
Stones to attract love

Why not celebrate all the loves in your life, your spouse or partner, your children, your dearest friends, and especially yourself, with jewels that have the power to heal, calm and strengthen our ability to love with an open heart.


Precious stones

If diamonds are a girl's best friends, crystals are a woman's best friends. Whether you're single and looking for love or married and looking to keep people close, it never hurts to have a little extra luck in your pocket, on your wrist or in the corner of your room. Because even though we know that magic or love potions don't exist, the energy exists and it can be very powerful. Crystals emit a natural energy, so learning which crystals can attract love and romance could be useful to you.

Even if you don't believe in crystals, all the self-help books say that you need to have good vibrations in your life, and what better way to do that than with a visible crystal in your room or apartment that will remind you to put all the chances on your side.

Aza Derman, a specialist in paleontology and metaphysics says, "Minerals have positive energy, and all crystals have different types of positive energy. Crystals are essentially expressions of chemical energy, rather than having energy. We can say that they ARE energy. Each crystal has its own identity and energy. In the same way that the energy contained in the crystals can be transferred to our chakras to heal aches and pains. The energy of certain crystals can be used to attract things to the universe, things like love, success and wealth.





Love Stones

Here are the top 10 gemstones known for their properties that can attract, inspire and deepen love in all its forms.


Rose quartz: softness and romanticism

Known as "the stone of unconditional love", rose quartz opens the heart, inspiring self-love while attracting or renewing romantic love. Consider it the "all-purpose" or "beginner's love" stone. Bearer of the feminine energy of compassion and peace, rose quartz is the most popular and most common of the quartz family. Traditionally called the "heart stone", it has been used as a token of love since 600 BC.

This stone is considered sweet and nurturing, the one you want if you are looking for unconditional love in many aspects of your life. If you wear it close to the heart, like on a necklace, it activates the heart chakra and promotes self-love that radiates and helps to attract outside love. It is the best stone for beginning romances and for getting through the complex feelings of love.

Perhaps you need to love yourself more, or perhaps you are looking to heal your family love with a broken family member. Or maybe you are looking for your soul mate. Whatever type of love you're looking for, it's a good stone to have in your home or as jewelry.

According to Hall, in his book Love Crystals, the best way to channel unconditional love through this stone is to hold a piece in your hand while repeating a statement: "I'm drawing love into my life, my life is full of love right now, my life is full of abundant love. I am a magnet for love right now".

This is an ideal gift for a new love, a long time partner or spouse, or for yourself.


Rhodochrosite: the crystal of positive love

Varying from raspberry pink to pink red, this crystal not only bears the color of love, but also evokes it.

As soft as the color that emanates from it, rhodochrosite makes you soft as a lamb. Strongly associated with the heart chakra, this crystal makes you feel alive, loving, positive and spontaneous. Release your energy blockages and let the playful side come out! For all single women and men, this jewel gives universal love and attracts relationships. You can then use the rhodochrosite to stimulate and improve your self-esteem.


Emerald: Romanticism and Loyalty

Stone of successful love, emerald brings domestic happiness and loyalty in relationships. It also strengthens friendships through unity and unconditional love, making it a wonderful symbol of love for a partner, spouse or friend. A stone of good fortune, emerald is an excellent stone for married couples, regardless of how long they have been married. Emerald fosters romantic love and loyalty, two essential elements of a successful long-term relationship.

It is the balance of energies that helps maintain a stable relationship and encourages both partners to be forgiving, accept responsibility, apologize when necessary, and love unconditionally. In addition to finding balance with others, emerald also helps to recognize what true happiness means to oneself.


Garnet: desire and passion

Garnet is a commitment stone that inspires love and devotion. It calms any feelings of conflict and stimulates sexual desire. This makes it an excellent stone to engage more deeply in a new relationship or even to revitalize a long term relationship. Garnet is your stone to ignite passion and attraction. It is ideal for spicing up your current relationship. Wearing garnet or carrying it in your pocket will help you feel more desirable, and this energy can emanate from you.

Excellent stone to promote intimacy, garnet can increase libido and stimulate passion and romance. Its stimulating properties are excellent for fighting depression. So if you feel depressed or bored in your current relationship, garnet can help rekindle that spark.




Moonstone: fertility and protection

Moonstone is a milky white crystal with shades of marbled blue, gold and purple and is known to attract good fortune.

It has been called "the gem of lovers". Moonstone is a stone of growth and inner strength. Often called a stone for "new beginnings".

It calms and soothes stress and emotional instability, while stabilizing emotions. Moonstone promotes inspiration, good fortune and success in love and business and strengthens intuition.

Considered a talisman for travelers, this sacred stone is a prophecy and the ultimate gift for lovers. It opens the heart and the sacred chakra of the body to increase psychic abilities and stimulates inner growth.

It is the mother moon stone, of deep healing waters and sacred feminine energies. With its high-energy rays of violet, gold and blue colors, this makes it a very protective stone.

The healing properties of moonstone on the human body revolve around supporting normal rhythms, in accordance with the meaning of moonstone. Moonstone is beneficial to the female reproductive system, improves fertility, reduces problems associated with the menstrual cycle, encourages hormonal balance and reduces water retention.

It helps normalize a sleep cycle. People who suffer from insomnia and other sleep disorders should keep a blue moonstone under their pillow at night.


Carnelian: confidence

Carnelian has the power to improve and strengthen parent-child relationships by restoring or protecting love and trust. Think of it as a gift for your mother or daughter, especially after a difficult or emotional time.


Tourmaline: attracts love

This stone is a natural aphrodisiac that attracts love in the material and spiritual world. It restores confidence in love and helps the one who wears it to love with all his heart. It is an ideal gift for someone with whom love only blossoms.





The ruby: power and desire

In antiquity, rubies were a wedding stone because they symbolize love and passion. It is the stone of nobility, perfect for those seeking a decadent romance. They balance the heart and inspire fiery enthusiasm, while eliminating negative energies.

Rubies are believed to bring a sense of power and confidence to those who wear them, which may explain why it is a stone that the Queen of England has worn many times over the years. Unlike rose quartz, this stone does not activate the heart chakra, but the root chakra, the first chakra at the base of the spine.

Because it activates the root chakra, it initiates our sensual pleasures, promoting increased sexual desire and energy. Let's just say that you feel at your best when you are adorned with a ruby and that the sexual energy and confidence you radiate does not go unnoticed.

It is the best stone to attract a short-lived relationship that turns into a long-term one.

Ruby is a classic gemstone for lovers, partners and spouses.


Turquoise: fidelity and romanticism

Turquoise heals and protects, bringing comfort to body and mind. It is also a symbol of fidelity and an initiator of romantic love. Because of its versatility, it can be a meaningful gift for any loved one in your life.


Diamonds: loyalty and commitment

These radiant crystals symbolize fidelity and commitment. Their light and clarity deepen the bond of love within a relationship, especially a marriage. It is an expensive, yet lasting gift for a spouse or long-term partner.


Conclusion on stones to attract love

Attracting love and keeping it is not necessarily easy, however, by being authentic and using stones you can quite achieve your goals and discover a powerful attraction that lies dormant within you.

