
What is tantric massage

Tantric massage is one of the most pleasant and relaxing treatments a person can receive to relax and unwind. Its roots go back to the dawn of time, but it is now being revived. Let's discover together what tantric massage is.

This massage can be compared to a traditional classical massage, which has an extremely positive impact on health, as it helps to get rid of all health problems.

However, recently, clients are more interested in tantric massage, because it allows to heal not only the body, but also the soul and spirit. In this article, we take a look at this type of intense spiritual massage that comes from Tantrism.


Definition of tantric massage

Tantra, from the Sanskrit root "tan", translates as "to extend, manifest, show or bring forward". Tantric massage aims to unblock energy blockages throughout the body and awaken the Kundalini, a mystical energy that lies at the base of the spine. When the Kundalini comes out of its resting state, it spreads along the spine and precipitates healing throughout the body.

Tantric massage is a type of massage that uses sexual energy to achieve a higher state of consciousness. Qualified Tantric massage therapists, or lovers who study the art, use specific sensual touches, such as lightly running the fingertips along the body to awaken a dormant energy field in the body.

Once awakened, this energy field is believed to unite the lovers in an ecstatic experience and allow trapped physical and mental pain to escape the body.




Benefits of tantric massage

The practice of tantric massage is extremely beneficial for your relationship as well as for your life in general. We will now look at the various physical and spiritual benefits that tantric massage can bring you.

Strengthening emotional bonds
Tantric massage can enhance your relationship with your partner in ways you never imagined. When blockages are cleared and sexual energy can flow freely, you'll have a whole new lease on life. Gone are the days of fear, embarrassment and other restrictive mindsets that get in the way of love. Instead, you and your partner can enjoy renewed clarity for the future while cultivating true satisfaction and intimacy.

Eliminating energetic blockages
Although not actual physical barriers, blockages are any type of energetic or emotional obstacle that prevents your sexual energy from flowing freely throughout your body. Tantric massage addresses all aspects of an individual: mental, physical, emotional and sexual. The goal is to get to the root of the blockage to eliminate it, allowing the free flow of energy within.

Improve your health and vitality
As a human being, you are imbued with sexual energy. Unfortunately, this energy is often misdirected or misused, without its full potential being realized. Tantric massage helps teach the body how to use this energy for healing, allowing you to cleanse and purify yourself physically, spiritually and emotionally to improve your health and vitality.

Fostering joy and fulfillment
Beautiful things happen when you are finally able to embrace your true self, spiritually and sexually. Many people report feeling true joy and fulfillment for the first time in their lives while practicing Tantric massage. Knowing and loving yourself and your partner on such a deep and intimate level allows you to experience a sense of liberation, clarity and fulfillment that you have never felt before: the true root of ecstatic life.

Unlocking orgasmic potential
For many people, the highlight of their sexual experiences with their partner is the brief, transient moment of orgasm. However, people who practice Tantric massage have learned to fully tap into their orgasmic potential. This is because Tantric massage encourages sexual energy to disperse throughout the body, allowing for multiple orgasmic states that can last from a few minutes to several hours.

Reduce sexual dysfunction
Sexual dysfunctions come in many different forms and are usually the result of some type of blockage. Problems such as low libido, premature ejaculation and impotence can all affect your sex life. Cases of sexual dysfunction can be reduced or eliminated completely through Tantric massage, allowing you to tap into the full potential of the sexual energy in your body.




How does a tantric massage session take place ?

During a tantric massage session, the body is covered with natural oils or supplements chosen according to the type of massage chosen. The massage takes place in a room where relaxing music is played and candles are lit: it is a room full of aromas that allow you to concentrate and establish a strong connection with your inner self.

These massages were seen as a form of worship of the ancient gods, as well as a praise of vitality and naturalness. It takes place on a comfortable and spacious mattress, to ensure the comfort of both the masseur and the client. Tantric massage can be practiced by both men and women and covers every part of the body for pleasure and relaxation.

It is important to know that every part of the human body is considered equal in value and importance: no part is automatically rejected or considered as shameful and intimate, which would result in its exclusion from the massage.

It is an intense moment that allows you to experience pleasant sensations, moving from relaxation to tension that is then released through the use of appropriate massage techniques.


Some remarks before performing a tantric massage

Sexual arousal is an important emotional impact of Tantric massage. Giving and receiving Tantric massage is intimate and is often only performed between lovers who are comfortable with each other.

This is why professional masseurs and therapists warn their clients to change their treatment method if they feel uncomfortable. But to strengthen the emotional bond with your lover, this is certainly one of the most profound and radical methods!

