
Feng shui bagua

The Bagua card is the means used by Feng Shui to communicate the power of your intention in matters of health, intimate relationships, money matters and much more. It helps you bring good Chi energy to all the important parts of your life.

To successfully apply Feng Shui in your home or office, you need to define the Bagua, or Feng Shui energy map, of your space. Since there are two different ways to define the Bagua of feng shui, the concept can create a lot of confusion when implementing many feng shui applications.

First of all, it is important to understand both schools of Bagua Feng Shui. This will help you to deal with Bagua specificities such as missing areas or extensions.


The bagua card

An eight-sided energy card, the Bagua is an ancient and profound instrument whose implications are almost unlimited. The card gives you specific ways to improve those areas of life's energy that require your attention. Because Bagua can have such a powerful effect on your life, it is essential to use it carefully and correctly.

If you only deal with one or two areas at a time, your intentions will remain clear and your improvements will have the best chance of success. To use the map, align the entrance to your home with the bottom of the map. Your entrance will align with either the Travel and Useful Friends, Life Travel, or Self Knowledge and Culture area.





Two different schools

There are two very different ways to apply the principle of the Bagua feng shui card: the classical school and the BTB/western school. If you are new to feng shui, do not try to apply both Baguas at the same time, as this can lead to a lot of confusion and poor results. The best recommendation is to learn the basics of each school and then choose the one that feels most natural to you.

The classic bagua

Bagua is one of the main feng shui tools used to analyze the feng shui energy in a given space. Translated from Chinese, Bagua means "eight zones". To define the classic or traditional Bagua feng shui of your home or office, you must first learn how to read the compass.

The BTB/Western Bagua

The Bagua Western Feng Shui School includes the same eight zones as the classic Bagua Feng Shui School. However, in this feng shui school, the directions of the compass are not taken into consideration. In the western school, Bagua is defined by aligning the lower end of the Bagua base grid with the front door of your home or office.




Determine the size of the center of your bagua

In classical and western schools, the size of the bagua center at the Feng Shui map varies according to many factors. The dynamics of the floor plan, for example, as well as the energy of the people living in the house, can affect the size of the Bagua center. In a happy house, the heart (the center of Bagua) is always a healthy and radiant space.


Understanding the missing areas of Bagua

Missing areas are the areas of your house or apartment that are most often missing in the shape of your bagua house. You can also say that the missing areas of Bagua are the areas of your homemade Bagua that have incomplete or low energy.

Missing areas may occur because the architectural shape of the house is not conducive to a traditional Bagua map. Solutions involve a variety of remedies to fill in the energy in the missing areas of the map.


Understanding Bagua Extensions

Bagua extensions are areas of your house or apartment that are outside the shape of your domestic bagua. In other words, extensions are the areas that protrude slightly from your Bagua. Sometimes this is the result of an architectural aberration, in which the builder has constructed a home that extends outside the boundaries of the Bagua. This is not necessarily a problem, but it does require remedies to mitigate or round out the projected energy imbalance.


Define the bagua of a two-storey house

The flow of feng shui energy throughout the house is strongly influenced by the energy on the first floor, so it is always best to start with the Bagua on the first floor. Here's how to define the Bagua of a two-story house.

Define the bagua of your garden

Is the bagua feng shui in your house the same as the one in your garden? In general, the same Bagua principles that define the different areas of your home can be used to define a Bagua for the garden. The garden, however, is not considered part of the Bagua of the house, but rather should be guided by its own Bagua.

The Bagua of temporary homes

Knowing how important it is to have a well-balanced bagua, you might wonder what happens to the importance of bagua when you travel or live in temporary places. Although it is not possible to fully control the energy of every temporary space you reside in during an extended trip, you can pay attention to the basic feng shui of the property, and you can travel with small figurines or decorative pieces to enhance the feng shui of the spaces you visit. You can also take care of your own feng shui by using jewelry and personal care.




General Feng Shui Bagua tips

Once you have defined the bagua of your home, look for other easy to implement feng shui tips to balance the energy in your home, bring harmony into your life and invite the changes you want.



To conclude, the Bagua feng shui energy card should be used with care. Now it's up to you, take a sheet of paper and create your own!

