
How have a flat stomach

It is not always easy to have a toned abdominal belt and a flat stomach: it is often necessary to go through a strict diet, repeated abdominal exercises and a precise counting of the number of calories that we absorb while eating. Indeed, having a flat and firm belly is a very common goal but difficult to achieve.

To get rid of belly fat, there are however many solutions that all require regular physical activity, but also to adopt a healthy diet over the long term. Between strengthening abdominal muscles and changing eating habits, one can quickly be lost and make a complete mistake.


Our best tips for keeping your figure

Losing your love handles and belly fat is never easy and you need to know what foods to eat and what activities to do to get rid of those rolls. Yoga-advice offers you the best tips to lose belly fat and increase your metabolism!

In order to maximize fat loss, it is necessary to consume specific foods and beverages, with lower caloric intake and fat burning properties. Among these foods, we obviously count fruits and vegetables, foods rich in fiber and containing the sugars you need for the day.

In terms of drinks, we recommend green tea or an infusion that will eliminate the fat mass. However, the liquid that you absolutely must ingest is water: drinking a maximum of water during the day is worth all diets. It has several advantages if drunk without moderation:

- It is an appetite suppressant,
- It improves the digestive system,
- It promotes the elimination of toxins,
- It has no caloric intake and contains no carbohydrates.

To summarize, you can consume a lot of water, but also teas or herbal teas, drinks with caffeine and eat foods rich in fiber, but also proteins and spicy dishes, very good for reducing appetite and helping digestion.




Foods to avoid and good habits to adopt

As you can imagine, certain foods and drinks should be avoided. Overall, anything that contains fast fat and therefore too much fat should be avoided, but also products that are too sweet. In terms of beverages, you should avoid soft drinks that are full of them. Also avoid ready-made meals that contain too much salt.

In order to help you lose your belly, you will also have to adopt good habits, including :

- Sleep well to avoid obesity and be in a better mood,
- Brush your teeth after meals,
- Doing sports such as cycling, walking or aerobics,
- Do not skip breakfast.

Finally, don't forget that a healthy diet will not make you lose belly as effectively as if you couple it with regular sports sessions!




Workouts specifically designed for belly loss

It is common knowledge that you need to do sports to have a perfect waistline and sculpted hips. However, we never really know what exercises to do to lose your belly as effectively as possible: we therefore propose to reveal to you the most effective sports workouts for belly loss!

If you want to lose belly, then you know that you will have to go through abdomen exercises because they are in the first line on your abdominal strap. These few exercises will help you tone your belly and reduce your visceral fat in the belly.

Here are some examples of exercises that can help you lose belly fat:

- Gainage (plank),
- Classic or reverse crunches,
- Mountain Climbers,
- Squats,
- Oblique abs.

Practicing this workout on a regular basis will give you abs and you will feel like you have worn a slimming girdle! These exercises focus on strengthening the muscles of the rectus and transversus abdominis. Of course, they must be coupled with a good diet (eat green vegetables!).

You can also practice more general exercises on belly loss and lasting fat elimination such as cardiovascular type sports (cycling, running, swimming) or floor exercises such as the boat pose and pedaling. If you are even more motivated, why not try boxing or Zumba?


The time needed to reduce belly fat

Sometimes, even if you are fully committed to a program of fat burning through sport and diet, you can get discouraged because the results are not visible on the aesthetic level. However, you must persevere because everything comes to those who wait. Superprof offers you to calculate how long it will take you to lose weight effectively!

The more motivated you are and the more powerful your goals, the faster you will lose belly because you will be more efficient in your efforts. Also, if you want to lose a bloated belly only by eating better, you should know that it will take much longer. It is still possible, but you will have to count on several months!

On the other hand, if you are more motivated, you can start working out at the same time as your flat stomach diet: if you practice effective sessions several times a week, you will lose your belly in just a few weeks. With regular abdomen and abdominal exercises, you will lose your belly fat in record time.

Don't put too much pressure on yourself: if your physical condition or your schedule simply doesn't allow you to practice sports regularly, then set a larger goal, like a year. How long it takes you to lose your belly is up to you and your motivation.

Finally, if you need motivation, remember this phrase: Your sweat today is your smile tomorrow!




Activities to practice to lose belly quickly

We're not always big fans of weight training or working out at the gym. However, exercising is always beneficial for the body and a multitude of sports can help you lose belly in a more fun way. We give you the list of the best sports activities to practice to have a flat stomach!


Running, cycling and walking

The classics are a very effective way to lose belly fat over the long term by being sure that what you are doing makes sense. These calorie burners such as jogging, brisk walking or elliptical cycling allow you to exercise regularly, without too much equipment and wherever you want.

These activities mainly build muscle in the thighs and legs, but their effect on abdominal and lower abdominal fat should not be underestimated. Actively practicing them will totally prevent weight gain and will gradually refine your belly!


Water sports

Whether it's classical swimming, aquagym or aquabike, water sports are perfect for slimming the body and especially the stomach. No need for a fitness session when you swim laps in the water.

Moving in the water is a fat burning sport par excellence that will allow you to slim your belly healthily and have a muscular abdomen!


From gentle sports to explosive sports

If you are someone who does not exercise much and you want to start losing belly fat, you can practice sports like pilates or yoga. These sports activities tone the body with slow movements and postures to gradually lose belly.

On the other hand, you can practice more intense sports like boxing or squash if you are a basic sportsman. It is impossible to have a big belly if you are a boxer or if you are an ace racket player!

