
Do yoga and meditation during lockdown

In these times of serious health crisis, government recommendations are restricting our access to the outdoors. To relieve your stress, meditation, yoga and lithotherapy will be your best allies. Today, we offer you some resources and techniques to do yoga and meditation at home during lockdown.


"Stay at home" but above all... stay positive!

The whole country is asked to remain confined in order to avoid the spread of Covid-19, watchword: stay at home! When some people talk about the end of the world atmosphere, others feel the stress and moroseness of a whole population. And what if this forced lockdown was an opportunity to concentrate on oneself and to put down better roots? To avoid falling into psychosis and to live this very special period of our history in the best possible way, let's try to see the positive side: this lockdown is an opportunity to take time just for you and your family.

Rather than seeing it as an obligation and a punishment, we have decided to consider this lockdown as an act of solidarity that offers the possibility of starting afresh on a healthier basis. By staying home, we avoid spreading the virus to the most vulnerable people. And this is the most responsible behaviour we can have at this time. Of course, the situation is not ideal for everyone, and staying at home with the children and the work to manage is not easy. Yet beautiful things can come out of this lockdown:

• Re-learn to take time for yourself, in a gentle way.
• Give free rein to his creativity.
• Enjoying family and reconnecting on the phone.
• Take advantage of it to do all those things you never really have time to do.

Like an ode to slowness, lockdown offers us the opportunity to recreate a healthier environment, closer to our aspirations, to rethink our lifestyles and our priorities. In the coming weeks, we are forced to curl up on ourselves: the perfect opportunity to take stock of our lives, to refocus, to find pleasure in the simple things in life.

Yoga, meditation and lithotherapy will be your best allies. Indeed, these very spiritual disciplines help to soothe the mind and body through the gentle movement of the body (yoga), the opening of the mind (meditation) and the stimulation of the chakras and energies (lithotherapy). By regularly taking the time to do a few yoga exercises or take time for meditation, you offer yourself this window of rest and inner peace. In addition to this, the stones will help you in this process from a personal point of view as well as at the level of your home. More soothed, you will also be better able to resist the stress of the day and the sadness and panic of the general atmosphere.


Organize a yoga session during lockdown

You will find online yoga classes very easily. YouTube is the perfect platform for this: many yoga teachers offer free classes there. Yoga Hattha, Yoga yin, Wake up yoga, Sleep yoga... you will find all kinds of yoga.

Get a yoga mat, take a floor mat or sit on the mat in the living room to be comfortable and not get cold. Put yourself in an outfit you are comfortable with. Pajamas are fine if you don't have leggings. Stay barefoot and launch YouTube on your TV or computer.

Yoga is basically a series of positions that will stretch your muscles and body while building strength. In a rhythm that follows the natural breathing, the movements follow one another to create an activation of the chakras and the energies that circulate in the body. At the end of your session, you feel relaxed and more fit. The contractions of the day or night are gone and leave you with an energy of joy and calm that will carry you throughout the day.





Meditation during lockdown

Finding time to meditate is not for everyone. Usually caught between work, family life and sports or cultural activities, it is difficult to find a few minutes to settle down, relax and meditate. Today, in the midst of a period of lockdown, meditation can bring you a lot. Already, you will certainly have more opportunity to free yourself for a few minutes in the quiet. Then, when the world is on alert, when information is anxiety-provoking and when many give in to panic, it is more than important to take this little time to withdraw into yourself in order to refocus, clear your mind and not succumb to psychosis.

Meditation is an excellent way to regain inner calm. Taking a few minutes daily to refocus and clear your mind is beneficial to your well-being: it helps to relieve stress, to be more attentive to yourself and to reconnect with the essential things in your life. You give up the surrounding pressure to find your inner wisdom.

At home, at any time of the day, settle down in a quiet place and make sure you are not disturbed for a few minutes. To make this easier to manage, why not invite your whole family to a group meditation session? Be aware that meditation is very beneficial for children. We advise you to start or end your day with a short 10-minute meditation session. This will allow you, in the morning, to be in the best conditions to face the day of lockdown that is about to begin; and in the evening, to evacuate the tensions and stress accumulated between telework, home school and the news that is on a loop. Sit down, close your eyes and follow your guide.

The art of meditation is learned through practice and you will see that it is not easy to silence the thoughts that assail your mind. You can use an application or a YouTube video to accompany you in this exercise.





Confronting Lockdown with Lithotherapy

In these moments of internal appeasement and detachment from the outside world, do not hesitate to use your stones and lithotherapy to create the healthiest possible environment for this lockdown. During your meditation sessions, wear an Amethyst Bracelet that will help you to concentrate and open your coronal chakra. In your living room, install various protective and soothing stones such as Tiger Eye and Rose Quartz to protect you from bad outside waves and bring serenity to the whole household.



In this rather special time we are living through, don't forget to take the positive aspects out of it. Remember all those mornings when you would have preferred to stay at home to stroll, read, dance and do a little yoga or meditation. Think of all those times when you put off purifying your stones for lack of time. Today you have the time. Take it and enjoy it by doing everything you don't usually have time to do. Yoga and meditation, like the use of the stones, will help you to transform this unpleasant moment into a special, yet gentle passage of life where you find the meaning of what is really important.

