Online yoga courses
Many people admit to being stressed at work. Women are reportedly the most affected by this workplace discomfort.
While yoga has long since proven its anti-stress benefits, wouldn't yoga be the solution for a more serene approach to everyday life?
But when we work, time is a precious asset that we don't always use to go to a yoga center. So what if I told you that you could enjoy yoga classes with a teacher without leaving your home?
How to benefit from a yoga teacher at home?
But how do you set up yoga in your living room?
Group classes, yoga center, intensive training, these formulas of yoga practice are not adapted to everyone. Lack of time can sometimes slow down even the most motivated.
However, yoga classes can be extremely beneficial thanks to breathing exercises, muscle strengthening, concentration, stretching...
So how could you not put your yoga mat in the closet?
Live yoga class with the teacher
New technologies have often made our lives easier. Why not use them to practice yoga?
Some yoga teachers offer online classes.
All you need to do is make an appointment with the teacher, turn on your webcam, prepare your workspace, and the session can begin.
The yoga class is live. The teacher shows you the yoga postures to be done and can observe from a distance the gestures you perform. He guides the session without you moving from your living room.
You can find such teachers on platforms or through classified ads on the internet or in public display spaces.
Word of mouth also works very well. You may know a friend of a cousin of an acquaintance who offers this kind of service. Don't hesitate to talk about it around you.
You will quickly discover the benefits of yoga during your pilates or yoga and meditation sessions in a yoga studio at home. With a little patience and concentration, you will integrate the proper alignment of your body to avoid possible twisting and practice exercises to breathe and control your breath.
Online Yoga class with the teacher
Another type of yoga class is offered online. Always with a teacher, but this time the class is not live.
Without being a simple tutorial, some teachers offer a whole series of classes to be followed on video. A real program is proposed by the yogi.
You can therefore follow these videos whenever you want. However, you will have to follow the rhythm of the session since the teacher will not wait for you.
Some sites such as offer this kind of service.
The benefits of taking online yoga classes
Letting go and entering meditation in full sun salutation is not given to everyone. Believe me, you are more likely to see Gandhi appear than to succeed in opening your chakras in the first session.
So what are the benefits of becoming an online yogi apprentice?
Yoga has become a fad, even at Ikea. However, the choice of classes is often concentrated in large cities and their suburbs.
Goodbye prenatal yoga, children's yoga or meditation classes. When you live deep in the bush, it's complicated to follow a regular practice.
Choosing to take online courses allows you to cross this geographical barrier and deepen your skills from anywhere.
Online yoga classes are also often more affordable. The teacher does not have to travel and therefore removes the travel costs from the overall fee.
This is an opportunity to save money and enjoy more yoga sessions.
Some teachers even offer the first class for free. It can be a trial session to evaluate your feeling between student and teacher.
And if you're still not convinced by online yoga classes, think of the hours spent in traffic at 6pm, swearing at the idiot who tries to pass on the hard shoulder. Can you see yourself there?
Taking yoga classes is not supposed to stress you out. Having a teacher on the other side of the screen is a chance to avoid wasting your time in Friday night traffic jams.
Where to practice yoga online?
Practicing yoga online with a teacher has the best advantage in the world: being able to relax anywhere.
In the middle of a park, between appointments in your office, in your sister's guest room. Any place is a potential gym.
With only one condition of course: having a good internet connection.
I still advise you to find a quiet and suitable place.
There is nothing more disconcerting than to hear your nephews and nieces shouting in the middle of warming up or meditation. You also need space.
Yoga movements (tadasana, uttanâsana, balasana, ...) require space. Be careful not to have too much furniture around you and to put the vase that grandma gave you at your wedding in a safe place.
So when travelling, at home, at the office, the laptop becomes the best ally of the yoga classes.
When to practice online yoga sessions?
When you follow a crazy rhythm from Monday morning to Sunday evening, it's not easy to make room for yoga classes. An impossible love affair between an overloaded schedule and your passion for yoga.
Online yoga classes with a teacher can then give this budding love a chance. Flexibility becomes your new weapon.
Online classes allow you to practice when it suits you.
A schedule to be set up with the teacher in question, of course. However, it is much simpler to schedule a few sessions in the evening or early morning when you don't have to travel.
No more need to pay for an ultra expensive gym membership, where you never go anyway. Save your money for your new yoga teacher.
Online yoga with a teacher, a false good idea?
Some skeptics will look for the small flaws in the practice of online yoga, and they are right. Practicing yoga from a computer has its limitations.
As an apprentice yogi, you may be afraid to do the postures incorrectly and not be able to correct them. However, yoga teachers using online classes are used to this kind of practice.
They are careful to give clear instructions and to rephrase if you don't understand what they are asking for.
In addition, the teacher sees you through the camera. And through his experience, he will be able to detect the small mistakes of his students.
It is always easier to observe a student from a distance than a group of ten people in the classroom.
The fact of being alone in class can also demotivate more than one person. No worries! Invite your friends.
Just check with your teacher to see how many students he or she can handle. You can even organize yoga afternoons with friends to find an excuse to get together (if you need one).
And if you lack motivation or have questions about yoga, the teacher will always be there to accompany you. Whether you exchange emails or chat online, he will reassure you.
Yoga classes with an online teacher are possible for students of all levels. Do not hesitate to contact one of these teachers to discuss the modalities.
Private lessons, yoga exercises, stretching, stress management, home yoga, relaxation, trial class, harmony, yoga retreat, you can ask all your questions before you start.