
How often should i do yoga

At the beginning of this year, you have made the good resolution to start yoga! As a beginner, it is normal to have questions. You probably know that yoga is a discipline that is practiced regularly. But how often should you practice? No panic, we tell you everything in this article!



Yoga is an ancient discipline that offers many psycho-corporal benefits. Between stress reduction, muscle relaxation, elimination of toxins, ability to refocus on oneself, or reduction of pain, the virtues of yoga are numerous.

However, it is not a secret for anyone. Like any discipline, yoga must be practiced regularly. Indeed, it is only through a regular practice that it is possible to obtain real results, and to maintain them on the long term.

Indeed, there is nothing magical about yoga. It is not by doing a single session that you will see a radical change in your condition. On the contrary, yoga is a deep work of the link between the body and the spirit. The evolution is therefore progressive, and takes place over time.

Finally, yoga could be compared to any sport. A single session, even an intensive one, does not allow you to see your body change in the mirror. However, regular exercise is the secret to success. The same is true for yoga!

Of course, an isolated yoga session is not totally useless. It will allow you to relax, like a relaxation exercise. It's always good to take a break during the day.

However, the benefits of a single session will not equal those of a regular practice.






First of all, you can't do too much yoga. Yoga is initially an art of living and a philosophy. It would therefore make no sense to do it every day, and even, why not, several times a day, if you feel like it.

Yoga has absolutely no side effects or undesirable effects. There is no such thing as an overdose. There is no risk to your physical and mental health by doing yoga very often! The first advice to give is undoubtedly the following: do not deprive yourself!

It is very important to follow your intuition. When your body or mind feels the urge to do yoga, give it a chance without hesitation. Even if this desire can sometimes seem inexplicable, irrational or useless, you must trust yourself.

On the other hand, don't forget that yoga must remain above all a moment of pleasure. It would be a shame to perceive it as a chore. Moreover, if the heart is not in it, it will be more difficult to let go during the session, and thus to obtain interesting results.

So don't force yourself to do yoga at all costs. It is not dramatic to miss a session. The important thing is your regularity over the long term. Making a small gap once in a while will not reduce your efforts to nothing!





It is particularly difficult to give the same recommendations to all of humanity. Each person is different, and each person practices yoga for different reasons. All these specificities must be taken into account.

In fact, even scientific research on this subject offers very different data. These data vary according to several criteria such as the target audience, the problems to be treated, or the type of yoga practiced...

For example, one study showed that people experienced a reduction in back pain by practicing yoga once or twice a week for 12 weeks. Another study states that practicing 10 minutes of yoga a day can reduce osteoporosis.

Finally, there are probably different ways to practice yoga regularly! However, for those who are waiting for a more concrete answer, know that most yoga teachers recommend that their students do between 1 and 3 sessions per week.



We can say it, the lack of time is a real evil of the century! Yes, in our contemporary western societies, we are constantly running around all day. From a very young age, the system pushes us a little bit more and more to productivism.

So much so that we end up being locked into a hellish "metro-business-sleep" routine. This overloaded schedule is a real obstacle to personal development. To the point where we can't even find a way to do what we really love.

We are always focused on the past or the future. We spend all our energy on repetitive tasks whose meaning we no longer question. Like a hamster in its wheel, we exhaust ourselves in an endless and aimless race!





However, taking care of yourself is above all a choice! Of course, we can't do everything in 24 hours. It is therefore a question of choosing priorities. Ask yourself: what is really important to me? What is the deeper meaning of my actions?

By questioning what sometimes seems "normal" or "obvious", you will realize that you have not always chosen your life. Thus, you will be able to rearrange your daily life according to what you really want, and not according to society's injunctions.

Very often, when we say that we "don't have time", it is mainly because we don't want to take the time. In other words, we unconsciously prefer to devote this time to something else. This is why it is essential to question our priorities in order to act consciously.

Yoga is much more than a simple relaxation technique. It is part of a real philosophical and spiritual approach. It can be summarized as "a healthy mind in a healthy body".

This discipline can really accompany you towards a general well-being.



However, there is one thing that all yoga experts agree on. It is always better to do a little yoga regularly than a lot of yoga once in a while.

In other words, regularity is always better than intensity.

Doing very short yoga sessions every day is more helpful than doing a very long one once a month. So if you are short on time, choose a short but regular practice over an intense but occasional one.

This will allow you to integrate yoga into your daily life, without it taking up too much of your time. For example, if you decide to do 10 minutes of yoga a day, it will only take up 1% of your day!

Yoga could be compared to a race. There is the one who starts like an arrow, but runs out of steam in just a few minutes. Then there is the one who goes at his own pace, even if it means being behind his opponents, but who will endure until the finish line.

In short, it is better to play the tortoise than the hare! The "too much" is absolutely useless when it is not maintained over time. We will therefore opt for a tailor-made practice, which does not require major efforts, but which will be able to be consistent.





Some people enjoy doing yoga early in the morning. Indeed, yoga can be a great way to start the day! Yoga allows you to fill up on energy, and to be in an optimal state of mind to face the events to come.
If you are a morning person, don't hesitate to opt for a little yoga session before going to work. Just set your alarm clock a few minutes earlier to have time to do your session without stress, in the best conditions.

Yoga is also ideal to close the day in all serenity. Doing yoga in the evening, just before going to sleep, allows to establish a return to calm, and to plunge then more easily into a deep and restful sleep.
At the end of the day, letting go and relaxing will be all the easier. The evening is the right time for relaxation, the time when we leave behind all the worries of the day. For some people, the evening is the perfect time for a yoga session!



Few dare, and that's a shame. To make yoga in unusual places would make it possible to better optimize its time. Indeed, if you have facilities to be at ease everywhere, do not hesitate to make yoga in other places than the house. There are no contraindications to this idea...

Not only will it allow you to vary your sessions, but it will also save you precious time. For example, why not have a little yoga session during your coffee break at work, or during your Sunday walk in the park?

Note that you will still have to remember to bring your yoga mat, and possibly a comfortable outfit, as well as a bottle of water in your bag. This requires a little organization, but with time, these gestures will become automatic!

Be careful though, outdoor yoga is reserved for people who have the ability to let go. If you need absolute calm or total solitude to disconnect, it may be best to stick to yoga sessions at home.



Yoga can be practiced once or several times a week. The important thing is not so much the exact number of times, but the regularity. This discipline must be practiced over the long term to offer interesting results!

