
Granola homemade

It is the friend of any good breakfast. No, I'm not talking about Ricoré, I'm talking about granola!

Honestly, do you know a better snack than granola? Those little nuggets of sweet oats with a delicious nutty taste are above all no?! Whether eaten "plain" by the handful, as a snack with a little yogurt or dipped in homemade almond milk, granola is a Must Have in every cupboard!

You agree with me, don't you ? You also love granola? Then why not make them yourself!?

I understand that you're very busy and that the one you find in an organic store suits you perfectly, but homemade granola has some serious assets:

1. it's better, because you made it yourself and you used good ingredients in a unique combination that suits you!
2. it's really, really easy to make. Even a child can make it, it's very fun. I assure you, you can make your own homemade granola!
3. there is no need for 50 accessories, just a bowl, a measuring cup, a spoon, a pan and an oven, basta!
4. it's usually cheaper. Well, it's going to depend a little bit on what you put in your home version, but on average you'll spend less and your granola will be healthier.
5. by making it leather, you will embalm your house with a delicious hazelnut scent...

Now that you're convinced that making your own homemade granola is the best decision you can make, here are the essentials.



Here is my personal formula for a homemade granola with a little taste of "come back to it": 6 volumes of "dry" ingredients for one volume of "liquid" ingredients. For a good balance of flavor and texture, try to mix at least four dry ingredients, for example: 3 volumes of oat flakes, 1 volume of oilseeds, 1 volume of seeds and 1 volume of whatever pleases you.


1) The "dry" ingredients

There is one ingredient that is indisputable in granola, because it is the basis of everything, and that is oat flakes. You can, however, vary with spelt flakes or quinoa flakes (or wheat bran, if necessary).

The rest is up to you. The other ingredients can be :

• your favorite oilseeds (pistachios, hazelnuts, pecan nuts, cashews, walnuts, peanuts, almonds, etc.).
• seeds: pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, chia, flax seeds, sunflower seeds, millet, hemp, etc.).
• other flavors such as coconut flakes or chocolate chips.
• dried fruits of all kinds (apricots, figs, apples, pineapples, mangoes, grapes, cherries, cranberries, citrus zest, bananas, goji berries, etc.).

In my opinion, pecan is the best choice for all homemade granola (pistachio is not bad either), but whatever you choose, always remember to use small pieces, chop the ingredients if necessary. If you are using nuts that have already been roasted, wait until the end of the cooking time to add them to the dried fruit.

The most important thing to remember when adding dried fruit is that you should not mix it with the other ingredients before cooking. They will become too dry and crunchy, your molars may suffer and your dentist may rejoice. Larger fruits such as apricots, figs or mangoes should be cut into small pieces.


2) The "liquid" ingredients

Here are the ingredients that make all the magic of granola, not only will they coat your nuts and others, but they will bind them.

Remember my magic ratio: 6 volumes of dry ingredients for 1 volume of "liquid" ingredients.

I advise you not to make granola too sweet, so you can use half vegetable oil and half sweetener to make up your volume.

Personally I'm a coconut oil fanatic, but if you prefer a neutral flavor, opt for sunflower oil. For the sweetener, you need something in liquid form. This can be agave syrup, liquid honey or maple syrup (my favorite).

Finally, I usually add an egg white to my wet mix to allow the granola to compact well and give it a little extra crunchiness. But that's not essential.

Don't forget the salt, it will bring out all the flavors and make your granola compulsively delicious!


3) Spices (optional)

Once you've mixed everything in your big bowl, taste it!

The verdict? If a subtle and delicious touch is missing, go for cinnamon, vanilla extract, nutmeg, ginger or cardamom.





For a great breakfast, there's nothing like a "granola bowl". Healthy, nutritious and hearty, it's also very quick to prepare once your homemade granola is made and put in its jar. Then all you need is yogurt (or cottage cheese) and fresh fruit (or fruit compote).

Again, it's up to your creativity to work wonders, the recipes are endless. Make a rainbow of colors in your bowl!

Here are some combinations that work well:

- raspberries / blueberries / blackberries / your favorite yogurt / granola
- banana / strawberries / chia seeds / your favorite yogurt / granola
- peaches / cherries / blackberries / cottage cheese / granola
- kiwi / mango / grated coconut / cottage cheese / granola


For the proportions, put 125g of yoghurt for about 80g of fresh fruit and 80g of granola. It's up to you to adjust according to your nutritional needs and appetite.

