
Healing stones

When you are experiencing physical or psychological difficulties and feel the need to heal yourself, lithotherapy can be of great help. Indeed, this alternative medicine uses the power of stones to heal in a holistic way. Since stones are deeply connected to our nature on planes beyond our consciousness, their vibratory rates have an effect on our physical body, but also on our psyche. It is therefore quite normal to look for healing stones in the difficult moments we are going through.

Given the number of stones that can be found, here is an article that presents the 3 best healing stones, according to us. Thanks to their direct and powerful action, Rose Quartz, Citrine and Obsidian are stones that will help you heal your deepest wounds.

Foreword: Lithotherapy is an alternative science that can in no way replace a classical medical follow-up. If you are suffering physically or psychologically, it is important to consult a health professional and, if necessary, to continue your treatments.


Rose Quartz as a healing stone

Linked to the heart chakra, Rose Quartz is the stone of feelings, Love, friendship, tenderness and compassion. Soft, it brings inner peace and will cleanse your relationships by opening the way to the purest Love.

This stone is very indicated if you wish to heal emotional wounds or traumas. Use Rose Quartz as a healing stone if :

• You are going through a break-up
• You have experienced a painful break-up in the past and are having difficulty letting go of it.
• You have experienced the loss of a loved one
• You feel you are or have been abandoned
• You suffer from emotional dependence
• You still have grievances and resentment about certain people.
• Have trouble letting people around you go
• You feel depressed
• You are depressed
• You find it difficult to understand the people around you/to make yourself understood
• You don't sleep well
• You lack self-confidence
• You are in conflict with loved ones

Rose Quartz is a stone which will act in priority on your emotions and your psyche. All the negative emotions that result from your injuries and other emotional traumas have an impact on your mental health as well as on your body. By realigning your beliefs around Love, Rose Quartz also acts on the evils you feel on a daily basis.


Rose Quartz, the Stone of Love

Pure Love is a love without belief, without judgment, without projection and without expectation. It can be expressed in different ways through romantic and friendly relationships. All the representations that we make of the couple or friendship come to transform Love which is then tinted with the color of our wounds. Because of this, we are enormously to imprison ourselves in relationships that are not always healthy, to reproduce patterns doomed to failure, even very toxic.

To heal from this, it is necessary to reconnect with our purest inner love. Rose Quartz will help you in this process. The stone will soften your heart, make you accept forgiveness more easily, but above all it will reveal the basis of respect for yourself. It is by discovering the limits of abusive love, which you give and/or receive, that you will be able to change your personal relationships.

Rose Quartz will ease your stress and misunderstandings, make loneliness easier to live with and reduce your disappointments. In addition, it dissolves value judgments and dark thoughts.

Finally, from a physical point of view, this healing stone is recommended for the healing of burns and supports the work of the kidneys. If you have trouble sleeping well, associate your Rose Quartz with black tourmaline for a serene sleep without nightmares.





Citrine as a healing stone

Citrine is a luminous stone, reminiscent of the warmth of the sun. Stone of very powerful energy, it brings joy, cheerfulness and spontaneity to whoever wears it. The Citrine is a healing stone for those who have :

• Ego disorders: feeling overpowered or underpowered.
• Need to compare yourself to others
• Need to feel superior
• Tendency to devalue oneself in all situations
• Hides behind a false personality
•Fear of revealing oneself
• Tendency to think of themselves as uninteresting

Thanks to Citrine, you will work to heal all your ego-related wounds, and these can be numerous. Whether we realize it or not, the ego plays a big role in our daily life. Whether it is too invasive (need for superiority, domination, need for abusive recognition, etc.) or on the contrary non-existent (abusive abnegation, lack of personality, self-effacement, etc.), the ego has a strong impact on our daily behaviors. For a life placed under the best auspices, for a healthy relationship with oneself and with others, it is important to maintain a healthy relationship with one's ego: to recognize its true value, not to expect others to recognize it in our place and not to feel threatened by others.

It will open the door to the awareness of your true value. You will increase your self-awareness and be in a position to express your needs and expectations without feeling threatened. Citrine allows you to get out of power relationships with others. It also brings spontaneity and makes masks come off. Its warm and luminous energy is very communicative and the more authentically you show yourself, the more you will attract people naturally to you.

Citrine heals deep fears related to ego, power and authority and will reconcile you with these values. There is nothing bad or better about them, they are powerful energies that flow through all of us and need to be expressed in a healthy way. Thus, by being more aware of who you are, you also have more self-confidence and develop ambitions that correspond to you.

By making peace with yourself, you will also soothe all the physical tensions accumulated in your body: back or joint pain, for example, are symptomatic of a non-alignment with your inner forces.


Obsidian as a healing stone

Our top 3 healing stones end with the Black Obsidian. This very powerful protective stone is also a stone of balance that sucks all negative charges. It is a stone which will know how to heal anger, frustrations and feelings of injustice.

We advise you to heal you with the Black Obsidian if :

• You often feel that you are living injustices.
• You feel imbalances in your life
• You are angry
• You feel frustrated
• Have difficulty taking and acknowledging your responsibilities
• Are too often in contact with negative energies

In lithotherapy, the Black Obsidian (or Celestial Eye Obsidian) is a stone that is very often used as a protective stone. And for good reason, this stone is very powerful and acts like a black hole with negative energies. Thus, it protects the wearer from the negative energies of others, but also from his own. This can however be double-edged and cause, in some people, the opposite effect of that sought by causing melancholy for example. This is why we prefer to recommend Obsidian to people who have been following lithotherapy for some time now.

The Obsidian is thus also a stone of balance between justice and injustice. It is a stone that will make you aware of the imbalances that you live and the injustices that mark your life. This may be because of your surroundings, but also because of your own actions.

The stone will dissipate the anger that dwells in you and that accumulates in you when it is not expressed. You will be able to discharge these energies for your well-being while respecting the people around you and yourself. You will develop a healthy relationship with these emotions that are often difficult to manage: anger, jealousy, frustration, etc. They are part of our daily life, part of us, and it is important to know how to welcome them in order to live in peace. In addition, the stone will act on your fear of conflict and allow you to affirm your natural authority. It will push you to take your responsibilities while actively protecting you from negative energies.



Between Rose Quartz, Citrine and Black Obsidian, you will be in possession of three powerful healing stones. All three will act on your inner wounds and this will have the effect of releasing the resulting physical tensions. So, which stone is right for you?

