
What is chakras

If you are new to yoga, you have certainly heard about the power of this practice on our chakras. We sometimes make fun of yoga by saying that it will open our chakras. But in reality, what are chakras? You often hear about this idea but you don't know what it means? In this article, I give you a complete explanation of the 7 chakras and what they mean. Here we go!

chakrasA legend tells that one day, gods met to discuss the fate of men. One of them asked himself: "How can we help them understand what is really inside them? ». Another added, "And how to make them aware of their connection to the Universe? ». On that day, many proposals were made. But none of them seemed to be agreeable...

Man seemed doomed to never be aware of his own divinity. Condemned to execute his life mechanically, without ever touching his essence. When, suddenly, one of them murmured in a hesitant voice: "What if we were to diffuse a divine energy in them? »

Everyone was suddenly cheered by this answer. One of them exclaimed, "That's exactly right! We are going to make man understand his power by lodging in the hollow of his body, his deep link between the Earth and the sky. »

From that day on, the mission of Mankind consisted of removing his blinkers in order to become aware of this connection within himself. But how were they going to do this?


What are chakras? Definition

The study of the chakras goes back several thousand years. It finds its origin in Tantrism and Indian beliefs. In reality, it is difficult to give an accessible definition of the chakras and even more difficult to summarize them in a few words.

Thus, not everyone will find themselves in these explanations of the chakras and this is quite normal. Nowadays, we often live disconnected from our body and our essence. It therefore seems difficult to become aware of how it works. To understand the chakras, it is necessary to be able to press pause on its daily life and to listen to itself for good. It is a story of feelings rather than a scientific definition to be learned. However, if you are here, it is certainly because you are attracted to this concept and it is time for you to learn a little more.

On a daily basis, we are influenced by the energy that vibrates around us but also within us. For example, you may have noticed that a certain person tends to "feed" you, while other people tend to pump your energy. When you're around them, you feel happy, full of energy, or angry and tired. These feelings are actually related to our energetic body.





Definition of chakras: energy centers

We can say that the chakras correspond to centers of vital energy. They are placed within our body. However, we can neither see nor touch them.

Indeed, we are constantly crossed by a vital energy, which is sometimes called Prana, or Chi and Who. The chakras are therefore centers or reservoirs that contain this energy. But they are not static: they ensure the transfer of the vital energy, which moves inside us. Most of the time, we talk about 7 main chakras. However, they would actually be much more numerous (several thousand).

The chakras are sometimes seen as "antennae" that allow the human body to come into contact with what surrounds it. Whether on Earth or with the entire Universe. According to this belief, we are endowed with a physical body, the one we can touch, but also with an energetic body and subtle bodies.

In this system, the chakras act both on our physical body (health, tensions, functioning of organs), on our emotional body (relationship to others, emotions), and beyond (intuition, communication with our guides etc).


The 7 chakras

In the Sanskrit language, the term "chakra" means wheel. Indeed, chakras are dynamic. They have a rotating movement that allows them to circulate energy constantly. But where can we find them? In fact, the chakras are located along our spine, from the coccyx to the top of the skull. The 1st and 7th chakras are vertical: they are both placed like a link between the earth and the sky. While the other five are horizontal and radiate towards the front of the body.

To achieve balance in our being, all our chakras must receive the same amount of energy. As a general rule, it is said that energy comes from the 1st to the 7th chakra and travels up our spine. Indeed, the 1st chakra would be the seat of Kundalini, a spiritual energy that would lead to a feeling of unity with the Universe.

Thus, as we evolve and open our consciousness, we gradually access the activation of our 7 chakras. If you do not know where you are on this path, the colors you like or dislike are a lead to learn about the state of your own chakras and their degree of opening.

Do you see a little more clearly on this concept? Now let's look at the chakras one by one and their meaning to learn more.




Complete explanations on the 7 chakras

Each chakra has its own role within the body. It allows to ensure a function on the physical, mental and emotional level. You may say to me: but don't our organs and hormones already have this role? Yes, they do! However, your physical and mental balance is not only related to the general state of your body. It is also linked to the 7 chakras and your energetic body.

If this seems strange to you, it is normal. You have probably never had the opportunity to connect to this idea. So give it time to infuse it into you, instead of instinctively crossing it out of your life. Little by little, through meditation, listening to yourself and yoga, you will certainly come to understand that yes, the chakras are of paramount importance in your development and on your level of well-being.





The first chakra is located at the level of the coccyx (lower spine) and the perineum. Its role is to capture telluric energies (coming from the earth) in order to stay in contact with this force. The term Mulhadara translates as "support of our roots", which explains the role of this 1st chakra. Indeed, it allows us to remain rooted and to connect to the Earth. The root chakra represents a base on which to rest. It also refers to the overall functioning of the body, our life force, our sexuality and our security. In our modern way of life, the notion of security will be more of a material and financial nature. It is this chakra that allows us to have "feet on the ground", to take our responsibilities and to have confidence in the future.

It is also the seat of Kundalini. It is therefore the chakra that allows the connection with the other chakras. When the root chakra is balanced, we experience financial, material and emotional security. We have little fear about the future. When it is not, it can on the contrary cause stress and anxiety, especially about the future and money. Its color is red.





The second chakra is located three fingers below the navel. It is translated by the expression: "the seat of the Self" and refers indeed, to our identity. It is related to fluidity and participates in particular in the transmission of liquids within the body. It is the seat of sexual and reproductive energies. Moreover, the second chakra is linked to fertility and influences the sexual organs, the bladder, menstruation and the kidneys.

The sacred chakra is also the chakra of pleasure, intuition and feminine energy. It allows us to be playful and have fun. In addition, this chakra is considered to allow rebirth. It helps to take the impulse for a new life and to give birth to new projects.

When the second chakra is balanced, it gives us the opportunity to enjoy the pleasures of life: good food, fulfilled sexuality, creativity and inspiration, and a sense of abundance. When it is not, it can cause inhibition, lack of passion or loss of desire. Its color is orange.





The third chakra is located between the navel and the sternum, in the area of the solar plexus. It is translated by "city of jewels". It refers to self-confidence, willpower and courage. It is moreover associated with the Fire element. In addition, it is attributed the notions of organization and reasoning. Finally, it also refers to our sensitivity.

The third chakra allows us to have harmonious relationships, to show wisdom, calm in our decisions and to exercise our power over life. It is the chakra that could be compared to the peaceful warrior in yoga. It gives you the courage to move serenely towards your goal and to fight to bring out your personal truth. On the physical level, it participates in the regulation of temperature and energy level.

When the solar plexus chakra is balanced, you have the strength to accomplish what makes you vibrate. You show courage and tenacity. Problems can be solved easily. If they are not, they can cause shyness, indecision and devaluation. Its color is yellow.





The 4th chakra is located in the heart region. It opens forward between the sternum and the throat. As you can imagine, the heart chakra refers to the energy of love: love of others but also love of oneself. The term Anahata is translated as "point of life". We consider this chakra as the door of the soul. It is located in the region of our true being, far from the formatting of our consciousness and our fears. In an area where love dominates.

Moreover, it refers to the gift of self and our connection with others. Human beings of course, but also animals and nature.

When the heart chakra is balanced, you feel love for yourself and for others. You are in a fulfilling love relationship. In addition, you show empathy and generosity. When it is not, it can lead to heart problems on the physical level, but also to problems of emotional dependence. Your relationships with others are difficult. You find it hard to let the love of others into you. Or you may be heartbroken for love. On the other hand, when your heart chakra is too active, you tend to forget yourself to please others. Its color is green.





The 5th chakra is located at the level of the throat, close to the heart chakra. This is why it also refers to the love of self and others.

The throat is the seat of sound within the physical body, the throat chakra therefore allows for self-expression. It is related to affirming our truths, expressing ourselves freely or speaking. In addition, the term Vishudda means "purity". Indeed, self-expression allows us to connect to our deepest being and inner truth. From a physical point of view, the 5th chakra is linked to the thyroid and parathyroid glands, the throat and the vocal cords. This chakra also allows self-expression through art, music and all forms of creativity.

When the throat chakra is balanced, it allows you to freely say what is on your heart. You can speak calmly and share your truth by inspiring others. When it is not, you may have throat problems. You may have difficulty making your voice heard and expressing your emotions. On the contrary, if this chakra is too active, you will tend to talk more than you need to and not listen to others. Its color is blue.





The sixth chakra is located between the two eyebrows. It is the 3rd eye chakra: it connects you to the world that surrounds you beyond your 5 senses. The term Ajna translates as "beyond wisdom". From a physical point of view, it is associated with the pituitary gland, which has a role in the hormonal system.

The 3rd eye chakra corresponds to the extrasensory functions and particularly to intuition, mediumnity and premonition. However, this chakra is rarely open in most people. It is linked to a spiritual evolution and a work of evolution of consciousness.

When the third eye chakra is balanced, you are intuitive and open to your spiritual development. You feel in harmony with yourself and the world around you. For example, you have an attraction for tarot, astrology or the paranormal. If this chakra is not balanced, it leads to a lack of intuition. You tend to lack discernment. On the contrary, if the 6th chakra is too active, you are too connected to the subtle worlds and may miss your experience of life on Earth. Physically, this chakra can also lead to migraines, sleep problems and visual disturbances. Its color is indigo.





The Crown Chakra is located at the top of the skull. This last chakra represents enlightenment, universal consciousness, self-realization or peace. Indeed, the crown chakra is the link between the earth and the sky. It connects us to our divine essence. The term Sahasrara means "one thousand petals" and the symbol to which it refers is a lotus with a thousand petals.

In practice, it cannot be worked. It is our own evolution that allows us to open it and become aware of it. This takes time and is quite rare. The awakening of the 7th chakra is rather accessible to spiritual masters. Its color is purple or white.





How to have open chakras?

Contrary to what is often said, there is no open chakra, because you cannot open or close a chakra. It can however be more or less active. One will speak about "harmonizing its chakras", to awaken them or to activate them. This can be done in the form of :

- Meditations
- Alternating breathing
- Yoga Sessions
- Visualization on colors
- Use of stones and crystals
- Aromatherapy
- Food
- Energy care

Moreover, before working on one of our chakras, it is important to always return to its anchorage to the Earth and to the 1st chakra. This chakra helps maintain a good functioning of the physical and mental body during the exercise.

What we call "open chakra" is therefore a symbol to speak of a balanced chakra. Generally, we have several chakras that need to be awakened. Similarly, our balance is fragile, it is always to be re-evaluated over time. Thus, throughout our life, it is always useful to carry out this work of harmony of our 7 chakras.




The chakras seem more familiar to you now? If not, don't worry, it's not a big deal! There is no need to connect to our chakras to practice yoga and receive all the benefits. However, if this topic has attracted your curiosity, you can take some time to explore this phenomenon a little. For example, sit down in a quiet place and ask yourself if you want to learn more about your chakras. Usually, your body will respond easily when you stop reasoning. In addition, give yourself time to learn if the subject is new to you. Finally, your yoga teacher can also help you learn more about this area during your sessions. So don't hesitate to talk to him or her about it.

