
Sacred masculine

We hear a lot about the sacred feminine in spiritual circles. However, the sacred masculine should not be forgotten. This deep energy is essential to well-being and success. It also participates in the advent of a new world of peace. What is the sacred masculine, and how to reconnect with it? We take stock in this article.


Sacred Male: What is it about?

The concept of the sacred masculine is not always easy to explain. For good reason, the sacred masculine is not something tangible. It is rather an energy, a mystical dimension, a state of mind, a way of being and understanding life.

Contrary to popular belief, the sacred masculine does not only concern men. It is, on the contrary, present in every human being. It is even necessary to develop a fair balance between the feminine and the sacred masculine, since these two polarities complement each other.

In a symbolic way, one could imagine that the feminine conceives when the masculine concretizes. Both roles are indispensable. One does not go without the other. The key to success is therefore most certainly to develop the sacred feminine as well as the sacred masculine.

The sacred masculine could be defined as the very essence of the divine man. It is accompanied by qualities such as protection, sensitivity, love, respect for all forms of life and justice. The sacred masculine is very linked to the passage to action. It is a question of using one's strength and authority in the service of the good, and in listening to one's emotions.





False Masculinity: An Obstacle to the Sacred Masculine in Men

The majority of both men and women are disconnected from their sacred masculinity. Society pushes men away from their divine essence by adopting the attitude of false masculinity. This mask is conditioned by various external models.

From an early age, the world teaches us a false vision of what authority and strength is. Whether it is through films, cartoons, books, music and many other media, false masculinity takes the form of a superhero who crushes everything in his path.

The man then believes that he must correspond to this image in order to have value in the eyes of others. He imagines that he will have no credibility by acting differently. He then disconnects from his heart, and unconsciously integrates a lot of negative reflexes.

The man with the sacred masculine uses his natural force and develops it to do good, to develop the beautiful and is connected to his heart and his emotions.

Attention: Some men, aware of this false masculinity, try to attenuate their part of masculinity and unconsciously (or not) develop too much feminine energy. Unfortunately this also prevents the development of the sacred masculine.


Signs of false masculinity

Here are several signs of false masculinity. If as a man you recognize yourself in one or more of these characteristics, it is probably because you are currently wearing a face that prevents you from expressing your sacred masculinity. This work will be the necessary first step in reconnecting with your sacred masculine, the true energy of the divine male.

• You perceive all other men as rivals. As soon as one of your fellow men approaches, you feel compelled to compete with him. You are constantly being compared, you always try to be the one who has the most beautiful house, the biggest car, the best job... A man who assumes himself and agrees with himself knows his value.

• You have a reductive vision of women and a materialistic vision. Before seeing them as human beings, you only try to seduce them. You find it difficult to communicate with a woman without having an idea in your head. You generally only notice in women their physical attributes, and you deprive them of their identity.

• You experience sex only compulsively and recreationally. Influenced by the world of porn, your sex life comes down to a matter of "flesh". You put no feelings into your relationships, and have no real consideration for your partner. You tend to make up for your shortcomings with sex.

• You are convinced that a strong man never cries. You constantly repress your emotions. You think that feelings are something shameful to hide. You like to brag that you are a "tough guy" and that you don't have any feelings. You don't share your love, you never say "I love you" to the people you love.

• You don't hesitate to use force to gain personal interests. You like to intimidate others, especially those weaker than you. You have a tendency to raise your voice, make violent gestures, and even reach for your hands, all to glorify your ego. You believe that violence is the only way to impose yourself.


The consequences of false masculinity

False masculinity prevents you from reaching your full potential. It not only has a negative impact on the world, but also on your success. By living only in false masculinity, you miss out on authenticity: the authenticity of the relationship with yourself and with others. In the end, you are missing out on happiness...

It should be known that many men secretly suffer from this image of insensitivity that they must hold. They feel in the depths of their hearts the need to be more vulnerable, more real, more sensitive, more human... but they cannot release the pressure for fear of the gaze of others. They then exhaust themselves in a harmful role that does not correspond to their true nature.

If man would allow himself to fully live his sacred masculinity, he could truly change the world. The real strength does not lie in oppression, but in protection. When man finally uses his power in the service of the earth, he becomes its guardian.

The true hero of tomorrow, the man reconnected to his sacred masculine is the one who preserves, who values, who honors, who stands on the side of justice. The man reconnected to his sacred masculine no longer needs to prove his power, because it emanates naturally from his being. Able to shine without extinguishing others, he is no longer in an interminable search for success. On the contrary, he moves forward in life with total confidence that guides each of his steps.





How to reconnect to one's sacred masculine?

As a man, the return to the sacred masculine is not always easy. It is however possible to move towards this goal by opting for a long and progressive work of deconstruction. Here are a few tips on how to abandon false masculinity to the profile of its true essence.

• To detach oneself from the gaze of others: No longer fearing the judgment of others is essential to reconnect with one's sacred masculine self. In a society with multiple injunctions, social pressure is extremely important. It incessantly pushes people to engage in harmful or even destructive behaviors. The first step to finally act according to one's own convictions is therefore to no longer fear external judgments. The sacred man is not afraid to stand up and give his opinion, to fight against injustice.

• Cultivate with pride the qualities of the sacred masculine (goodness, power, strength and heart): Sport as well as personal development reading can contribute to develop the qualities of the sacred masculine.

• Reconnect to one's feelings and emotions: The repression of emotions is almost automatic in some men. Little by little, it is a question of relearning to listen to oneself, without shame. To do this, you can practice certain disciplines such as meditation or yoga that helps you regain contact with your body, in the here and now.

• Make projects and do not give up : The sacred man is not a coward, does not procrastinate and does not give up easily. You must, however, have projects that make sense for you in order to be able to blossom.

• Stop comparing yourself to other men: You owe nothing to anyone and no one owes you anything. Each individual is unique and shines in his or her own way. There is no reason to try to be the best. Even if other men try to play the rivalry card with you, don't enter into this unhealthy spiral. Remember that it takes two to run a race. If one of them stops running, there's no point in reaching the goal...

• Take a new look at women: Women are human beings, just like you. They are not only "women", they are your sisters, your mothers, your daughters... It is time to deconstruct prejudices and honor their divine power, in order to form together a perfect balance, like Ying and Yang. Love your wife and treat her like a goddess, but don't let her dominate you.

• Approach sex differently: Love sex and don't reject it. The divine man is sexual. However, you must listen to your partner's desires and your own desires. There are ways to make love, and the best is undoubtedly with conscience. Rather than perceiving one's sexual relations in a purely bestial way, it is important to grasp the whole sensual, emotional, even spiritual aspect of it! Rethinking one's conception of sex, and even one's sexual practices, is a way of freeing oneself from the shackles of society to rediscover a truly respectful and fulfilling sexuality.

• Respect all forms of life and act with gentleness: Man's physical strength should only be used to protect and not dominate. He knows his strength and knows that he has an impact on the world and that he has the power to make others happy or unhappy.


Lack of boldness: what prevents women from exploiting their share of sacred masculinity

Women too are subject to certain social injunctions. Women have always been taught discretion. They are asked to be on all levels, without ever really staying in the forefront... Acting in the shadows, they are indispensable to the world, but rarely dare to accept and claim their true value.

Many women suffer from the "impostor syndrome", thinking they are never legitimate enough, even when they excel in one area. They then tend to unconsciously restrict their own success by unconsciously sabotaging themselves.

In everyone's imagination, women represent gentleness, wisdom, calm or comfort. If these qualities are indeed related to feminine energy, they are often misunderstood and misinterpreted by the majority of people.

Softness is not synonymous with docility. It is quite possible to be both firm and benevolent. It is even essential to know how to impose one's limits in order to remain in good mental health and avoid burn-out. Forgetting yourself at the expense of others is not a solution. Many women feel responsible for the well-being of those around them, to the point of forgetting the essential: taking care of themselves to ensure their own well-being.

Reconnecting to a sacred masculine part of woman is an excellent way to learn how to finally occupy space and take care of oneself. Without forgetting that the sacred masculine is an energy that is needed in a healthy and balanced way. It is never a question of acting violently, or crushing others in order to exist. On the contrary, the sacred masculine calls upon wisdom. The man and the woman having both developed their share of sacred feminine and masculine are capable of forming a divine couple. They each complete both parts of the same puzzle.




The sacred masculine to concretize its projects

The sacred masculine is also the energy of concretization. It is essential for the passage to action. Some women have a tendency to think long and hard about their project, to consider it from every angle, to perfect it a little more each day... but without ever implementing it!

This attitude is generally explained by a lack of self-confidence. For fear of failure, one prefers not to try anything, rather than taking the risk of not succeeding. Very often, extreme perfectionism hides many fears and wounds.

Thinking too much is not the best way to move forward. Thinking should not prevent action or even postpone it indefinitely. We must not forget that the only way to achieve one's goals is to live in reality, and not in one's inner world, however rich it may be...

Reconnecting to one's sacred masculine self is an interesting way to regain control of one's life. A true shield against procrastination, the sacred masculine allows one to develop the most daring part of oneself, the one who dares, the one who tempts, the one who goes out of one's comfort zone... The sacred masculine is indispensable to get rid of one's wildest dreams.



Reconnecting to one's sacred masculine self is undoubtedly a profound journey, but indispensable to well-being. If some men gently awaken to their sacred masculine, others still limit themselves to false masculinity. Many women also struggle to develop their share of the sacred masculine to gain confidence and efficiency. And you, what is your relationship to the sacred masculine today? Do not hesitate to share your experience with us!

