
Ayurveda meaning

Ayurveda is based on the harmony between body and mind, this practice offers many benefits such as stress reduction, elimination of toxins, improvement of circulation... If the treatments are often very precise massage techniques, Ayurveda also proposes to readjust one's lifestyle in order to be in better harmony and health.

Ayurveda is the sister science of yoga and is dedicated to balancing the mind with the body. Thousands of years ago, in India, Ayurveda was developed as a system to diagnose imbalances in the body and mind that eventually manifest as diseases, ailments and other symptoms. The aim is to bring balance to the body through a healthy lifestyle adapted to the individual, the use of herbal formulas and other appropriate natural remedies.

Ayurveda is primarily a holistic and preventive system of medicine. Its role is to provide knowledge and targeted practices so that the body and mind can be in harmony and in good shape.

Ayurveda teaches us that to be healthy we need to have a well-functioning body, but that we must combine physical health with mental and emotional health. This means understanding the lifestyle that works best for us by adapting our diet, sleep, communication, interactions and more.

Ayurveda is one of the traditional medicines recognized and listed by the WHO as a natural, traditional and integrative health system.


The main principles

Ayurveda is based on the theory of the 5 elements.

- Ether (Akasha) - subtle space
- Air (Vayu)
- Fire (Agni)
- Earth (Prithivi)
- Water (Jala)

These elements make up the universe (macrocosm) and create the human body (microcosm). So we have all the elements inside us and we are the reflection of the universe.




Who is it for?

For everyone, regardless of age, whether you are in good health and looking for what is best for you, in deep or slight imbalance. Ayurveda accompanies towards wellness and reconnection to the body and its own essence. Self-realization is the ultimate state of healing.

In Ayurvedic medicine, massages are therapeutic tools in their own right. In India, from childhood, the practice of massage is integrated into everyday life. Massage is a body therapy as well as a daily life hygiene. These massages are of course very good (well-being massages) but they are also therapeutic.

These are individualized massages, there are different ayurvedic massages, everything depends on the imbalance and the underlying need of the person noted at the time of the consultation as well as his constitution of birth.

There are 10 treatments or massages:

• abhyanga: treatment with warm ayurvedic oil
• udvartana : treatment with frictions and herbal powders
• garshan : treatment with frictions
• pizhichil: treatment with oil + heat/sudation
• vishesh: muscle tonic treatment
• svedana: sweating
• marmas : treatment of energy points
• shirodhara, takradhara : relaxing treatments on the forehead
• pindasvedana : massages with pouches
• external basti : local external care
• treatments for pregnant women, infants and children
• massages adapted to sportsmen


The doshas, basis of the ayurvedic constitution

The 5 elements combine to give birth to 3 biological humors, 3 great vital forces that create the body, make it function and destroy it: The Doshas.

Vata, the wind, is a combination between the elements air and ether. It is the dosha that characterizes movement, the driving force. Vata is mainly located in the colon, the nervous system, the skin, the ears and the bones. It manages all the movements of the body such as the heartbeat and breathing. It is a rather cold and dry energy. In balance, it expresses itself through fluidity, creativity and liveliness of mind. When out of balance, it creates fear, anxiety and irregularity.

Pitta, fire, is a combination of the elements fire and water. It is the dosha that characterizes transformation, metabolism. This mood is mainly located in the liver, small intestine, blood and eyes. It is a warm and humid energy. It manages digestion, absorption, assimilation and body temperature. In balance, it expresses itself through tenacity, intelligence, acuity. When out of balance, it creates anger, frustration, hatred and inflammatory states.




The benefits of Ayurveda

Calms the nervous system, soothes the body and mind, especially the imbalance of the Wind (Vata dosha) which is high in the 21st century due to the pace of activity of everyone.
Improves blood and lymphatic circulation.
Facilitates the elimination of toxins from the body.
Revitalizes the body and mind: Promotes the body's natural regenerative and defensive capacities.
Freer circulation of energies.

Today in India, Ayurveda remains the reference medicine for the bone system, ophthalmology, dentistry and obstetrics.

However, even if there are branches and fields of expertise, Ayurveda always takes into account the whole being and the concept of "specialties" that we find in our western health systems does not apply. Diagnosis and treatment in Ayurvedic medicine.


Diagnosis and treatment in ayurvedic medicine

During the first consultation, the practitioner gets to know the patient and establishes an Ayurvedic assessment.

Among his tools, we find the taking of the pulse, the observation of the tongue, the questioning of the evacuations (stools, urine, sweat), the eating and living habits, the digestion, the skin, the nails, the sleep, the passive of the patient etc.

This assessment allows us to define your constitution and to set up a tailor-made program according to who you are, your personal history, your dysfunctions and your needs.

Many techniques will be used to restore balance such as readjustment to an optimal lifestyle (e.g. daily and seasonal routine), diet (flavors, association and dietary balance), medicinal plants, meditation, breathing (pranayama), yoga, mantras, massage, gems, etc. We can also consider "Panchakarma" which are deep purification cures under medical supervision (e.g.: enemas, therapeutic purgations etc.)

Follow-up consultations allow us to take stock of your balance by readjusting, modifying or deepening the proposed methods.

