blocked chakra certainly come from your childhood. If you have always lived in a family where expressing feelings, topics such as sexuality were taboo, this has influenced the development of this energy point. By dint of repressing your emotions, you have become accustomed to keeping your feelings, your feelings for yourself. With this frustration, your second chakra can't blossom and therefore gets blocked. A closed sacred chakra will have repercussions on the other energy points. On the other hand, a chakra that is too open or hyperactive is a source of imbalance.


Second hyperactive chakra

The notion of imbalance makes sense when there is too much or too little. A hyperactivity of the sacred chakra will induce psychic and physical manifestations on you.

Thus, you may be affected by the following phenomena, signs of a too open sacred chakra if you :

• Suffer from excess emotions, you can't manage them;
• Have regular mood swings, you're moody;
• Suffer from love addiction;
• Are attracted to addictive products that provide a feeling of pleasure;
• Are anxious;
• Dramatize everything;
• Obsessive;
• Yield easily to jealousy or violence.

Physical manifestations on your body should also alert you:

• A feeling of permanent heat in the lower abdomen;
• Menstrual and gynecological disorders;
• Problems with the testicles or prostate;
• Kidney or urinary disorders;
• Lumbagos, back pain.

Symptoms are localized on the lower abdomen, genitals and lower back. The second chakra radiates on all this part and its imbalance will directly impact this area. Infertility is often the most worrying manifestation, especially for this chakra whose meaning is related to motherhood and reproduction. Cosmic point of the inner being, the creation of life with the transmission of energies towards a new life takes all its value. Moreover, one can find interesting the play on words of the sacred chakra with "it creates"!

The unblocking of this chakra will therefore be of paramount importance if you wish to have children and you are unable to do so. It will be really essential to refocus on yourself and try to understand where this blockage comes from.


Balancing the Sacred Chakra

If all the chakras need to be balanced, harmonized, the second is essential. Directly affecting the other cosmic points, source of the first chakra, its imbalances will be felt on the 6 other central chakras. The sacred chakra is the second but it is the first of the horizontal points. It is the one that will allow you to manage your life as you wish and not by being totally directed by your emotions. Indeed, if you constantly repress your emotions, you will develop frustration, and fatally this will distort your relationships with others. Conversely, if you are constantly overwhelmed by the feelings you feel, you will not have a clear mind to make the right choices, keep a critical mind and above all have self-esteem. It is important to realize that if you develop an unhealthy dependency on others, your own life will take a back seat and your self-esteem will be relegated to the background.

You can unblock, heal and harmonize your sacred chakra by using stones, by practicing yoga including very adapted postures for example.




Lithotherapy for chakra healing

Each chakra has its stone connected to it. The healing energy of the stones brings a real benefit, moreover, if you feel attracted by the stones you will certainly get a real benefit from using them. The sacred chakra Svadhisthana or "I feel" is associated with the color orange, the stones beneficial to its balance will have this dominant hue.

Here are the stones related to the sacred chakra:

• The citrine
• Carnelian
• Moonstone
• Coral


How to use the Healing Stones?

We know that the sacred stones have a real role of balance for the chakras. Each of the cosmic points is thus assigned a stone which acts on the harmonization and favors the unblocking of the chakras. The stones can be placed on the body, at the level of the point in question. In this case, for the second chakra, the stone will be placed on the abdomen. Once installed, in relaxation, and in full awareness of your body and of the present moment, you will be able to feel an impression of warmth, proof of the circulation of the energy of the stone between the sacred chakra and it. You can also wear these stones as a necklace or bracelet and enjoy its benefits throughout the day.


Yoga to harmonize the sacred chakra

The practice of yoga is an activity totally in line with a good life balance. It contributes to a good physical activity, the breathing exercises, the flexible postures allow to diffuse energy in your body. Fluids will circulate more evenly and allow your body to be relaxed and loosened. Some postures are totally adapted and recommended if you wish to rebalance your sacred chakra, they are mostly postures that open the hips. In the yogi culture, the hips are the seat of repressed emotions, so by opening this area, you will help to release them.

Some postures to balance the second chakra:

• The Pigeon (Eka Pada Rajakapotasana) ;
• The Hero (Virasana);
• The Wide Angle (Konasana);
• The head of cow (Gomukhasana);
• The Crocodile (Makarasana).

During your yoga sessions, take the time to picture the 6-petalled lotus flower, symbol of the sacred chakra.




Water, element of the 2nd chakra

Remember to use water to benefit from its virtues. At the time of your bath or shower, meditate, wash negative emotions, let them go away with the flowing water. You can fully immerse yourself at the beach, at the pool and let yourself be totally carried away by this fluid element. Imitate the movement of the water, make flowing, fluid gestures, move or dance harmoniously by mentally representing the movements of the water.

Your emotional relationship with others will depend on the right balance of your sacred chakra. Boosting your self-confidence and self-esteem, your exchanges with the people around you will be improved. Vital point of your emotions, it is essential to keep it balanced so that all your other chakras are harmonized. If we focus on a good general balance of all the chakras, it requires special attention.

Have you noticed any imbalances or blockages in your interactions with those around you? What practices do you put in place to remedy them? Share this article, it may answer questions that other people are asking themselves.

