
Stones weight loss

It's no secret that overweight people live shorter and less healthy lives. According to several serious studies, an obese person loses up to eight years of life expectancy and up to twenty years of healthy life expectancy. If you want to prevent cardiovascular risks such as heart attacks, losing weight is not an option. Did you know that lithotherapy and the use of certain crystals can help you control your weight? In fact, certain stones help you lose weight and we decided to talk to you about it today.

Nowadays, obesity is considered by the World Health Organization as a global pandemic. Globally, there are more overweight people than malnourished people. This phenomenon is observed in all regions of the world, except in parts of sub-Saharan Africa and Asia.


4 stones to lose weight

If you are interested in the powers of stones, you certainly know that they can help you in many areas. Weight loss is no exception: it is possible to lose weight thanks to stones.

Let's take a look at the different stones to lose weight, the ones that can help you with a diet and accelerate your weight loss.






Are you looking for an effective solution to lose a little weight before summer, lose weight quickly or get rid of those unsightly little bulges on your hips? Then this weight loss crystal is for you! It has 3 effects that will help you in your challenge:

Effect appetite suppressant: Indeed, from a physical point of view, blue apatite is known to act as a natural appetite suppressant. Therefore, wearing this stone will reduce your snacking and will also allow you to reduce the portions of your meals, without (too much) frustration.

Fat Burner Effect: At rest, the body expends calories to maintain vital functions such as breathing or body temperature. This basic metabolism represents about 1300 calories per day. Thanks to its vibratory frequency, apatite will increase this figure, contributing to the elimination of toxins and fats.

Effect booster of motivation: Moreover, on the psychic level, the vibration emitted by this stone to lose weight will boost your determination. Thus, your objectives of weight loss will appear simpler to you to reach.

Apatite is the most effective stone to help you lose weight.


The Howlite

To lose weight, you have to set goals and stick to them. The howlite stone is interesting during a diet because it combines several powers. It is used to increase mental concentration, promote self-confidence and contribute to weight loss.

Psychologically, this stone to lose weight will allow you to move forward. It will transmit you the energy to overcome your apprehensions. Your confidence capital will be boosted and you will feel ready to reach your weight loss goals.

On a physical level, the howlite is an excellent ally for losing weight. Indeed, this stone has an impact on the transfer of fluids present in the body. As a result, digestion is improved and the body evacuates water more easily thanks to the diuretic power of howlite.

Wearing howlite is particularly recommended for people with water retention. We advise you to buy a howlite bracelet, because it allows the stones to be in direct contact with your body and your energies.


The Rock Crystal

Clear quartz, also known as rock crystal, is a crystal known for its transparency which symbolically represents the ability to see what is difficult to measure. Therefore, it amplifies your inner energy and helps you achieve your goals.

Quartz is popular because it allows the wearer to make the right choices. So if your goal is to lose weight, quartz will give you the will to stick it out! However, keep in mind that quartz has no direct influence on your desire to eat. Therefore, it is best to turn to apatite.


Pink Quartz

This clear color crystal emits a soothing and calming vibration. The use of this mineral is important because it soothes the wearer and allows him to be at peace with his personal choices.

It is natural for someone who has been trying to lose weight for a long time to be frustrated, irritated and tired by the slow results. A rose quartz helps to cope with this problem and helps to accept and love one's body as it is. Being in total agreement with your choices and your body will keep your mind healthy and peaceful for positive and fruitful results in the long term.


Stones to lose weight: accompanying the power of stones

The vibrations of the stones will help you to lose weight and lose weight. However, if you want faster and longer term results, it is necessary to accompany the power of the stones to lose weight with healthy eating habits and regular physical activity.

Eat better to lose weight naturally

Reduce your sugar intake! This advice is no longer a secret but, for many of us, following this common sense rule is complicated. Indeed, we are addicted to sugar and like any other addiction, it is difficult to get rid of it.

Wearing a rock crystal will help you reduce and stop the sugar. The resonance of the stone will bring you clarity, helping you to resist temptation and reach your weight loss goals.

You will also need to reduce the absorption of carbohydrates. Indeed, carbohydrates are transformed into sugars during the digestion process. Carbohydrates are found in almost all the foods we eat and especially in starchy foods (paws, rice...). Reduce your intake of starchy foods to lose weight quickly. Without sugar, your body will burn the fat stored in your body.



Check your carbohydrate and protein intake before preparing your meal

It is still important to consume a few carbohydrates to maintain a balanced diet. Therefore, choose healthy sources of carbohydrates such as oats, whole grain rice, quinoa or sweet potatoes.

Eat low carbohydrate vegetables such as spinach, cucumbers, zucchini, mushrooms, celery... Don't be afraid to overindulge in vegetables, they are beneficial for your body and will allow you to eat your fill without gaining weight.

Eat protein. Favour vegetable proteins that do not contain antibiotics and less bad cholesterol than animal proteins. Eggs (preferably organic) are also a good source of protein. However, don't overindulge in egg yolk because it contains a lot of bad cholesterol.

Do more activities to lose weight and strengthen your muscles

Practicing a sport is beneficial for weight loss because during your session you will burn many calories in a short period of time. In addition, it is also an opportunity to tone your body and fight the stress of everyday life while having fun.

Some sports are very effective in burning calories:

• Running can burn a lot of calories. It is the easiest sport to lose weight. Running invigorates your muscles, especially your legs, and helps to reduce bone and muscle loss, slowing down the aging process.
• Swimming has a number of benefits. It's a "gentle" sport that doesn't wear out your joints, bones and ligaments because the natural resistance of water protects your joints. Thus, you burn calories by working all the muscles of your body. In addition, over time, your posture and flexibility improve. Swimming is one of the best sports for maintaining your body and losing weight without violence.
• To combine sport with spirituality, yoga, in all its forms, should not be neglected. Thanks to this practice, you will bring tonus to your body, strengthen your muscles, work your flexibility, while balancing your chakras. It is an excellent practice to multiply tenfold the power of the stones to lose weight.


Stones to lose weight: the final word

The power of crystals helps people lose weight. However, if you want quick and long term results, it is important to eat a healthy and balanced diet and practice at least one sport session per week. As for the stones to lose weight, you can combine and wear different stones on you to combine their benefits on your physical and mental health.

Our advice: always have an Apatite Slimming Bracelet for restaurant dinners or family meals and proudly wear quartz or howlite, known for their psychic benefits.

