
Flower Of Life : Use And Benefits

For novices, the flower of life looks like a strange pattern of intertwined circles. However, this figure is by no means the result of chance. It is even the very precise result of ancestral knowledge in the field of sacred geometry. Let's discover right away together the characteristics and the benefits of this mysterious design...


What are the origins of the flower of life?

The concept of the flower of life has existed since the dawn of time. Traces of it can be found in almost all the great spiritual movements of the world. From Egypt to Turkey through India, Greece, England or even Ireland and Japan, the flower of life has various origins.

The flower of life is a symbol that can be found on many famous monuments around the world. Among them are the Maria Luschari church in Italy, the Rama temple of Vijayanagara in India, or the Forbidden City in China...

Despite some differences in beliefs, the flower of life always seems to be related to the first fruits of creation. It represents, in a way, the connection to the vital energy. It is a mystical symbol of the "great whole" where all existences are intertwined.

The flower of life finally evokes the very essence of life, be it human, animal, vegetable, or even simply biological. Like a complex mathematical formula, it could be compared to the DNA of the earthly world in all its facets.


What does a flower of life look like?

As its name suggests, the flower of life looks like a big flower. However, when we look at the details, we notice that it is actually a much more complex composition. The flower of life is even composed of multiple extremely precise figures...

These figures are not chosen at random. Each one has a very particular meaning. They come from traditions from all over the world. Let's take a closer look together and see more precisely what a flower of life is composed of...


The different parts of the flower of life

First of all, we find the seed of life which is composed of 7 outer circles. These circles symbolize the 7 days necessary for God to create the world according to the great monotheistic religions. The seed of life also designates fertility.

Next, we can see the egg of life which is located in the center of the flower. It is the image of embryonic development. It is similar to a multicellular entity, which corresponds completely to the human embryo in its first days of life.

The fruit of life, on the other hand, can be seen in the form of 13 circles. These 13 circles in turn seem to create a kind of star. It echoes the molecular structures that make up an atom. It is also the sign of vital energy and protection.


The other significant elements of the flower of life

Many other amazing meanings make up the flower of life. It would even be difficult to name them all, so many are they. Among the best known is of course the tree of life, itself a symbol of anchoring and vitality.

We also notice what is called "Plato's solids". These are 5 geometric forms that reflect the 5 natural elements: water (the icosahedron), air (the octahedron), fire, (the tetrahedron), earth (the cube), and finally the spirit (the dodecahedron).

It should also be noted that the distance between each circle is similar to the distance between the tones and semitones that make up the music. You will have understood it, the flower of life is a work of an extreme richness, calling upon multiple realities...

It is a true mixture between physiological, spiritual, religious and metaphysical laws... Offering a flower of life is therefore not trivial. This object carries in it a whole universe of surprises that one must learn to know.




The virtues of the flower of life

Without a doubt, the flower of life is an interesting geometric figure. However, what is the point of owning a flower of life? The answer is simple: the flower of life offers many benefits. We will see together which ones...

Protecting and preserving products

The flower of life is first of all the friend of our closets. The flower of life benefits from a function of protection, conservation and regeneration. When it is close to a product, it makes it possible to preserve it as well as to increase its effectiveness.

The flower of life can thus be placed in contact with food and water, for example in a refrigerator, a cellar, under a plate, a glass, a carafe, or in a storage unit. It thus makes it possible to energize and optimize the properties of plants and minerals.

The flower of life can also be useful for natural beauty, hygiene or care products. For example, it is very effective on essential oils, plants, mother tinctures, homeopathy, or food supplements.

Facilitate meditation

The flower of life offers a vibratory frequency conducive to calm and rejuvenation. It makes it possible to refocus and to let go more easily. It is therefore recommended in various disciplines of the mind such as meditation.

When you meditate, you can wear a flower of life, or place one by your side, for example under your meditation mat or your mattress. It will increase the effectiveness of the session, and allow you to enter more easily and quickly into a modified state of consciousness.

Improve sleep

Also, the flower of life is ideal to improve the quality of sleep. It helps to relax and fall asleep more quickly. It is conducive to rejuvenation and contributes considerably to the quality of sleep. Using a flower of life is a good way to ensure peaceful nights.

Before going to bed, carefully place your flower of life under your pillow, or carry it directly on you, for example through a jewel. The most important thing is that it is as close to you as possible. This way, you will enjoy a deeper and more restful sleep.

Harmonizing a place

In geobiology, the flower of life is also used to purify and harmonize a place. It can be your entire house, or a particular room. The flower of life emits powerful positive waves to improve the atmosphere.

The flower of life is ideal to chase away bad energies, to strengthen the energy balance of a place. For this, you can place a visual support of the flower of life in your interior. It can be a painting, a disc or a sticker, according to your preferences.

These can be hung or stuck easily, either on the wall or on the furniture. Note however that in the case of a specific geobiological problem, it is recommended to place the flower of life in the exact place where the energy imbalance is located.

Assist in personal development

Finally, the flower of life simply has an impact on the human being! Wearing a flower of life offers many physical, psychic and spiritual benefits. This is due to the vibratory frequency of the flower of life which increases your own frequency.

Gain in serenity

This sacred geometry allows first of all to calm the mind. It is ideal for calming anxieties and promoting peace of mind and body. It represents an interesting tool to fight against daily stress or intellectual overwork.

By using a flower of life, you will find it easier to anchor yourself in the present moment and relax. The flower of life sometimes gives the impression of being enclosed in a bubble of well-being, and to be perfectly preserved from the hubbub and the external tumults.




Sharpen your intuition

The flower of life is also a decision-making aid. It allows you to take a step back, to have a more enlightened reasoning, and to better make the difference. In particular, it develops intuition, which contributes to making the best choices.

With the Flower of Life, you may suddenly feel that you have a better "feel" for things. It's exactly as if you had a strange access to intangible and inexplicable knowledge, and that knowledge is mainly translated by emotions.

Becoming more conscious

Legend has it that the flower of life provides access to certain spiritual revelations. It could connect to the secrets of the invisible world. Without necessarily going as far as validating this theory, one cannot deny that the flower of life is a tool for personal development.

Indeed, the flower of life allows to gain in consciousness, in knowledge of oneself and of the world... One can even say that it offers to each person the benefits he needs in the present moment, by filling the energetic gaps at the origin of difficulties.

Its virtues can therefore be very specific, and vary greatly from one person to another. Every experience is different! Many people perceive the flower of life as a unique and very personal accessory. It is recommended to choose it carefully.




How to choose the right flower of life?


Finding the right color

A flower of life can have different colors. The color of a flower of life is not a simple detail. On the contrary, it has a considerable impact on its energy and virtues. Thus, all colors are not necessarily suitable for the same uses.

For example, the white flower of life is known to symbolize purity and goodness. It is ideal to gain an open mind, and observe the world with more distance. The gold-colored flower of life is known to revitalize water, thanks to its energetic power.

Before buying a flower of life, don't choose its color only for its aesthetics. Ask beforehand about the particularities associated with the color in question. This way, you will be able to find the flower of life that best suits your current needs.

Listen to your intuition

In the field of spirituality, it is sometimes said that it is not we who choose the objects, but that it is the objects that choose us. The flower of life does not escape this quantum rule. The choice of your flower of life must above all be an intuitive choice...

We must not only rely on reason, but above all on our deepest feelings. In general, the first impression is always the right one. If you feel attracted to a particular flower of life, it's probably the right one!

Opt for a quality accessory

The flower of life comes from a deep and ancestral knowledge. However, at the time of industrialization, some people do not hesitate to make the flower of life a simple business. Self-proclaimed spiritual items are then produced on a chain at the other end of the world...

When we know the richness of a flower of life and its history, it would be a pity to reduce it to a simple consumer gadget. Using a flower of life must above all be a conscious act. It is therefore preferable to do it in the best ethical and ecological conditions.

If you wish to buy a flower of life, and give meaning to this approach, privilege small craftsmen and other passionate creators. Even if the price is a little higher, it is always better to choose a quality object, made with love!

