
Yoga to get pregnant

In a third of the cases, the woman is "responsible" for the pregnancy conception problem. Ovulation period, temperature curve, calculation of the menstrual cycle, monitoring of the appearance of cervical mucus All these methods do not work?

The feeling of having a problem can quickly overwhelm a couple trying to have a baby. How can you get pregnant if you are anxious about your health?

The desire to get pregnant sometimes takes precedence over the desire itself and can quickly become an unhealthy obsession for the woman and her couple. To conceive a baby naturally and without stress, yoga has proven its worth!

Why practice yoga? It's not a miraculous method, but it can greatly help women relax and worry less about their pregnancy not happening. Becoming a mother is not something you can improvise and yoga helps you put all the chances on your side.


Some figures on pregnancy problems

First of all, figures to reassure everyone! It's not because you don't get pregnant as soon as you stop using contraception or even within 3 months that you have a fertility problem!

The possible existence of fertility problems is considered when a couple has regular sexual relations for 2 years without becoming pregnant.

For 9 out of 10 couples, the woman becomes pregnant within one year after stopping the pill or other contraceptive method. For half of the remaining couples, it happens in the 2nd year. In other words, out of 100 couples, only 5 out of 100 couples will not see a pregnancy start within two years after stopping contraception, so no stress!

However, specialists have the impression that there are more and more cases of infertility. What are the reasons for this? There are many factors:

• Age: Women's fertility peaks between the ages of 20 and 25 and gradually declines after the age of 35,
• Weight: If the woman is too thin or overweight, this can affect her fertility and suspend ovulation,
• Lifestyle: stress, fatigue due to lack of sleep... All this plays not only on mood but also on fertility!
• Physical activity that is too intense,
• Medications, including antidepressants and anti-migraine medications.

In April 2014, an American study based on 370 women showed a link between stress and fertility problems. Another study, conducted by American scientists and presented at the American Society for Reproductive Medicine conference, showed that 45 minutes of yoga per week would reduce a woman's stress by 20%, thus increasing her chances of procreation.

Patience is the key word to conceive a child! There are many more impatient couples than infertile couples!





Yoga to increase fertility

First of all, let's remember that a woman's body must be physically and mentally ready to welcome a baby for nine months.

The main cause of female infertility is believed to come from ovulation dysfunction. Stress can be an aggravating factor.

"When the body is stressed, it releases a hormone, cortisol, which can interfere with the reproductive hormones responsible for ovulation," explains Nathalie Engler, a practitioner of restorative yoga.

Stress accelerates the biological clock, and yoga helps to reduce this stress and prevent premature aging. Yoga invites you to slow down and rebalance your body and mind to be perfectly able to conceive a child.


Hormonal yoga

We know about prenatal yoga classes to serenely prepare the mother-to-be for childbirth, but what about hormonal yoga?

Created in 1991, by Dinah Rodrigues with the approval and help of her gynecologist, it is mainly intended for women with polycystic ovary syndrome, who suffer from pre-menstrual tension, those with low hormone levels and those suffering from hypothyroidism or osteoporosis.

For it to be effective, hormonal yoga, which is still little known but widely practiced across the Atlantic, must be practiced 3 to 4 times a week for 4 months. These figures may vary depending on the person and a check-up should be made with the yoga teacher who will estimate the most suitable rhythm.

It is a combination of dynamic postures and breathing techniques inspired by Hatha Yoga but also Tibetan techniques based on the circulation of energies. A way to reactivate the pituitary, thyroid, adrenals and ovaries.

Yoga can strongly encourage couples to let go and relax in order to conceive without stress.




Some yoga postures that promote pregnancy

Yoga allows you to relax, loosen up and release any muscle contraction. Certain postures and breathing exercises act on the perineum and stimulate blood circulation to the reproductive organs.

Here are a few easy postures to do to increase your chances of getting pregnant.


Upavistha Konasana

This posture is used to improve blood circulation in the female reproductive system and to make the pelvis more flexible.

• Sit on the floor and spread your legs to form an angle of about 90°,
• Point the toes upwards and put the hands between the legs,
• Move your hands forward until you feel a stretch in your back and legs,
• Hold this position without tensing for three full breaths and then release.


Supta Baddha Konasana

This posture is recommended for menstrual problems and lumbar pain.

• Lie on the floor with a pillow wedged under the lumbar vertebrae,
• On exhalation, bring your feet together by spreading your knees apart on each side,
• Remain in this posture 10 full breaths then release.


Setu Bandha Sarvangasana

This posture stimulates hormones and blood flow to the uterus and ovaries.

• Lie on your back and bend your knees to bring your feet as close as possible to your buttocks,
• Inhale deeply and on the exhalation, lift the buttocks,
• Thighs and feet should be approximately parallel,
• Place your arms at your side to help each other,
• Hold the 3 full breaths position before returning to the initial position.


Vicariat Karani

This posture is to be performed after a sexual act, the gravity helping the spermatozoa to join the egg to fertilize it.

• Sit facing a wall, lie on your back and extend your legs up against the wall,
• Extend your arms to the side, palms up,
• Close your eyes and remain 10 complete breaths, releasing all tension and visualizing your fertilization.



Under its somewhat barbaric name, this posture is the one that usually closes each yoga session. It allows you to relax and create a relaxing atmosphere conducive to making a baby.

• Lie on your back,
• Spread the legs the width of the pelvis,
• Place your hands on each side of your body, palms towards the ceiling,
• Concentrate only on breathing by making the emptiness inside yourself, think of nothing.




What types of yoga are beneficial for design?

Hatha yoga is considered ideal for fertility because it involves slower and more fluid movements.

The deep and slow breathing of this yoga calms your mind. The various postures called Asanas will help you improve blood circulation.



Infertility is affecting more and more couples, mainly due to the environment and the reproductive age, which decreases with the later entry into working life.

However, there are far more impatient couples than infertile ones! The stress of modern life has a negative influence on a woman's fertility and ovulation can be irregular.

Yoga is known for its strong relaxing and de-stressing action, why wouldn't it facilitate a pregnancy?

Studies have been conducted and have proven that stress negatively impacts a woman's fertility. However, yoga reduces stress, thus increasing the chances of procreation!

As mentioned previously, stress plays a major role in slowing down your fertility. Yoga is an excellent way to overcome stress and achieve peace of mind.

Yoga is not only about your body, it's also about how you breathe. The breathing techniques associated with yoga can help reduce the stress hormone cortisol in the body.

Some yoga postures can help detoxify the body and help stimulate your fertility. Yoga can also help relax tense muscles and connective tissue.

Many infertility problems arise due to blockages. With yoga, you can improve your blood circulation and make sure it reaches the reproductive organs. This can help create a truly positive environment for pregnancy!

Yoga is a great way to boost your immune system. Practicing yoga helps you find your inner calm, which in turn can help increase the number of white blood cells in the body.

Some yoga postures redirect blood flow to reach the ovaries. This helps provide these specific organs with more oxygen, making them healthier.

With all these hormones in the body, it is easy to fall into the depths of physical and mental distress. This negative energy in the body can reduce your chances of conceiving. With yoga, you can minimize these side effects and increase your chances of becoming pregnant.

