
Path of life bracelet

If you are looking for a unique way to guide you through life with stones, the path of life bracelet may be the answer to your desires. Unique, the meaning and properties of the path of life bracelet can only resonate with you and your energies. Whoever wears this type of bracelet will be guided intuitively and spiritually throughout his or her life. To help you understand, here is an article that explains what a path of life bracelet is and what the meaning of each stone is.


What is a Path of Life Bracelet?

A bracelet path of life does not have only one meaning, but several. Indeed, it is a unique bracelet, worn by one person. The path of life bracelet is custom made for the person who wants to wear it, thanks to the study of his numerology. The path of life bracelet brings out our individuality, the fact that we are all unique people. The stone beads that make it up have been chosen especially for the wearer, according to the numbers that mark his identity.

Our identity, our first and last names participate in the creation of our personality, our consciousness. In addition, our date of birth links us to the cosmos, the planets and their effects. The path of life bracelets allow you to better understand this guideline and to guide you towards the meaning and the mission assigned to you at birth by your lineage and the planets. It is one method among others to decode your life mission.

The path of life bracelet combines the benefits of lithotherapy with the art of numerology. Highly spiritual bracelet, it puts at your service all the stones and energies that carry you. The path of life bracelet is composed of 8 stones that each have a meaning and a property. Each stone corresponds to an aspect of your life and your person. The associated stone will have an impact on this particular aspect. The sum of all the minerals and the vibration of the minerals allows you to move forward in a more serene and intuitive way by fluidifying your energies and emotions.

To make this clear, we will first see how to choose the stones for your life bracelet. Then, we will see what each stone of the bracelet path of life corresponds to.




How to calculate your Path of Life Bracelet: The Basics of Numerology

As we said, the path of life bracelet is composed of 8 stones in the form of pearls. It is not you who choose these stones. Indeed, they are chosen according to a reference and your numerology. To know which are the stones of your path of life bracelet and to find their meaning, you have to go through calculation steps.

These calculations are made from different data:

- All the first names you were given at birth
- Your date of birth
- Your father's name
- Your mother's maiden name

From this data, you will go through a step of additions that will allow you to obtain figures or numbers (up to 33). Then you just have to base yourself on a reference frame of stones to know the stone corresponding to each number.

In numerology, each letter corresponds to a number between 1 and 9.

For each stone, you must therefore make a calculation based on the elements mentioned above. We detail the calculation with the description of the meaning of each stone of the bracelet path of life. In order to correspond to the reference of the minerals, the numbers obtained must be less than or equal to 33. If you obtain higher numbers, another more complex calculation must be done.

⚠️ You have to be careful because, on the Internet, you can find anything and everything. Some sites offer stone correspondence tables or even automatic calculators, but most of them are wrong.





Meaning of the path of life bracelet: understanding each stone

The Base Stone: The first stone of the path of life bracelet is the base stone. This stone represents our roots, our anchorage in the world. It allows us to stabilize our emotions, to balance our chakras and to move forward with serenity and confidence. The base stone represents the foundation, the foundations of our life. They must be very solid so that we do not get lost on our way. To find your base stone, you have to calculate the sum of the first letters of your first and last names.

The Summit Stone: The top stone represents the stone of spiritual elevation. It is the stone linked to the 7th chakra. It resonates with the goals we set ourselves and our ideal of life. To find your summit stone, calculate the sum of the last letters of your first and last names.

The Stone Way of Life: The stone path of life is the stone that connects the base and the top. It represents the path to reach the summit. It is the stone that allows to overcome fears, to remove blockages. It is also the stone of intuition that guides us throughout our life. The stone of the path of life is calculated thanks to the sum of your date of birth.

The Calling Stone: The call stone allows to bring out the deepest emotions so that you can become more aware of them. It is the stone of hidden fears, buried desires and deep wounds. Progressively with our life, this stone will make it possible to make go up on the surface these negative emotions and energies to be able to be released from it. It allows to untie the knots on the way. The call stone is calculated thanks to the sum of the vowels of your first and last names.

The Personality Stone: The personality stone is the stone of the mind. It soothes the ego and the mind and helps to overcome difficulties. It is the stone of intelligence, expression, but also of duality. The personality stone brings out our feminine and masculine aspect and helps us to live in harmony with them. To find your personality stone, calculate the sum of the consonants of your first and last names.

The Stone of Expression: The stone of expression is the stone of communication. Linked to the throat chakra, it promotes communication and thus allows us to take our place in society and the world. It is the stone that allows us to assert ourselves, to get in touch with others and to gain confidence. It is also the stone that soothes our relationships with others. The calculation of the stone of expression is done by the sum of the results (not reduced) of the stone of Appeal and the stone of personality. If necessary, reduce the number obtained so that it is equal to or less than 33.

The Touch Stone: The touchstone is the stone of difficulties. It brings the lucidity and clear-sightedness necessary to make the right decisions and integrate them. Transformation processes are often long and painful, the touchstone makes the work softer. To find your touchstone, add up all the unreduced numbers of the other stones, except the life path stone). Then reduce the number obtained.

The Stone of Wishes: Finally, the stone of wishes is the stone of the inner sensitivity, of the emotions of the being. It is the stone of aspirations and Love that inhabits us. To calculate your stone of wishes, it is necessary to add all the first vowels of your names and first names.

To conclude, the bracelet of way of life is a custom-made guide that allows you to orient yourself on the sinuous paths of Life. By having an influence on the essential points of your personality and your destiny, the minerals of the path of life bracelet help you to find the right answers and to overcome the blockages to be in a permanent evolution. By working on your mind, your emotions, your sensitivity and your intuition, the meaning of each stone resonates with your deepest nature.


How to clean your Path of Life Bracelet?

To enjoy the benefits and beauty of your bracelet for as long as possible, it is necessary to clean it regularly and to recharge it with positive energy.

Being composed of several different minerals, we advise you to opt for a soft and very simple method: the rays of the moon. Simply place your bracelet on the inside sill of a window at night. The rays of the moon will be enough to recharge it. Note: the moon's rays are stronger when the moon is full.

