
Dream catcher meaning

Known as dream catchers, you've probably seen them before, but do you really know what they mean?

The dream catcher is a decorative object that gains in popularity year after year. It can be found in houses, cars, tattoos and even jewelry. Despite this, not everyone knows the origin of the dreamcatcher, how it works and how to use it to get better energy in your home.


Origins of the Dream Catcher

Also known as a dream catcher, dream hunter or dream filter. This amulet finds its origin in the native American Native culture of North America. They had many fascinating traditions including that of the dream catcher.

The first reference to this mystical object is a legend, that of the spider woman, which comes from the Ojibwe Native American tribe, who inhabited areas between the United States and Canada. There is another Indian legend of the Lakota tribe, that of Iktomi. They believed that dreams were those that brought messages with predictions about nature and life, so they tried to chase away nightmares.

According to the belief of these tribes, the dream catcher has the power to filter out bad dreams and allow only good dreams to pass through the center of the web and slide through their soft feathers for those sleeping next to them.

This can be considered a myth to many. This object is sacred to the Indians and is also used to protect newborns and young children from nightmares and negative energies.

Indeed, like any story passed down from generation to generation, the meaning of the dream catcher has evolved over time. In addition to freeing us from nightmares, it would also provide protection by filtering all the negative energy around us.



Ojibwe Legend

According to the history of the Ojibwe tribe, a mystical mother "the spider woman" served as a spiritual protector for newborns and young children.

Over the years, the Ojibwe people grew and migrated farther and farther away. The spider woman could no longer personally watch over all the new young members of the tribe. So she created the first dream catcher giving it to mothers, so that she could continue to protect families from a distance via dream catchers.

Lakota Legend

Different from that of the Ojibwes, the Lakota legend tells the story of a spiritual leader of the Lakota tribe. This old shaman is said to have had a vision at the top of a mountain. In this vision, the Spirit of Wisdom "Iktomi" appeared in the form of a spider.

This wise spirit wove a web of horsehair around a vine buckle and transmitted important knowledge about death, birth and good and bad energies to the shaman which are dispersed in the air.

The spider also advised the old sage to always work with good energy, so that he could be guided in the right direction and live in harmony with nature. From then on, the shaman began to use the good energy of the dreams captured with this amulet, helping his people to make several conquests.

In addition to filtering dreams, the amulet also helps to increase creativity and imagination, turning good dreams into reality.





What is the purpose of a Dream Catcher

Of spiritual origin, the dream catcher would thus possess some powers to protect us during our nights.

Thus, it is necessary to place the object above the bed and near a place where the sun shines in the morning. As the filter rotates, it also captures bad energies that get stuck in the canvas. When the morning sun hits the dreamcatcher, the bad energies disintegrate.

The positive energies, however, manage to pass through the center of the canvas. By passing through this opening, the good energies flow through the feathers and gently penetrate the heads of those who sleep, creating good dreams.

However, some shamans say that even when using the dream catcher, we can still have nightmares. They consider dreams as well as nightmares to be messages about our future that would help us better cope with our future trials.

Decorative object

Nowadays, the dream catch is used more as a decorative object than for its spiritual origins that ward off nightmares. Many people install it in their homes without knowing or being interested in its meaning, which is a pity.

Over time, dream catchers have become more and more colorful and beautiful to fulfill their new function of decoration. There are all kinds of dream catchers:

• Macrame Dream Catcher
• Wooden Dream Catcher
• Indian Dream Catcher
• Dreamcatcher Tree of Life
• Unicorn Dream Catcher
• Dreamcatcher Mandala
• Triangle Dream Catcher
• Catch Bright Dreams
• And many others

Nowadays, they are also used in festive decoration, such as weddings, diplomas, birthdays, among others, which want to convey an idea of harmony. They are often accompanied by incense, a Buddha or a Zen lamp nearby, to give a real relaxed atmosphere in the room.




Dream catcher meaning of materials

Each material of the catch dreams of a specific meaning. Find out what each element means as it relates to movement and stages of life.

Ring or Circle: The circle represents the totality, the circle of life. It is the gear, the movement, where we work our physical and mental body. It is also the symbol of the sun, the sky and eternity.

Canvas: this element represents the soul, free will, our choices, our interpersonal relationships, the path. It is there that we perceive our emotional body. There are different ways of weaving the web, which vary according to each intention and tradition.

Center: represents the strength of the universe, the mystery, the creator and the divine that exists within us.

Feather: corresponds to air and breathing, essential elements for life. It can also symbolize courage, wisdom, among others, depending on the type of feather chosen. It is linked to the way we see nature and its representations.




Dream catcher Meaning of Feathers

For many cultures, feathers have symbolic and spiritual significance.

Native American culture in particular believes that feathers are a symbol of "higher thoughts" or "spiritual progress" because birds, by being able to fly, are closer to the great protective spirit.

Birds and their feathers would thus transmit messages to the great protective spirit and to the spiritual world. To learn more about their spiritual significance, we have listed the bird feathers below.

• Owl: Wisdom.
• Eagle: courage.
• Buzzard: death and rebirth, development of a new vision.
• Pigeon: peace and love, fertility and motherhood.
• Duck: protection, emotional calm, instinct.
• Goose: travels, quests, awakening.
• Magpie: intelligence, occult knowledge, protection, luck.
• Rooster: the beginning of something new, hope, sexuality, resurrection.
• Raven: advice, wisdom, initiative, secret magic.
• Blackbird: singing, understanding the energy of the spiritual land.
• Seagull: responsibility, subtle communication, protection.
• Peacock: pride, beauty, self-confidence.
• Heron: balance, meditation, patience.
• Swan: truth, beauty, self-knowledge.
• Stork: communication, movement, development.
• Jay: ingenuity, adaptability, living in the present.
• White Dove: peace and love.
• Pheasant: fertility, sexuality and daring thoughts.
• Ostrich: lightness.
• Parrot: communication.
• Stork: birth, parenthood and reception.
• Chicken: certainty, new beginnings and sexuality.
• Rooster: the beginning of something new, hope, sexuality, resurrection, looking forward to the day with joy.
• Raven: intelligence, magic, combativeness, predictions.
• Canary: solitude.

In a dream catcher the feathers as well as the pearls or ribbons are intended to capture the positive energies of dreams to transmit them to the owner of the object.


Catch Dream meaning of its color

The colors chosen for the dream filter are also very important, because colors can also interfere with the meaning of the dream filter.

The colors used in the original varieties symbolize the 4 elements:
• Earth (black-grey and brown)
• Fire (yellow, orange, gold and red)
• Sky (blue and white)
• Water (sea green and white)

So please follow below what each color represents and choose the one that most identifies with you.

- White Dream Catcher: One of the most traditional, the white dream catcher, represents enlightenment and spiritual supremacy.
- Blue Dream Catcher: The blue dream catcher is perfect for those seeking tranquility and patience. They are perfect for meditation and harmony activities.
- Green Dream Catcher: The green in the dream filter represents harmony, healing and justice.
- Catch Dream Yellow: Yellow is a very bright and cheerful color. The yellow or golden dream hunter is synonymous with creativity, intelligence and wisdom.
- Dream Catcher Pink: When we speak in shades of pink, something more delicate and feminine comes to mind. Indeed the pink dream catch represents beauty and love.
- Red Dream Catcher: Another strong color, red is stimulating and the color reminds us of passion, success and willpower.
- Dream Catcher Black: The black dream filter leads us to meet our spirituality.




Dream Catcher Danger

Dream catchers are not dangerous. In the past, it was sometimes associated with black magic or voodoo, but dream catchers as we know them today are for decoration.

If you tell the legend to yourself or to a child and you intend to sleep better, you will see that it can work like that! But dangerous, dark, black magic... no, don't worry about that.



You will have understood it, this splendid object of Amerindian origin is at the same time decorative and/or spiritual for those who want to believe in it. Very trendy, they bring a Zen and calming spirit to your home.

