
Open sacral chakra

The Sacral Chakra, also called Svadhisthana, is the second of our seven main chakras. It is the chakra of pleasure, vitality and joy. Its balance promotes our relationships with others, our positive emotions and our sexual health. The sacred chakra is the seat of life, it is here that our deepest thoughts are formed as it is here that physically, life is created and carried.

Thus, it is fundamental that the Sacred Chakra be balanced - neither blocked, too closed nor too open - in order to feel good in daily life. In this article, you will learn to better understand the sacred chakra, its symbolic significance. You will also learn how to recognize an unbalanced chakra and we will give you some tips to alleviate the problem.


The importance of the chakras on our body and our emotions

You may already know the seven chakras that make up our body. They are often mentioned during yoga classes and meditation sessions. We often talk about them here as well. However, you may not know exactly what the chakras are or how to work productively with them.

Chakras are energy points that allow the distribution of these energies throughout the body. Starting at the base of your spine and working up to the crown of your head, the 7 chakras influence your emotional and physical health.

Understanding the role of each one is a crucial first step in balancing all of your chakras and establishing a harmonious energy flow.

All seven chakras are interconnected, so balancing one chakra will create a change in the others.





The meaning of the sacral chakra

Located in the lower abdomen, below the navel, the sacral chakra (also called svadhisthana) is the second of your seven chakras. The Sanskrit name translates as "one's own home" or "home". And for good reason, given its location, it is the center of creation of life. Thus, the sacred chakra is associated with vitality, sensuality, sexuality. It is also linked to the body, to physical acceptance, to the emotional body, to creativity. It is the chakra of movement, passion, pleasure.

The energy of the sacred chakra begins below the navel and extends to the pelvic region. In the back it is located in the lumbar region. In general, it also radiates to the genital area and the large intestine.

This chakra embodies your relationship to the discovery and exploration of your world. It develops once the root chakra is fully initiated, from the age of 7 to 14. These are the ages of discovery of the body and its functioning. It is also the moment of socialization, of the discovery of the other and the other sex. This is why the Sacred Chakra is so linked to intimacy, connection to others, passion and the body.

Stimulated by pleasure and joy, the sacred chakra is the engine of your joy of life. It allows you to awaken to pleasures and develop a sense of fullness. Your second chakra awakens your creative and passionate power. It has a direct influence on your ability to build emotional relationships and on the management of your emotions.

The Sacred Chakra helps to cultivate flexibility and adaptability. It allows you to move forward, accept change and transform yourself. Symbolized by the water, it is the chakra of the movement of life and creation (life and projects). Balanced, the sacred chakra allows you to be passionate, creative and sensual. You are in tune with your feelings and emotions.


The sacral chakra blocked or unbalanced

The chakra system distributes the flow of energy through your body. However, stress, illness, emotional turmoil or conflict can cause blockages or imbalances in your chakras. All seven chakras are interconnected and when one chakra experiences a blockage or imbalance, it affects all the others. This disruption of energy can cause your mind and body to suffer.

The Sacred Chakra can become unbalanced in childhood, when one grows up with too many fears, anxieties and taboos around the body in particular. Children who are constrained in their movements, prevented from exploring their bodies and discovering the bodies of others can fall victim to a sacred chakra that lacks harmony throughout life.

In adulthood, a trauma related to the body or a poor acceptance of the body will have a negative effect on the balance of the sacred chakra.




Recognizing a closed sacral chakra

When the Sacred Chakra is closed, you feel emotionally and physically unsettled. The flow of energy is poorly distributed to your body and soul and this directly affects your creativity, emotions, passion and sexuality. You may experience a sense of uncertainty, problems in coping with life changes.

You have difficulty accepting your emotions, you even tend to repress them. You feel out of touch with yourself. You lack sexual desire and satisfaction. Your general well-being is weakened and this has repercussions on your relationships with others, which can become conflictual, especially in intimacy. You may have difficulty procreating.

You are afraid to take pleasure, you lack creativity. Your life is all planned, you are serious and in control. You have lost your grain of madness. You are afraid of novelty, you are too pragmatic, too down-to-earth. Your libido is at half mast, you leave no room for spontaneity and you feel frustrated.

Physically, a blocked sacred chakra can lead to dysfunctions of the intimacy, genitals, urinary or intestinal system.

What are the signs of a hyperactive sacral Chakra?

If your second chakra is hyperactive, you may be experiencing problems with excessive emotions. When the Sacred Chakra is overwhelmed with energy, you feel overwhelmed with emotions. Thus, you are prone to strong and uncontrolled emotions and mood swings that are incomprehensible to you and those around you.

You have obsessions related to the body and sexuality, you feel dependent on others and seek pleasure at all costs. You are driven by your impulses, may give in to violence or sickly jealousy. You have a dramatic perception of common events and are prone to anxiety.

Diseases related to the sacral Chakra:
• Menstrual or ovarian disorders
• Cystitis
• Prostate diseases
• Testicular problems
• Impotence
• Application
• Venereal diseases
• Kidney disease
• Kidney stones
• Bladder problems
• Dorsalgies
• Hip pain
• Skin problems

When should the sacral chakra be harmonized?
• When one lacks joy of life
• When you lack libido and/or have sexual problems
• When you can't enjoy life
• When n ignores the beauty and poetry of life
• When you're too hard, too demanding with yourself
• When you lack creativity
• When you have a tendency to jealousy
• When you have obsessive tendencies




How to harmonize your sacred chakra using the stones?

Balancing your chakras restores a harmonious flow of energy throughout the body. However, the chakras are in constant fluctuation and the search for balance and alignment of the chakras should be a regular activity.

But how to balance your sacred chakra? There are different methods to balance your sacred chakra, notably through lithotherapy (the power of stones) associated with a good practice of yoga and meditation.

The balance of the sacred chakra thanks to the cornelian stone

Each chakra is influenced by the unique energetic properties of the stones and crystals. The sacred chakra is strongly influenced by carnelian. It is the most powerful stone to balance your second chakra.

Meditate with carnelian and wear the stone around your neck, in your pocket, or on your wrist to capture the vibration of the stone and let its energy flow help you restore the balance of the sacred chakra. If you feel that your chakra is very unbalanced, wear a carnelian jewel daily.

Known as the stone of motivation and passion, the energetic properties of carnelian give back vitality and sensuality. Thanks to its cleansing and draining effects, carnelian will help you to restore the balance of your emotional and sexual energies.

You can combine it with the power of other stones such as amber, orange Calcite, fire opal, sun stone, smoky quartz or moonstone.


Balancing the sacred chakra through yoga and meditation

Yoga can be especially helpful in opening and balancing your sacred chakra. Concentrate your postures on hip opening poses to open your sacred chakra to subtle flows. The posture of the cat on one leg, the posture of the dog head down leg up and the posture of the warrior are recommended to balance the sacred chakra.

Meditation also plays an important role in restoring the balance of your chakras. Chakra meditation techniques are similar to traditional meditation techniques, but focus on a specific area of the body.

