
Yoga for back pain exercises

Back pain is certainly the evil of the century. Who has never been full that his back makes him suffer?

A survey revealed that 76% of working people suffer from back pain. The lumbago is moreover the first cause of invalidity at 45 years old.

Not only back pain does not prevent you from practicing yoga, but in addition, certain postures will really relieve you.

What advice should I follow? Which postures to avoid or on the contrary to put into practice? The world of yoga is particularly rich: hatha yoga, ashtanga yoga, iyengar yoga, kundalini yoga... And can bring real back benefits to those who practice it!


Back pain, the pain of the century

Our lifestyle is conducive to the development of back pain. Back pain can occur as a result of poorly executed movement or excessive sport, but it can also be unavoidable, linked to our daily habits:

• Bad sleep, bad bedding,
• Sedentary life, lack of physical activity,
• Prolonged sitting position, at the desk or on the sofa,
• Stress, a factor not to be neglected in the appearance of back pain,
• Poor diet, deficiencies can promote back pain.

How can we reduce the impact of our lifestyle on back pain?

First of all, it is useful to look at the causes of the pain and to modify what can be done: walking more, eating better, playing sports...

On the other hand, when you spend 7 hours a day in front of your desk, it's hard to escape it. So here's a good reason to take the path of yoga classes.





Doing yoga for back pain

Yoga not only soothes the body, but also the mind.

A yoga session will relax your body and mind. In this sense, with a special yoga class for back pain, you will not only effectively combat physical pain, but you will also be better equipped to reduce stress and anxiety.

Even if you strive daily to adopt a good position in front of the screen, or if you have invested in an ergonomic seat, you are not immune to back pain. Stress and tension in your daily life can be a factor that can trigger seizures.

With regular practice of yoga, back pain can be effectively prevented. The benefits of yoga are numerous, both physically and spiritually:

• Strengthen his dorsal muscles,
• Perform stretching,
• Become aware of your body and learn to listen to it,
• Improve its flexibility,
• To relax and unwind,
• Evacuate tension.

The list could still grow longer, of course. More than a physical activity, yoga is a true philosophy of life that tends to promote harmony between body and mind.




Yoga postures that relieve the back

Of course, if you suffer from low back pain or neck pain, you will choose yoga postures that will specifically address the pain to relieve it.

Avoid certain classes such as dynamic yoga. Instead, choose a Hatha yoga class that combines postures with concentration and breathing, as well as relaxation.

By gently working on the spine and stretching it, back pain is effectively relieved.

Among the postures (asana) that will have a beneficial action on pain, we find :

• The child's posture, to relax and stretch the back,
• The cat's posture, to soften the spine and strengthen the deep abdominal muscles,
• The camel posture, to relax the back and soften the shoulders,
• Cow's head posture, to relieve back and sciatic pain,
• The head down posture of the dog, a very effective classic to stretch the back and soften the legs,
• The torsion posture, to soften and straighten the spine, also used in cases of scoliosis,
• The half-bridge posture, to strengthen the lumbar vertebrae and stretch the abdominal muscles,
• The turtle posture, to stretch the lower back (reserved for experienced yogis),
• The posture of the rolling stone, to stretch and relax the spine.




For effective relief of back pain, it is important to take your time to perform these movements gently, and to ensure proper positioning. Poorly executed postures can also be a source of injury.

Remember to find a suitable yoga class. Therapeutic yoga must be done with a competent yoga teacher. He will be able to provide you with the basic knowledge and teach you the postures best suited to your needs.

Once the movements are mastered, you can easily practice yoga at home on your yoga mat. Not only will the back pain go away, but you will also get rid of the daily stress.

